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Transshipment formulation of multi-period production planning

A company wishes to plan the production of a product for the next six weeks. The weekly demand is known for the entire planning period. The production capacity and the production and storage costs take different values depending on the time period. Which is the production plan that minimizes the total cost of production and storage?

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 8.5 'Planning the production of fiberglass' (c5fiber.mos)[download all files]

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Data Files


! Data file for `transship.mos'

ARC: [ (1  2) 5     ! Production costs
       (3  4) 8
       (5  6) 6
       (7  8) 6
       (9 10) 7
      (11 12) 6
       (2  4) 0.2   ! Storage costs
       (4  6) 0.3
       (6  8) 0.2
       (8 10) 0.25
      (10 12) 0.3]

WEIGHT: [(1) 140 100 100 120 110 100 100 90 120 120 100 110]

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