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Folio - Introductory examples from 'Getting Started' Description Simple tasks for formulating and solving a portfolio optimization problem:
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Data Files foliomatsolpool.c /******************************************************** Xpress Optimizer Example Problems ================================= file foliomatsolpool.c `````````````````````` Using the MIP solution pool with a MIP problem input from a matrix file. (c) 2009 Fair Isaac Corporation author: D.Nielsen, S.Heipcke, July 2009, rev. June 2010 ********************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "xprs.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { XPRSprob prob; XPRSmipsolpool msp; int s, nSols, solID, nCols, solStatus; double objval, sol; /* Initialize Xpress */ if (XPRSinit(NULL)) { printf("Failed to initialize Xpress.\n"); return -1; } XPRScreateprob(&prob); /* Create a new problem */ XPRSreadprob(prob, "folio10_7.lp", ""); /* Read the problem matrix */ /* Create a mip solution pool to store the solutions */ XPRS_msp_create(&msp); /* Attach the mip solution pool to the problem so it will automatically receive the solutions as they are found */ XPRS_msp_probattach(msp, prob); /* Solve the problem */ XPRSchgobjsense(prob, XPRS_OBJ_MAXIMIZE); /* Set sense to maximization */ XPRSmipoptimize(prob, ""); /* Solve the problem */ /* Get the number of solutions found */ XPRS_msp_getintattrib(msp, XPRS_MSP_SOLUTIONS, &nSols); if(nSols) { printf("Number of solutions: %d\n", nSols); /* Get the best objective value of the solutions found */ XPRS_msp_getdblattribprobextreme(msp, prob, 1, &solID, XPRS_MSP_SOLPRB_OBJ, &objval); printf("Optimal solution ID: %d\n", solID); printf("Optimal objective : %g\n", objval); /* Get the number of columns in the solutions */ XPRS_msp_getintattribsol(msp, solID, &solStatus, XPRS_MSP_SOL_COLS, &nCols); /* Print out the solution values of the best solution */ for(s=0; s<nCols; s++) { XPRS_msp_getsol(msp, solID, &solStatus, &sol, s, s, NULL); if(sol!=0) printf("%3d: %g\n", s+1, sol); } } XPRSdestroyprob(prob); /* Delete the problem */ XPRS_msp_destroy(msp); XPRSfree(); /* Terminate Xpress */ return 0; } | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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