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Retrieving data from a Mosel model

mmexset-cs: Using sets in Mosel (requires burglari.mos)
  • retrieve a set by its model name
  • get the set size
  • get first and last set element
  • get the name or index of a set element
mmexas-cs: Using arrays with index sets (requires trans.mos)
  • get indexing sets of an array
  • get array type
  • enumerate array entries in usual and transposed order
  • enumerate true array entries
mmexlst-cs: Using lists in Mosel (requires euler.mos and euler.dat)
  • retrieve a list by its model name
  • get the list size
  • enumerate the list elements
  • get value of list element
mmexrec-cs: Using records in Mosel (requires burglar_rec.mos and burglar_rec.dat)
  • retrieve an array of records (user type) by its model name
  • retrieve the record field information (field name, type, and number)
  • enumerate the array of records
  • for each array entry (record) get the value of all its fields
mmexprob-cs: Accessing problems and solution information with Mosel (requires blend2.mos)
  • export problem to a file (MPS or LP format)
  • get problem status
  • get objective function value
  • get primal/dual solution values, and constraint activity
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Library Reference .NET doc'[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel User Guide Example Problems

   file euler.mos
   Constructing a Eulerian circuit (a closed circuit 
   that uses every given arc exactly once).
   - Working with lists -
   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Oct. 2006

model "Eulerian circuit"

 public declarations
  NODES = 1..12                        ! Set of nodes
  UNUSED: array(NODES) of list of integer
  TOUR: list of integer
  NEWT, TAIL: list of integer

 initializations from 'Models/euler.dat'
 ct:=sum(i in NODES) getsize(UNUSED(i))

 TOUR:=[1]                            ! Choose node 1 as start point

 while(ct>0) do                       ! While there are unused arcs:
     ! Find first node in TOUR with unused outgoing arc(s)
  forall(i in TOUR)
   if UNUSED(i) <> [] then

     ! Insertion position (first occurrence of 'node' in TOUR)
  pos:= findfirst(TOUR, node) 

     ! Construct a new subtour starting from 'node'
  cur:=node                           ! Start with current node
  while(UNUSED(cur) <> []) do
   NEWT+=splithead(UNUSED(cur),1)     ! Take first unused arc
   cur:=getlast(NEWT)                 ! End point of arc is new current node
     ! Stop if the subtour is not a closed loop (=> no Eulerian circuit)
  if cur<>node then                   ! Compare start and end of subtour
   writeln("Tour cannot be closed")

     ! Add the new subtour to the main journey
  TAIL:=splittail(TOUR, -pos)         ! Split off the tail from main tour
  TOUR += NEWT + TAIL                 ! Attach subtour and tail to main tour
  ct -= getsize(NEWT)
 writeln("Tour: ", TOUR)              ! Print the result

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