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Production of cane sugar Description Production of cane sugar:
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Data Files a4sugar_ka.mos (!**************************************************************** CP example problems =================== file a4sugar_ka.mos ``````````````````` Production of cane sugar (See "Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP", Section 6.4 Cane sugar production) Assignment with resource-dependent cost. Wagen loads need to be assigned time slots on production lines. The limit on the number of resources (= production lines) is modeled by counting the 'occurrence' of the time slot values in the assigment variables 'process'. (c) 2008 Artelys S.A. and Fair Isaac Corporation rev. Apr. 2022 *****************************************************************!) model "A-4 Cane sugar production (CP)" uses "kalis", "mmsystem" declarations NW = 11 ! Number of wagon loads of sugar NL = 3 ! Number of production lines WAGONS = 1..NW NS = ceil(NW/NL) SLOTS = 1..NS ! Time slots for production LOSS: array(WAGONS) of integer ! Loss in kg/hour LIFE: array(WAGONS) of integer ! Remaining time per lot (in hours) DUR: integer ! Duration of the production (in hours) COST: array(SLOTS) of integer ! Cost per wagon loss: array(WAGONS) of cpvar ! Loss per wagon process: array(WAGONS) of cpvar ! Time slots for wagon loads totalLoss: cpvar ! Objective variable end-declarations initializations from 'Data/a4sugar.dat' LOSS LIFE DUR end-initializations forall(w in WAGONS) setdomain(process(w), 1, NS) ! Wagon loads per time slot forall(s in SLOTS) occurrence(s, process) <= NL ! Limit on raw product life forall(w in WAGONS) process(w) <= floor(LIFE(w)/DUR) ! Objective function: total loss forall(w in WAGONS) do forall(s in SLOTS) COST(s):= s*DUR*LOSS(w) loss(w) = element(COST, process(w)) end-do totalLoss = sum(w in WAGONS) loss(w) cp_set_branching(assign_var(KALIS_SMALLEST_MAX, KALIS_MIN_TO_MAX, process)) ! Solve the problem if not cp_minimize(totalLoss) then writeln("No solution found") exit(0) end-if ! Solution printing writeln("Total loss: ", getsol(totalLoss)) forall(s in SLOTS) do write("Slot ", s, ": ") forall(w in WAGONS | getsol(process(w))=s) write(formattext("wagon %2d (%3g) ", w, s*DUR*LOSS(w))) writeln end-do end-model | |||||||||||||
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