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Purchasing with price breaks

There are three suppliers of a good, and they have quoted various prices for various quantities of product. We want to buy at least total cost, yet not buy too much from any one supplier. Each supplier offers decreasing prices for increased lot size, in the form of incremental discounts. We wish to buy 600 items in total.
  • complex MIP model
  • data input from file, including parameters for dimensioning
  • splitting the declaration section to read first the parameters that are used to declare the data arrays
  • using SOS-2
Further explanation of this example: 'Xpress teaching material', Section 2.4 'SOS-2: Purchasing with price breaks'; 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 3.4.5 'Special Ordered Sets of type 2'[download all files]

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   Mosel Example Problems

   file purchase_pwl.mos
   TYPE:         Purchasing with price breaks
   FEATURES:     MIP problem, using 'pwlin' for piecewise linear function
   DESCRIPTION:  There are three suppliers of a good, and they have quoted 
                 various prices for various quantities of product. We want 
                 to buy at least total cost, yet not buy too much from any 
                 one supplier. Each supplier offers decreasing prices for
                 increased lot size, in the form of incremental discounts.
                 We wish to buy 600 items in total.     
   FURTHER INFO: `Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP teaching 
                 material', Section 2.4 `SOS-2: Purchasing with price breaks';
                 `Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', 
                 Section 3.4.5 `Special Ordered Sets of type 2'

   (c) 2020 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, July 2020

model "Purchase pwl"
 uses "mmxnlp"

  NB = 3
  BREAK1 = 1..NB                     ! Price breaks
  BREAK0 = 0..NB                     ! Price breaks including 0
  SUPPL = 1..3                       ! Suppliers
  COST: array(SUPPL,BREAK1) of real  ! Unit cost
  B: array(SUPPL,BREAK0) of real    ! Breakpoints (quantities at which unit
                                     ! cost changes)
  CB: array(SUPPL,BREAK0) of real   ! Total cost at break points
  MAXPERC: array(SUPPL) of real      ! Maximum percentages for each supplier
  REQ: real                          ! Total quantity required

  buy: array(SUPPL) of mpvar         ! Quantity to purchase from supplier s
  pay: array(SUPPL) of mpvar         ! Cost incurred from supplier s

 initializations from 'purchase.dat'

! Calculate total cost at breakpoints
 forall(s in SUPPL) do
  CB(s,0):= 0
  forall(b in BREAK1) CB(s,b):= CB(s,b-1) + COST(s,b)*(B(s,b)-B(s,b-1))

! Objective: sum of costs*weights
 MinCost:= sum(s in SUPPL) pay(s)

! Define relation between bought quantities and price paid per supplier
 forall(s in SUPPL) 
 ! Formulation of pwlin via breakpoint coordinates
   pay(s) = pwlin(buy(s), union(b in BREAK0) [B(s,b),CB(s,b)]) 
 ! Formulation of pwlin via slopes
!   pay(s) = pwlin(buy(s), union(b in 1..(NB-1)) [B(s,b)], union(b in BREAK1) [COST(s,b)])
 ! Formulation of pwlin via segments
!   pay(s) = pwlin(union(b in 0..(NB-1)) [pws(B(s,b),CB(s,b)+COST(s,b+1)*(buy(s)-B(s,b)))])

! The minimum quantity that must be bought
 Demand:= sum(s in SUPPL) buy(s) >= REQ

! No more than the maximum percentage from each supplier
 forall(s in SUPPL) buy(s) <= MAXPERC(s)*REQ/100.0

 minimize(MinCost)              ! Solve the MIP-problem

 writeln("Minimum total cost: ", getobjval)
 forall(s in SUPPL) writeln(" buy(",s,"): ", getsol(buy(s)), " cost: ", pay(s).sol)


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