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Parsing XML and JSON documents

The parsing routines 'xmlparse' and 'jsonparse' expect tables of (optional) functions implemented by the Mosel model in order to return detailed information about each node of the document without any prior knowledge of the document structure.

Within Mosel, JSON documents are represented as XML trees.

Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Language Reference', Chapter 'mmxml'

Source Files
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Data Files


  <region id="EMEA"> 
    <employee id="J123"> 
    <employee id="L234"> 
    <employee id="T345"> 
    <employee id="P456"> 
    <employee id="P890" parttime="true"> 
  <region id="APAC"> 
    <employee id="K789"> 
    <employee id="L321"> 
    <employee id="J876"> 
  <region id="AM"> 
    <employee id="B567"> 
      <address>New York</address> 
    <employee id="S678" parttime="true"> 
      <address>San Francisco</address> 
    <employee id="J987"> 
      <address>Rio de Janeiro</address> 

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