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In-memory data exchange

  • ugiocb.cs: Exchanging data between model and host application. Callbacks for exchanging data: sparse data, string indices (requires burglar13.mos)
  • ugiodense.cs: Exchanging data between model and host application. Dense data (requires burglar8d.mos)
  • ugioscalar.cs: Exchanging data between model and host application. Scalars (requires burglar11.mos)
  • ugiosparse.cs: Exchanging data between model and host application. Sparse data, string indices (requires burglar9d.mos)
  • ugdatastream.cs: Exchanging data between model and host application using a DataStream. Sparse data, string indices (requires burglar13.mos)

Source Files


   Mosel User Guide Example Problems

   file ugdatastream.cs
   Example for the use of the Mosel libraries
   (using 'dotnet' IO driver for data exchange)

   (c) 2012 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S.Heipcke, Oct. 2012   

using System;
using System.IO;
using Mosel;

namespace ugdatastream.cs {

  public class ugdatastream_Class {
    /// <summary>
    /// String containing initialization data for the model
    /// </summary>
    const string BurglarDat =
      "DATA: [(\"camera\") [15 2] (\"necklace\") [100 20] (\"vase\") [90 20]" + 
      "(\"picture\") [60 30] (\"tv\") [40 40] (\"video\") [15 30] " + 
      "(\"chest\") [10 60] (\"brick\") [1 10] ]\n";
    /// <summary>
    /// Main entry point for the application
    /// </summary>
    static void Main(string[] args) {
      // Initialize Mosel
      XPRM mosel = XPRM.Init();
      // Set Mosel work directory to folder containing our example source code
      mosel.WorkDir = Directory.GetParent(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FullName;
      // Compile and load the Mosel model
      XPRMModel model = mosel.CompileAndLoad("burglar13.mos");
      // Bind a stream based on the BurglarDat data to the name 'BurglarIni'
      // where the model will expect to find its initialization data
      model.Bind("BurglarIni", new StringReader(BurglarDat));

      // Pass data location as a parameter to the model
      // Run the model


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