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'distribute' and 'occurrence' constraints

The 'occurrence' (=cardinality) constraint expresses a relation on the frequency with which a value occurs in a set of decision variables. The 'distribute' constraint generalizes this constraint by extending the cardinality relation to a list of values.
  • occurrence.mos: simple example of the use of occurrence constraints
  • distribute.mos: using 'distribute' or 'occurrence' constraints in the formulation of a personnel planning problem.
Further explanation of this example: 'Xpress Kalis Mosel Reference Manual'[download all files]

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   CP example problems
   file distribute.mos
   Distribute and occurrence constraints.
   A movie theatre director has to decide in which location each
   of his 8 employees should be posted. Each of the four locations
   has a given personnel requirement.

   (c) 2008 Artelys S.A. and Fair Isaac Corporation
       Creation: 2005, rev. 2007

model "Distribute example"
 uses "kalis"
  PERS = {"David","Andrew","Leslie","Jason","Oliver","Michael",
          "Jane","Marilyn"}          ! Set of personnel
  LOC = 1..4                         ! Set of locations
  REQ: array(LOC) of integer         ! No. of pers. req. per loc.
  place: array(PERS) of cpvar        ! Workplace for each peson

! Initialize data
 REQ:: [3, 2, 2, 1]

! Each variable has a lower bound of 1 (Ticket office) and
!  an upper bound of 4 (Cloakroom)
 forall(p in PERS) do
  setname(place(p), "workplace("+p+")")
  1 <= place(p); place(p) <= 4  

! Creation of a resource constraint of for every location
 forall(d in LOC) occurrence(d, place) = REQ(d) 

! Elegant way to declare theses constraints,
! moreover achieving stronger prunning (using global
! cardinality constraint)
 distribute(place, LOC, REQ)

! Solve the problem
 if not cp_find_next_sol then
  writeln("Problem is infeasible")

! Solution printout

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