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Multi-period, multi-site production planning

The company Coco has two plants that can produce two types of cocoa powder. The plant capacities are limited. It is possible to store raw materials and finished product from one time period to the next. Raw material prices, sales revenues, and the maximum amount that may be sold depend on the time period. Raw material storage capacity is limited. Storing product between time periods incurs storage costs. Some product is held in stock at the beginning of the planning period. The objective function of maximizing the total profit is to maximize the sales revenues, minus the cost of production, buying raw material, and storing finished products and raw material.
  • problem formulation alterntives selected via a runtime parameter
  • if-then, if-then-else, if-then-elif statements
Further explanation of this example: 'Xpress teaching material', Section 2.5 'Development of a model'. Similar problems: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 8.2 'Production of drinking glasses' (c2glass.mos), Section 8.4 'Planning the production of electronic components' (c4compo.mos)[download all files]

Source Files
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Data Files


! Data file for the Coco Problem

CMAKE:  [150   153
          75   68] 
REQ:    [0.8   0.2   0.5
         1.0   0.3   0.4]

MXMAKE: [400   500]

REV:    [400   410]
REVT:   [400   380   405   350
         410   397   412   397] 

CBUY:   [110    60   200]
CBUYT:  [110   108   107   111
          60    59    58    58
         200   195   198   200]

MXSELL: [650   600]
MXSELLT:[650   600   500   400
         600   500   300   250]

IPSTOCK: [50   100
          50   50]

IRSTOCK: [100  150
           30   20
           50  100]

COPEN: [50000 63000]

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