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Renewable and non-renewable resources Description Examples of the definition of resource constraints for renewable and non-renewable resources.
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Data Files renewb2.mos (!****************************************************** CP Example Problems =================== file renewb2.mos ```````````````` Production/consumption of a non-renewable resource. - Formulation with producer_consumer constraint - (c) 2008 Artelys S.A. and Fair Isaac Corporation Creation: 2007, rev. Mar. 2013 *******************************************************!) model "Non-renewable resource" uses "kalis" setparam("KALIS_DEFAULT_LB", 0) declarations FIRST = {'P1','P2'} ENDFIRST = {'EndP1', 'EndP2'} FINAL = {'P3','P4','P5'} JOBS = FIRST+ENDFIRST+FINAL PCJOBS = ENDFIRST+FINAL MIND,MAXD: array(JOBS) of integer ! Limits on job durations RESAMT: array(JOBS) of integer ! Resource use/production HORIZON: integer ! Time horizon PROFIT: array(FINAL) of real ! Profit from production COST: array(JOBS) of real ! Cost of production CAP: integer ! Available resource quantity totalProfit: cpfloatvar fstart,fdur,fcomp: array(FIRST) of cpvar! Start, duration & completion of jobs start,dur,comp: array(PCJOBS) of cpvar ! Start, duration & completion of jobs produce,consume: array(PCJOBS) of cpvar ! Production/consumption per time unit psize,csize: array(PCJOBS) of cpvar ! Cumulated production/consumption end-declarations initializations from 'Data/renewb.dat' [MIND,MAXD] as 'DUR' RESAMT HORIZON PROFIT COST CAP end-initializations ! Setting up the tasks forall(j in PCJOBS) do setname(start(j), j) setdomain(dur(j), MIND(j), MAXD(j)) setdomain(comp(j), 0, HORIZON) start(j) + dur(j) = comp(j) end-do forall(j in FIRST) do setname(fstart(j), j) setdomain(fdur(j), MIND(j), MAXD(j)) setdomain(fcomp(j), 0, HORIZON) fstart(j) + fdur(j) = fcomp(j) end-do ! Production tasks forall(j in ENDFIRST) do produce(j) = RESAMT(j) consume(j) = 0 end-do forall(j in FIRST) fcomp(j) = comp("End"+j) ! Consumer tasks forall(j in FINAL) do consume(j) = RESAMT(j) produce(j) = 0 end-do ! Resource constraint producer_consumer(start, comp, dur, produce, psize, consume, csize) ! Objective function: total profit totalProfit = sum(j in FINAL) PROFIT(j)*dur(j) - sum(j in FIRST) COST(j)*fdur(j) if not cp_maximize(totalProfit) then exit(1) end-if writeln("Total profit: ", getsol(totalProfit)) writeln("Job\tStart\tEnd\tDuration") forall(j in FIRST) writeln(j, "\t ", getsol(fstart(j)), "\t ", getsol(fcomp(j)), "\t ", getsol(fdur(j))) forall(j in PCJOBS) writeln(j, "\t ", getsol(start(j)), "\t ", getsol(comp(j)), "\t ", getsol(dur(j))) end-model | |||||||||||||||
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