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Job-shop scheduling

Job-shop scheduling problem modeled with tasks and resources;
  • using the default scheduling search (jobshop2.mos)
  • or a user search strategy for tasks (jobshop2a.mos and jobshop2b.mos).
  • Model version jobshop2c.mos shows how to change the propagation algorithm for resource constraints.
Further explanation of this example: 'Xpress Kalis Mosel User Guide', Section 5.7.2 Task-based enumeration

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! Job-shop scheduling: Fisher and Thompson 6x6 instance (mt06) 

RES: [ 3  1  2  4  6  5  
       2  3  5  6  1  4  
       3  4  6  1  2  5  
       2  1  3  4  5  6  
       3  2  5  6  1  4  
       2  4  6  1  5  3 ]

DUR: [ 1  3  6  7  3  6 
       8  5 10 10 10  4 
       5  4  8  9  1  7 
       5  5  5  3  8  9 
       9  3  5  4  3  1 
       3  3  9 10  4  1 ]

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