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Spreadsheets and databases: working with multiple data tables and arrays

A database table (or a spreadsheet range) may contain in its different fields (columns) the data for several Mosel arrays and inversely, a Mosel array may correspond to several data tables (ranges). We have here examples of various different cases:

  1. using the odbc driver,
  2. formulated with SQL statements,
  3. using the excel driver,
  4. using the oci driver,
  5. using the xls driver, and
  6. using the csv driver.
for three sets of examples:
  • Reading several arrays from a single database table/spreadsheet range (multicol.mos)
  • Outputting several arrays into a single database table/spreadsheet range (multiout.mos)
  • Reading an array from several tables/ranges (multitab.mos)
Further explanation of this example: Xpress Whitepaper 'Using ODBC and other database interfaces with Mosel', Section 'Examples'.

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