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Matching flight crews Description The task is to form pilot/co-pilot pairs ('crews') for every
plane with a compatible language and a sufficiently good
knowledge of the aircraft type. In the first optimization
run we maximize the number of crews that fly. The
second objective is to determine the set of crews with
maximum total score (best matching pilot/co-pilot pairs). Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 11.2 'Composing flight crews' (f2crew.mos)
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Data Files matching_graph.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file matching.mos ````````````````` TYPE: Bipartite matching DIFFICULTY: 4 FEATURES: 2 MIP problems with different objectives, data preprocessing, incremental definition of data array, encoding of arcs, logical `or' (cumulative version) and `and', `procedure' for printing solution, `forall-do', `max', `finalize', graphical representation of results, `sin', `cos' DESCRIPTION: The task is to form pilot/co-pilot pairs (`crews') for every plane with a compatible language and a sufficiently good knowledge of the aircraft type. In the first optimization run we maximize the number of crews that fly. The second objective is to determine the set of crews with maximum total score (best matching pilot/co-pilot pairs). FURTHER INFO: `Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 11.2 `Composing flight crews' (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, 2002, rev. Sep. 2017 *******************************************************!) model "Flight crews" uses "mmxprs", "mmsvg" forward procedure print_sol forward procedure draw_sol declarations NP = 8 ! Number of pilots PILOTS = 1..NP ! Set of pilots ARCS: range ! Set of arcs representing crews RL, RT: set of string ! Sets of languages and plane types LANG: array(RL,PILOTS) of integer ! Language skills of pilots PTYPE: array(RT,PILOTS) of integer ! Flying skills of pilots CREW: array(ARCS,1..2) of integer ! Possible crews end-declarations initializations from 'matching.dat' LANG PTYPE end-initializations ! Calculate the possible crews ct:=1 forall(p,q in PILOTS| p<q and (or(l in RL) (LANG(l,p)>=10 and LANG(l,q)>=10)) and (or(t in RT) (PTYPE(t,p)>=10 and PTYPE(t,q)>=10)) ) do CREW(ct,1):=p CREW(ct,2):=q ct+=1 end-do finalize(ARCS) declarations fly: array(ARCS) of mpvar ! 1 if crew is flying, 0 otherwise end-declarations ! First objective: number of pilots flying NFlying:= sum(a in ARCS) fly(a) ! Every pilot is member of at most a single crew forall(r in PILOTS) OneCrew(r):= sum(a in ARCS | CREW(a,1)=r or CREW(a,2)=r) fly(a) <= 1 forall(a in ARCS) fly(a) is_binary ! Solve the problem maximize(NFlying) ! Solution printing writeln("Number of crews: ", getobjval) print_sol ! **** Extend the problem **** declarations SCORE: array(ARCS) of integer ! Maximum scores of crews end-declarations forall(a in ARCS) SCORE(a):= max(t in RT | PTYPE(t,CREW(a,1))>=10 and PTYPE(t,CREW(a,2))>=10) (PTYPE(t,CREW(a,1)) + PTYPE(t,CREW(a,2))) ! Second objective: sum of scores TotalScore:= sum(a in ARCS) SCORE(a)*fly(a) ! Solve the problem maximize(TotalScore) writeln("Maximum total score: ", getobjval) print_sol draw_sol !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Solution printing procedure print_sol forall(a in ARCS) if(getsol(fly(a))>0) then writeln(CREW(a,1), " - ", CREW(a,2)) end-if end-procedure ! Solution drawing procedure draw_sol declarations X,Y: array(PILOTS) of real end-declarations forall(p in PILOTS) do X(p):= 20+cos(p*2*M_PI/NP)*10 Y(p):= 20+sin(p*2*M_PI/NP)*10 end-do svgsetgraphviewbox(0,0,35,35) svgsetgraphscale(5) svgaddgroup("PersGraph", "Pilots") svgaddgroup("ArcGraph", "Possible matches", svgcolor(150,150,150)) svgaddgroup("AsgnGraph", "Crews") forall(p in PILOTS) do svgaddpoint("PersGraph", X(p), Y(p)) svgaddtext("PersGraph", X(p)+0.5, Y(p), string(p)) end-do forall(a in ARCS) if(getsol(fly(a))>0) then svgaddline("AsgnGraph", X(CREW(a,1)), Y(CREW(a,1)), X(CREW(a,2)), Y(CREW(a,2))) svgaddtext("AsgnGraph", (X(CREW(a,1))+X(CREW(a,2)))/2, (Y(CREW(a,1))+Y(CREW(a,2)))/2, string(SCORE(a))) else svgaddline("ArcGraph", X(CREW(a,1)), Y(CREW(a,1)), X(CREW(a,2)), Y(CREW(a,2))) end-if svgsave("matching.svg") svgrefresh svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.", 1) end-procedure end-model | |||||||||||
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