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Hybrid MIP-CP problem solving: concurrent solving

The problem of scheduling a given set of jobs on a set of machines where durations and cost depend on the choice of the resource may be broken down into several subproblems, machine assignment and single-machine sequencing. The main problem (machine assignment) is solved as a MIP problem and the sequencing subproblems solved at the nodes of the branch-and-bound search generate new constraints that are added to the main problem using the cut manager functionality of Xpress Optimizer. Several implementations of this decomposition approach are available, either using a hybrid MIP-CP formulation or a second MIP model for solving the subproblems. The solving of the subproblems may be executed sequentially or in parallel.
  • Solving subproblems sequentially as CP problems (sched_main.mos, sched_sub.mos)
  • Solving subproblems in parallel as CP problems (sched_mainp.mos, sched_subp.mos)
  • Distributed parallel solving of CP subproblems (sched_mainpd.mos, sched_subpd.mos)
  • Solving subproblems sequentially as MIP problems (sched_mainm.mos, sched_subm.mos)
  • Solving subproblems in parallel as MIP problems (sched_mainmp.mos, sched_submp.mos)
  • Distributed parallel solving of MIP subproblems (sched_mainmpd.mos, sched_submpd.mos)
With MIP subproblems, it is also possible to implement the sequential version of the decomposition algorithm within a single Mosel model using several 'mpproblem':
  • Solving subproblems sequentially as MIP problems within a single model

    basic version: sched_singlem.mos,

    subproblem decision variables declared globally: sched_singlemg.mos

    subproblem, subproblem decision variables and constraints declared globally: sched_singlema.mos
Further explanation of this example: Xpress Whitepaper 'Hybrid MIP/CP solving', Section 'Combining CP and MIP'.

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel example problems
   file sched_subm.mos
   Scheduling with resource dependent durations and cost, subject 
   to given release dates and due dates.
   MIP branch-and-cut problem solving: cut generation for MIP model
   by solving MIP subproblems at nodes in the MIP branching tree.

   *** Not intended to be run standalone - run from sched_mainm.mos ***

   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, June 2005
model "Schedule (MIP+MIP) MIP subproblem"
 uses "mmxprs", "mmjobs" , "mmsystem"
  NP = 12                                 ! Number of products
  MODE = 1                                ! 1 - decide feasibility
                                          ! 2 - return complete solution

 startsolve:= gettime

  PRODS = 1..NP                           ! Set of products
  ProdMach: set of integer 

 initializations from "raw:"
  ProdMach as "shmem:ProdMach" 

 NJ:= getsize(ProdMach)

  RANKS=1..NJ                             ! Task positions
  REL: array(PRODS) of integer            ! Release dates of orders
  DUE: array(PRODS) of integer            ! Due dates of orders
  DURm: array(ProdMach) of integer        ! Processing times on machine m
  solstart: array(ProdMach) of integer    ! Solution values for start times
  rank: array(ProdMach,RANKS) of mpvar    ! =1 if task p at position k
  start: array(RANKS) of mpvar            ! Start time of task at position k
  comp: array(RANKS) of mpvar             ! Completion time of task at pos. k
  finish: mpvar                           ! Total completion time

  EVENT_SOLVED=2                          ! Event codes sent by submodels
  solvetime: real
 initializations from "raw:"
  DURm as "shmem:DURm" REL as "shmem:REL" DUE as "shmem:DUE"
! One task per position
  forall(k in RANKS) sum(p in ProdMach) rank(p,k) = 1

! One position per job
  forall(p in ProdMach) sum(k in RANKS) rank(p,k) = 1

! Sequence of jobs
  forall(k in 1..NJ-1)
   start(k+1) >= start(k) + sum(p in ProdMach) DURm(p)*rank(p,k)

! Start times
  forall(k in RANKS) start(k) >= sum(p in ProdMach) REL(p)*rank(p,k)

! Completion times
  forall(k in RANKS) comp(k) = start(k) + sum(p in ProdMach) DURm(p)*rank(p,k)

! Due dates
  forall(k in RANKS) comp(k) <= sum(p in ProdMach) DUE(p)*rank(p,k)
 forall(p in ProdMach,k in RANKS) rank(p,k) is_binary 
! Objective function: minimize latest completion time
 forall(k in RANKS) finish >= comp(k)
! if MODE=1 then
  setparam("XPRS_MAXMIPSOL", 1)            ! Stop at first feasible solution
! end-if
 res:= getparam("XPRS_MIPSTATUS")

! Pass solution to main problem
  forall(p in ProdMach) 
    round(getsol(start( round(getsol(sum(k in RANKS) k*rank(p,k))) )))
  if MODE=2 then 
   initializations to "raw:"
    solstart as "shmem:solstart"

! Update total running time measurement
 initializations from "raw:"
  solvetime as "shmem:solvetime"
 solvetime+= gettime-startsolve
 initializations to "raw:"
  solvetime as "shmem:solvetime"

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