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Purchase - Definition of SOS-2

A model for optimal purchasing with price-breaks featuring a complex MIP model, and formulation options using piecewise linear constraints (PurchasePWL) or SOS-2 (PurchaseSOS2).[download all files]

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// (c) 2023-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation

import static com.dashoptimization.objects.SOS.sos2;
import static com.dashoptimization.objects.Utils.scalarProduct;
import static com.dashoptimization.objects.Utils.sum;

//These imports are only for the parser.
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;

import com.dashoptimization.XPRSenumerations;
import com.dashoptimization.objects.Variable;
import com.dashoptimization.objects.XpressProblem;

 * Purchasing problem with price breaks using Special Ordered Set (SOS) type 2
 * constraints. There are three suppliers of a good, and they have quoted
 * various prices for various quantities of product. We want to buy at least
 * total cost, yet not buy too much from any one supplier. Each supplier offers
 * decreasing prices for increased lot size, in the form of incremental
 * discounts.
public class PurchaseSOS2 {

    static final String DATAFILE = System.getenv().getOrDefault("EXAMPLE_DATA_DIR", "../../data") + "/purchase.cdat";

    static final int NB = 4; /* Number of breakpoints */
    static double REQ; /* Total quantity required */
    static int[] SUPPLIERS; /* Suppliers */
    static double[] MAXPERC; /* Maximum percentages for each supplier */
    static double[][] COST; /* Unit cost */
    static double[][] BREAKP; /* Breakpoints (quantities at which unit cost changes) */

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        readData(); // Read data from file

        try (XpressProblem prob = new XpressProblem()) {

            // Create the decision variables
            // Quantity to purchase from supplier s
            Variable[] buy = prob.addVariables(SUPPLIERS.length).withUB(i -> (double) MAXPERC[i] * REQ / 100.0)
                    .withName("buy %d").toArray();

            // Weights at breakpoint k for supplier s
            Variable[][] weight = prob.addVariables(SUPPLIERS.length, NB)
                    .withName((s, b) -> String.format("weight[%s,%s]", s, b)).toArray();

            // The minimum quantity that must be bought

            // Define relation between bought quantities and price paid per supplier
            for (int s = 0; s < SUPPLIERS.length; s++) {
                // The convexity row (weight sum to 1)

                // Define buy and also order the weight variables by breakpoint quantities
                prob.addConstraint(scalarProduct(weight[s], BREAKP[s]).eq(buy[s]));

                // Define the weight as SOS-2
                prob.addConstraint(sos2(weight[s], BREAKP[s], String.format("SOS 2 Constraint no. %s", s)));

            // Function to calculate cost at breakpoints
            double[][] COSTBREAK = new double[SUPPLIERS.length][NB];
            for (int s = 0; s < SUPPLIERS.length; s++) {
                COSTBREAK[s][0] = 0;
                for (int b = 1; b < NB; b++)
                    COSTBREAK[s][b] = COSTBREAK[s][b - 1] + COST[s][b] * (BREAKP[s][b] - BREAKP[s][b - 1]);

            // Objective: sum of costs*weights
            prob.setObjective(sum(NB, b -> sum(SUPPLIERS.length, s -> weight[s][b].mul(COSTBREAK[s][b]))));

            // Solve the problem

            System.out.println("Problem status: " + prob.attributes().getMIPStatus());
            if (prob.attributes().getMIPStatus() != XPRSenumerations.MIPStatus.SOLUTION
                    && prob.attributes().getMIPStatus() != XPRSenumerations.MIPStatus.OPTIMAL)
                throw new RuntimeException("optimization failed with status " + prob.attributes().getMIPStatus());

            // Solution printing
            System.out.println("Total cost: " + prob.attributes().getObjVal());
            double[] sol = prob.getSolution();
            for (int s = 0; s < SUPPLIERS.length; s++)
                System.out.println("Supp. " + SUPPLIERS[s] + ": buy:" + buy[s].getValue(sol));

     * Read a list of strings. Iterates <code>tokens</code> until a semicolon is
     * encountered or the iterator ends.
     * @param tokens The token sequence to read.
     * @return A stream of all tokens before the first semicolon.
    private static <T> Stream<String> readStrings(Iterator<String> tokens) {
        ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        while (tokens.hasNext()) {
            String token =;
            if (token.equals(";"))

     * Read a table of doubles. Allocates a <code>nrow</code> by <code>ncol</code>
     * double table and fills it by the sparse data from the token sequence.
     * <code>tokens</code> is assumed to hold <code>nrow</code> sequences of
     * indices, each of which is terminated by a semicolon. The indices in those
     * vectors specify the <code>true</code> entries in the corresponding row of the
     * table.
     * @param tokens Token sequence.
     * @param nrow   Number of rows in the table.
     * @param ncol   Number of columns in the table.
     * @return The double table.
    private static double[][] readTable(Iterator<String> tokens, int nrow, int ncol) throws IOException {
        double[][] tbl = new double[nrow][ncol];
        for (int r = 0; r < nrow; r++) {
            tbl[r] = readStrings(tokens).mapToDouble(Double::valueOf).toArray();
        return tbl;

    private static void readData() throws IOException {
        // Convert the input file into a sequence of tokens that are
        // separated by whitespace.
        Iterator<String> tokens = Files.lines(new File(DATAFILE).toPath()).map(s ->"\\s+")))
                .flatMap(s -> s)
                // Split semicolon off its token.
                .map(s -> (s.length() > 0 && s.endsWith(";")) ? Stream.of(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1), ";")
                        : Stream.of(s))
                .flatMap(s -> s)
                // Remove empty tokens.
                .filter(s -> s.length() > 0).iterator();

        while (tokens.hasNext()) {
            String token =;
            if (token.equals("SUPPLIERS:"))
                SUPPLIERS = readStrings(tokens).mapToInt(Integer::valueOf).toArray();
            else if (token.equals("MAXPERC:"))
                MAXPERC = readStrings(tokens).mapToDouble(Double::valueOf).toArray();
            else if (token.equals("REQ:"))
                REQ = Double.valueOf(;
            else if (token.equals("BREAKP:")) {
                BREAKP = readTable(tokens, SUPPLIERS.length, NB);
            } else if (token.equals("COST:"))
                COST = readTable(tokens, SUPPLIERS.length, NB);

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