FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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A flight tour starts from airport 1, visits all the other airports and then comes back to the starting point. The distances between the airports are symmetric. In which order should the airports be visited to minimize the total distance covered?

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 11.5 'Planning a flight tour' (f5tour.mos)

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Data Files


! Data file for `tsp.mos'

DIST: [(1 2) 786 549 657 331 559 250
           (2 3) 668 979 593 224 905
               (3 4) 316 607 472 467
                   (4 5) 890 769 400
                       (5 6) 386 559
                           (6 7) 681]

POS: [[24 54] [58 10] [88 40] [85 60] [22 33] [56 27] [46 64]]

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