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Purchase - Definition of SOS-2

A model for optimal purchasing with price-breaks featuring a complex MIP model, data input from file and using SOS-2.

Further explanation of this example: Quick reference guide 'MIP formulations and linearizations', Section 3.3 Price breaks

Source Files
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Data Files


! Purchasing Problem
! Data file: pricebk.dat
! supplier, break no., unit price, break quantity
1, 1,  9.2,  100
1, 2,  9,    200
1, 3,  7,   1000
2, 1,  9,     50
2, 2,  8.5,  250
2, 3,  8.3, 2000
3, 1, 11,    100
3, 2,  8.5,  300
3, 3,  7.5, 4000

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