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Using the model return value for error handling

The default return value of a Mosel model at the end of its execution is 0. Other values may be set with the procedure exit as shown in the file exitvalue.mos. The model return values can be used by the calling application (exitvalue.c, runexitvalue.mos) for the implementation of error handling routines.

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   Mosel Example Problems 

   file exitvalue.c
   Example of the use of `exit' for error handling in C.
   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Feb. 2002

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "xprm_mc.h"
#include "xprm_rt.h"

int main()
 int result;
 XPRMmodel mod;


 XPRMcompmod(NULL,"exitvalue.mos",NULL,""); /* Compile the model */
 mod=XPRMloadmod("exitvalue.bim",NULL);     /* Load the BIM file */
 XPRMrunmod(mod,&result,NULL);              /* Run the model */

  case 0: printf("Integer solution: %g\n", XPRMgetobjval(mod)); break;
  case 1: printf("LP infeasible\n"); break;
  case 2: printf("No integer solution\n"); break;

 return 0;

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