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Purchase - Definition of SOS-2

A model for optimal purchasing with price-breaks featuring a complex MIP model, data input from file and using SOS-2.

Further explanation of this example: Quick reference guide 'MIP formulations and linearizations', Section 3.3 Price breaks[download all files]

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 * Xpress-BCL Java Example Problems
 * ================================
 * file
 * `````````````````
 * Purchasing problem using SOS-2.
 * (c) 2008-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation
 * author: S.Heipcke, Jan. 2000, rev. Mar. 2011

/* WARNING. This model is not for the novice, but it does contain many  *
 * useful ideas.                                                        *
 * The formulation is tricky because the discounts are all-quantity,    *
 * so the graph of cost against quantity purchased is discontinuous.    *
 * To maintain sanity in the special ordered set formulation, we must   *
 * coarsen the discontinuity by stopping purchases just at the break    *
 * point. */

import com.dashoptimization.*;

public class xbpurch {
  static final String PARAMSFILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/purchase/params.dat";
  static final String MAXPERCFILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/purchase/maxperc.dat";
  static final String REQFILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/purchase/required.dat";
  static final String PRICEFILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/purchase/pricebk.dat";

  static int NS; /* Number of suppliers */

  static int NB; /* Number of price breaks */
  static int NB2; /* Useful parameter */

  static double[][] UC; /* Unit cost */
  static double[][] BR; /* Breakpoints (quantities at which unit cost
                                  changes) */
  static double[][] X; /* Coarsened break points */
  static double[][] C; /* Total cost at break points */
  static double[] DELTA; /* Coarsening factors */
  static double[] MAXPERC; /* Maximum percentage from each supplier */
  static double REQ; /* Total quantity required */

  static final double delta = 0.10; /* Base coarsening factor */


  static void modPurchase() {
    try (XPRBprob p = new XPRBprob("Purchase"); /* Initialize BCL and create a new problem */
        XPRBexprContext context =
            new XPRBexprContext() /* Release XPRBexpr instances at end of block. */) {
      XPRBexpr lobj, lc;
      XPRBexpr[] lr;
      int s, b;
      XPRBvar[] x;
      XPRBvar[][] lam;

      x = new XPRBvar[NS]; /* Quantity to purchase from supplier s */
      for (s = 0; s < NS; s++) x[s] = p.newVar("x");

      lam = new XPRBvar[NS][NB2];
      for (s = 0; s < NS; s++) for (b = 0; b < NB2; b++) lam[s][b] = p.newVar("lam_" + (s + 1));
      /* Weights at breakpoint b for supplier s */

      lobj = new XPRBexpr();
      for (s = 0; s < NS; s++) /* Minimize the sum of costs*weights */
        for (b = 0; b < NB2; b++) lobj.add(lam[s][b].mul(C[s][b]));
      p.setObj(lobj); /* Set objective function */

      /* Define x and also order the lam variables by breakpoint quantities */
      lr = new XPRBexpr[NS];
      for (s = 0; s < NS; s++) {
        lr[s] = new XPRBexpr();
        for (b = 0; b < NB2; b++) lr[s].add(lam[s][b].mul(X[s][b]));
        p.newCtr("DefX", lr[s].eql(x[s]));

      /* The convexity constraint (lam sum to 1) */
      for (s = 0; s < NS; s++) {
        lc = new XPRBexpr();
        for (b = 0; b < NB2; b++) lc.add(lam[s][b]);
        p.newCtr("Conv", lc.eql(1));

      /* The minimum quantity that must be bought */
      lc = new XPRBexpr();
      for (s = 0; s < NS; s++) lc.add(x[s]);
      p.newCtr("MustBuy", lc.gEql(REQ));

      /* No more than the maximum percentage from each supplier */
      for (s = 0; s < NS; s++) x[s].setUB(MAXPERC[s] * REQ / 100.0);

      /* Define the lam as SOS2 as we can linearly interpolate between the
      * breakpoints. The weights are the DefX coefficients augmented by 1
      because BCL does not accept the weight 0. */
      for (s = 0; s < NS; s++) {
        for (b = 0; b < NB2; b++) lr[s].add(lam[s][b]);
        p.newSos("SetLam", XPRB.S2, lr[s]);

      /****SOLVING + OUTPUT****/
      try {
        p.exportProb(XPRB.MPS, "purc"); /* Output to MPS file */
      } catch (IOException e) {
      p.setSense(XPRB.MINIM); /* Choose the sense of the optimization */
      p.mipOptimize(""); /* Solve the MIP-problem */

      System.out.println("Objective: " + p.getObjVal()); /* Get objective value */

      for (s = 0; s < NS; s++) /* Print out the solution values */
        System.out.print(x[s].getName() + ":" + x[s].getSol() + " ");
      for (s = 0; s < NS; s++)
        for (b = 0; b < NB2; b++)
          System.out.print(lam[s][b].getName() + ":" + lam[s][b].getSol() + " ");


  /**** Initialize the stream tokenizer ****/
  static StreamTokenizer initST(FileReader file) {
    StreamTokenizer st = null;

    st = new StreamTokenizer(file); /* Initialize the stream tokenizer */
    st.commentChar('!'); /* Use the character '!' for comments */
    st.eolIsSignificant(true); /* Return end-of-line character */
    st.ordinaryChar(','); /* Use ',' as separator */
    st.parseNumbers(); /* Read numbers as numbers (not strings)*/
    return st;

  /**** Read single line data file ****/
  static void readOneLineFile(String filename, double[] data) throws IOException {
    FileReader datafile = null;
    StreamTokenizer st;
    int i = 0;

    datafile = new FileReader(filename);
    st = initST(datafile);
    do {
      do {
      } while (st.ttype == st.TT_EOL); /* Skip empty lines */
      while (st.ttype == st.TT_NUMBER) {
        data[i++] = st.nval;
        if (st.nextToken() != ',') break;
    } while (st.ttype == st.TT_EOL);

  /**** Read data from files ****/
  static void readData() throws IOException {
    int s, b;
    double[] val;
    FileReader datafile = null;
    StreamTokenizer st;
    int i = 0;

    /* Read the parameter file */
    val = new double[2];
    readOneLineFile(PARAMSFILE, val);
    NS = (int) val[0];
    NB = (int) val[1];
    NB2 = 2 * NB;

    /* Now define the tables that we will use, using the sizes we
    have just read. */
    UC = new double[NS][NB];
    BR = new double[NS][NB];
    X = new double[NS][NB2];
    C = new double[NS][NB2];
    DELTA = new double[NB2];
    MAXPERC = new double[NS];

    /* Define coarsening factors */
    DELTA[0] = 0;
    DELTA[1] = -1 * delta;
    for (b = 2; b < NB2; b++) DELTA[b] = -1 * DELTA[b - 1];

    /* Read the price and breakpoint data file */
    for (s = 0; s < NS; s++)
      for (b = 0; b < NB; b++) {
        UC[s][b] = 0;
        BR[s][b] = 0;

    datafile = new FileReader(PRICEFILE);
    st = initST(datafile);
    do {
      do {
      } while (st.ttype == st.TT_EOL); /* Skip empty lines */
      if (st.ttype != st.TT_NUMBER) break;
      s = (int) st.nval;
      if (st.nextToken() != ',') break;
      if (st.nextToken() != st.TT_NUMBER) break;
      b = (int) st.nval;
      if (st.nextToken() != ',') break;
      if (st.nextToken() != st.TT_NUMBER) break;
      UC[s - 1][b - 1] = st.nval;
      if (st.nextToken() != ',') break;
      if (st.nextToken() != st.TT_NUMBER) break;
      BR[s - 1][b - 1] = st.nval;
    } while (st.nextToken() == st.TT_EOL);

    /* Read the percentages data file */
    readOneLineFile(MAXPERCFILE, MAXPERC);

    /* Read the required amount data file */
    readOneLineFile(REQFILE, val);
    REQ = val[0];

    /* We now pick out the data from the tables into which they have
    been read. */
    for (s = 0; s < NS; s++) {
      C[s][0] = 0; /* First total cost and (new) breakpoint are (0,0) */
      X[s][0] = 0;
      for (b = 1; b < NB2; b++) {
          /* Rest calculated... */
        C[s][b] = UC[s][b / 2] * BR[s][(b - 1) / 2]; /* ...unit price*quantity */
        X[s][b] = BR[s][(b - 1) / 2] + DELTA[b]; /* ...coarsened grids */


  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      readData(); /* Data input from file */
    } catch (IOException e) {
    modPurchase(); /* Formulate and solve the problem */

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