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Apply a primal heuristic to a knapsack problem Description The program demonstrates the use of the MIP log callback. We take the knapsack problem stored in burglar.mps and initiate a tree search. At each node, so long as the current solution is both LP optimal and integer infeasible, we truncate the solution values to create a feasible integer solution. We then update the cutoff, if the new objective value has improved it, and continue the search.
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Data Files Knapsack.java /*********************************************************************** Xpress Optimizer Examples ========================= file Knapsack.java ```````````````` Apply a primal heuristic to a knapsack problem. The program demonstrates the use of the global log callback. We take the knapsack problem stored in burglar.mps and instigate a global search. At each node, so long as the current solution is both LP optimal and integer infeasible, we truncate the solution values to create a feasible integer solution. We then update the cutoff, if the new objective value has improved it, and continue the search. (c) 2020-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation ***********************************************************************/ import com.dashoptimization.AbstractOptNodeListener; import com.dashoptimization.DefaultMessageListener; import com.dashoptimization.XPRS; import com.dashoptimization.XPRSprob; import static com.dashoptimization.XPRSenumerations.CutStrategy; import static com.dashoptimization.XPRSenumerations.ObjSense; import static com.dashoptimization.XPRSenumerations.LPStatus; /** Example implementation. * <em>Note</em> that this example does not address issues like parallel * execution of callbacks, restarts and other things that are important * when implementing callbacks. For a detailed discussion and implementation * of this refer to the {@link MostViolated} example. */ public final class Knapsack { /** * Truncate the LP nodal solution values to create a feasible integer * solution, and update the cutoff value if the new objective value * has improved it. The heuristic is only applied when the nodal * solution is both LP optimal and integer infeasible. * This callback is called at each node in the global search. */ private static final class TruncSol extends AbstractOptNodeListener { /** Number of columns in the problem. */ private final int cols; /** Objective function coefficients. */ private final double[] coef; /** Integrality tolerance. */ private final double intTol; public TruncSol(XPRSprob prob) { cols = prob.attributes().getCols(); coef = new double[cols]; prob.getObj(coef, 0, cols - 1); intTol = prob.controls().getMIPTol(); } /** The actual callback function. */ @Override public int optNodeEvent(XPRSprob prob, int feas) { // Get the current node number int nodNum = prob.attributes().getCurrentNode(); // Get objective value at the current node double objVal = prob.attributes().getLPObjVal(); // Get the current cutoff value double cutoff = prob.controls().getMIPAbsCutoff(); // Apply heuristic if nodal solution is LP optimal and integer // infeasible LPStatus lpStatus = prob.attributes().getLPStatus(); int intInfeas = prob.attributes().getMIPInfeas(); if (lpStatus.equals(LPStatus.OPTIMAL) && intInfeas > 0) { // Get LP solution double[] x = prob.getCallbackSolution(); // Truncate each solution value - making allowance for the // integer tolerance - and calculate the new "heuristic" // objective value double heurObj = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) heurObj += coef[j] * Math.floor(x[j] + intTol); System.out.printf(" Node %d: Objective Value: ORIGINAL %g; HEURISTIC %g%n", nodNum, objVal, heurObj); // If the "heuristic" objective value is better, update the // cutoff - we assume that all the objective coefficents are // integers if (heurObj > cutoff) { prob.controls().setMIPAbsCutoff(heurObj + 0.9999); System.out.printf(" ** Cutoff updated to %g **%n", heurObj + 1.0); } } // If the nodal solution is not LP optimal do not apply the heuristic else if (!lpStatus.equals(LPStatus.OPTIMAL)) { System.out.printf(" Node %d: LP solution not optimal, not applying heuristic%n", nodNum); System.out.printf(" (%s)%n", lpStatus.toString()); } // If the nodal solution is integer feasible print the objective value else if (intInfeas == 0) System.out.printf(" Node %d: Integer solution found: Objective Value %g%n", nodNum, objVal); return feas; } } /** Run the example. * The model solved is either the default model <code>burglar</code> * or is the model specified as first command line argument. * <em>Note</em>: The code assumes that the model to be solved is indeed * a knapsack problem with objective sense "maximize". * You may get wrong results if the model does not satisfy * this. */ public static void main(String[] args) { String logFile = "knapsack.log"; String problem = args.length == 0 ? "../data/burglar" : args[0]; try (XPRSprob prob = new XPRSprob(null)) { // Delete and define log file new java.io.File(logFile).delete(); prob.setLogFile(logFile); // Install default output prob.addMessageListener(DefaultMessageListener::console); // Turn off presolve and disallow cuts - to slow solution and // allow the effect of the heuristic to be seen prob.controls().setPresolve(XPRS.PRESOLVE_NONE); prob.controls().setCutStrategy(CutStrategy.NONE); prob.controls().setHeurEmphasis(0); // Read the problem file prob.readProb(problem); /*** Prepare to apply the heuristic ***/ // Tell Optimizer to print global information to the log file // at each node prob.controls().setMIPLog(3); // Tell Optimizer to call TruncSol at each node and apply the // heuristic prob.addOptNodeListener(new TruncSol(prob)); /*** Perform the global search - in the course of which the heuristic will be applied ***/ prob.chgObjSense(ObjSense.MAXIMIZE); System.out.println("Applying a primal heuristic to problem " + problem); prob.mipOptimize(); System.out.printf("Optimal objective value: %f%n", prob.attributes().getObjVal()); } } }
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