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Sort an array of numbers using Shell's method Description Sort an array of numbers into numerical order using Shell's method.
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Section 7.2.3 'repeat until'.
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shsortfct.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel User Guide Example Problems ================================= file shsortfct.mos `````````````````` Combining the 'repeat-until', 'while-do', and 'forall-do' loops. Function returning an array. (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Nov. 2005, rev. Sep. 2022 *******************************************************!) model "Shell sort (fct)" declarations N: integer ! Size of array ANum R: range ! Index range of the arrays ANum: array(R) of real ! Unsorted array of numbers ASorted: array(R) of real ! Sorted array of numbers end-declarations forward function shsort(ANum: array(R) of real): array(R) of real N:=50 forall(i in 1..N) ANum(i):=round(random*100) writeln("Given list of numbers (size: ", N, "): ") forall(i in 1..N) write(ANum(i), " ") writeln ASorted:= shsort(ANum) writeln("Ordered array: ") forall(i in 1..N) write(ASorted(i), " ") writeln !*************************************************************** function shsort(ANum: array(R) of real): array(R) of real returned:=ANum ! Copy the array to be sorted ! (Return the sorted array) inc:=1 ! Determine the starting increment repeat inc:=3*inc+1 until (inc>N) repeat ! Loop over the partial sorts inc:=inc div 3 forall(i in inc+1..N) do ! Outer loop of straight insertion v:=returned(i) j:=i while (returned(j-inc)>v) do ! Inner loop of straight insertion returned(j):=returned(j-inc) j -= inc if j<=inc: break end-do returned(j):= v end-do until (inc<=1) end-function end-model | |||||||||||||
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