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Working with models and accessing dynamic libraries in Mosel

mmexlib-cs: Working with models and accessing dynamic libraries in Mosel (requires burglari.mos, chess2.mos, trans.mos)
  • load and unload BIM models
  • run a model in Mosel
  • display information about loaded models
  • display information about additional libraries required by the loaded models
mmdispmod-cs: Display the contents of a model; the information is read from a bim file
  • display run-time parameters, requirements, symbols, package/module dependencies, annotations
mmdispdso-cs: Display the contents of a module
  • display constants, types, control paramters, subroutines, I/O drivers
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Library Reference .NET doc'[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


  * Mosel Example Problems                              *
  * ======================                              *
  *                                                     *
  * file burglari.mos                                   *
  * `````````````````                                   *
  * Example for the use of the Mosel language           *
  * (Burglar problem from the XPRESS-MP Tutorial)       *
  *                                                     *
  * (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation                     *
  *     author: S. Heipcke, 2001                        *

model 'Burglar Problem' version 1.0.0

public declarations
 ITEMS = {"camera", "necklace", "vase", "picture", "tv", "video",
         "chest", "brick"}
 VALUE: array (ITEMS) of real           ! Value of items
 WEIGHT: array (ITEMS) of real          ! Weight of items
 WTMAX: real                            ! Max weight allowed for haul
 x: array(ITEMS) of mpvar               ! 1 if we take item i; 0 otherwise

 VALUE("camera")  := 15;  WEIGHT("camera")  :=  2
 VALUE("necklace"):=100;  WEIGHT("necklace"):= 20
 VALUE("vase")    := 90;  WEIGHT("vase")    := 20
 VALUE("picture") := 60;  WEIGHT("picture") := 30
 VALUE("tv")      := 40;  WEIGHT("tv")      := 40
 VALUE("video")   := 15;  WEIGHT("video")   := 30
 VALUE("chest")   := 10;  WEIGHT("chest")   := 60
 VALUE("brick")   :=  1;  WEIGHT("brick")   := 10

 WTMAX  := 102

 MaxVal:= sum(i in ITEMS) VALUE(i)*x(i)             ! Maximize the value
 WtMax:=  sum(i in ITEMS) WEIGHT(i)*x(i) <= WTMAX   ! Weight restriction

 forall(i in ITEMS) x(i) is_binary      ! All x are 0/1


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