FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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Introductory examples

Problem name and type, featuresDifficulty
approx Approximation: Piecewise linear approximation **
SOS-2, Special Ordered Sets, piecewise linear approximation of a nonlinear function, pwlin
burglar MIP modeling: Knapsack problem: 'Burglar' *
simple MIP model with binary variables, data input from text data file, array initialization, numerical indices, string indices, record data structure
chess LP modeling: Production planning: 'Chess' problem *
simple LP model, solution output, primal solution values, slack values, activity values, dual solution values
pricebrai All item discount pricing: Piecewise linear function ***
SOS-1, Special Ordered Sets, piecewise linear function, approximation of non-continuous function, step function, pwlin
pricebrinc Incremental pricebreaks: Piecewise linear function ***
SOS-2, Special Ordered Sets, piecewise linear function, step function

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Introductory examples (Chapters 1 to 5) of the book 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP'[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


! Data file for `burglar2.mos'

KNAPSACK: [ ("camera")   [ 15  2]
            ("necklace") [100 20] 
            ("vase")     [ 90 20] 
            ("picture")  [ 60 30]
            ("tv")       [ 40 40] 
            ("video")    [ 15 30] 
            ("chest")    [ 10 60] 
            ("brick")    [  1 10] ]

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