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MT2 - Solving two problems in parallel in a thread-safe environment Description Parallel problem solving using multiple threads. Accessing
Xpress Optimizer functions for a BCL problem.
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xbmt2.c /******************************************************** BCL Example Problems ==================== file xbmt2.c ```````````` Implementing multiple threads with BCL and Xpress-Optimizer. Win32 version (c) 2008-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation author: Y. Colombani, 2001, rev. Mar. 2011 ********************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> #include "xprb.h" #include "xprs.h" /* Constants for contr1() */ #define District 6 /* Number of districts */ #define Contract 10 /* Number of contracts */ const int OUTPUT[] = {50, 40, 10, 20, 70, 50}; /* Max. output per district */ const int COST[] = {50, 20, 25, 30, 45, 40}; /* Cost per district */ const int VOLUME[] = {20, 10, 30, 15, 20, 30, 10, 50, 10, 20}; /* Volume of contracts */ /* Constants for portf() */ #define NVal 30 /* Total number of values */ #define LIMIT 20 /* Maximum number to be chosen */ #define QFILE XPRBDATAPATH "/portf/pfqcost.dat" /* Quadratic cost coeff.s */ #define BFILE XPRBDATAPATH "/portf/pfubds.dat" /* Upper bounds on percentages */ #define CFILE XPRBDATAPATH "/portf/pflcost.dat" /* Linear cost coefficients */ /* The problems to solve */ DWORD WINAPI contr1(LPVOID param); DWORD WINAPI portf(LPVOID param); /**********************/ /* Where things start */ /**********************/ int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { HANDLE tosolve1, tosolve2; XPRBprob modcontr1, modfolio; /* Initialize BCL and create two problems (separate initialization of BCL only for clarity's sake, it could as well be left to be done during the creation of the first problem) */ XPRBinit(); modcontr1=XPRBnewprob("Contr1"); modfolio=XPRBnewprob("Folio"); /* Start the building+solving in parallel */ tosolve1=CreateThread(NULL, 0, contr1, modcontr1,0,0); tosolve2=CreateThread(NULL, 0, portf, modfolio ,0,0); /* Wait for results */ WaitForSingleObject(tosolve1, INFINITE); WaitForSingleObject(tosolve2, INFINITE); /* Clear up everything (not really required here since the program terminates immediately afterwards) */ XPRBdelprob(modcontr1); XPRBdelprob(modfolio); XPRBfinish(); return 0; } /*********************/ /* Problem 'contr1' */ /*********************/ DWORD WINAPI contr1(LPVOID param) { int d,c; XPRBprob bprob; XPRSprob oprob; XPRBctr c1,c2,cobj; XPRBvar x[District][Contract]; /* Variables indicating whether a project is chosen */ XPRBvar y[District][Contract]; /* Quantities allocated to contractors */ int i, ncol, len, stat, offset; double *sol, val; char *names; bprob=(XPRBprob)param; /**** VARIABLES ****/ for(d=0;d<District;d++) for(c=0;c<Contract;c++) { x[d][c] = XPRBnewvar(bprob,XPRB_BV,XPRBnewname("x_d%d",d+1),0,1); y[d][c] = XPRBnewvar(bprob,XPRB_SC,XPRBnewname("q_d%d",d+1),0,OUTPUT[d]); XPRBsetlim(y[d][c],5); } /****OBJECTIVE****/ cobj = XPRBnewctr(bprob,"OBJ",XPRB_N); /* Define objective: total cost */ for(d=0;d<District;d++) for(c=0;c<Contract;c++) XPRBaddterm(cobj,y[d][c],COST[d]); XPRBsetobj(bprob,cobj); /* Set objective function */ /**** CONSTRAINTS ****/ for(c=0;c<Contract;c++) { c1=XPRBnewctr(bprob,"Size",XPRB_G); /* "Size": cover the required contract volume */ c2=XPRBnewctr(bprob,"Min",XPRB_G); /* "Min": at least 2 districts per contract */ for(d=0;d<District;d++) { XPRBaddterm(c1,y[d][c],1); XPRBaddterm(c2,x[d][c],1); } XPRBaddterm(c1,NULL,VOLUME[c]); XPRBaddterm(c2,NULL,2); } for(d=0;d<District;d++) /* Do not exceed max. output of any district */ { c1=XPRBnewctr(bprob,"Output",XPRB_L); for(c=0;c<Contract;c++) XPRBaddterm(c1,y[d][c],1); XPRBaddterm(c1,NULL,OUTPUT[d]); } for(d=0;d<District;d++) /* If a contract is allocated to a district, then at least 1 unit is allocated to it */ for(c=0;c<Contract;c++) XPRBnewprec(bprob,"XY",x[d][c],0,y[d][c]); /****SOLVING + OUTPUT****/ XPRBloadmat(bprob); /* Load the matrix explicitely */ oprob=XPRBgetXPRSprob(bprob); XPRSchgobjsense(oprob, XPRS_OBJ_MINIMIZE); /* Set sense to minimization */ XPRSmipoptimize(oprob, ""); /* Solve the MIP problem */ XPRSgetintattrib(oprob, XPRS_MIPSTATUS, &stat); /* Get MIP status */ if((stat==XPRS_MIP_SOLUTION) || (stat==XPRS_MIP_OPTIMAL)) /* Test whether an integer solution was found */ { XPRSgetdblattrib(oprob, XPRS_MIPOBJVAL, &val); printf("Problem %s Objective: %g\n", XPRBgetprobname(bprob), val); XPRSgetintattrib(oprob, XPRS_ORIGINALCOLS, &ncol); sol = (double *)malloc(ncol * sizeof(double)); XPRSgetmipsol(oprob, sol, NULL); /* Get the primal solution values */ XPRSgetnamelist(oprob, 2, NULL, 0, &len, 0, ncol-1); /* Get number of bytes required for retrieving names */ names = (char *)malloc(len*sizeof(char)); XPRSgetnamelist(oprob, 2, names, len, NULL, 0, ncol-1); /* Get the variable names */ offset=0; for(i=0; i<ncol; i++) { /* Print out the solution */ if(sol[i]!=0) printf("%s: %g, ", names+offset, sol[i]); offset += strlen(names+offset)+1; } printf("\n"); free(sol); free(names); } return 0; } /**************************/ /* The portfolio example */ /**************************/ DWORD WINAPI portf(LPVOID param) { /**** DATA ****/ double Cost[NVal]; /* Coeff. of lin. part of the obj. */ double QCost[NVal][NVal]; /* Coeff. of quad. part of the obj. */ double UBnd[NVal]; /* Upper bound values */ double value; FILE *datafile; int i,j; XPRBctr cobj, c; XPRBvar x[NVal]; /* Amount of a value taken into the portfolio */ XPRBvar y[NVal]; /* 1 if value i is chosen, else 0 */ XPRBprob bprob; bprob=(XPRBprob)param; /**** Read data from files ****/ /* Read the quadratic cost data file */ memset(QCost,0,NVal*NVal*sizeof(double)); /* Initialize Q to 0 */ datafile=fopen(QFILE,"r"); while (XPRBreadlinecb(XPRB_FGETS, datafile, 200, "i,i,g", &i, &j, &value) == 3) QCost[i-1][j-1]=value; fclose(datafile); /* Read the linear cost data file */ datafile=fopen(CFILE,"r"); while (XPRBreadlinecb(XPRB_FGETS, datafile, 200, "i,g", &i, &value) == 2) Cost[i-1]=value; fclose(datafile); /* Read the bounds data file */ datafile=fopen(BFILE,"r"); while (XPRBreadlinecb(XPRB_FGETS, datafile, 200, "i,g", &i, &value) == 2) UBnd[i-1]=value; fclose(datafile); /**** VARIABLES ****/ for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) { x[i] = XPRBnewvar(bprob,XPRB_PL, XPRBnewname("x_%d",i+1), 0, UBnd[i]); y[i] = XPRBnewvar(bprob,XPRB_BV, XPRBnewname("y_%d",i+1), 0, 1); } /****OBJECTIVE****/ cobj = XPRBnewctr(bprob,"OBJ",XPRB_N); /* Define objective: total cost */ for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) XPRBaddterm(cobj,x[i],Cost[i]); for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) /* Define quadratic part of the obj. */ { XPRBaddqterm(cobj,x[i],x[i],QCost[i][i]); for(j=i+1;j<NVal;j++) XPRBaddqterm(cobj,x[i],x[j], QCost[i][j]); } XPRBsetobj(bprob,cobj); /* Set objective function */ /**** CONSTRAINTS ****/ c = XPRBnewctr(bprob,"C1",XPRB_E); /* Amounts of values chosen must add up to 100% */ for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) XPRBaddterm(c, x[i], 1); XPRBaddterm(c, NULL, 100); for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) /* Upper limits */ { c = XPRBnewctr(bprob,"UL",XPRB_L); XPRBaddterm(c, x[i], 1); XPRBaddterm(c, y[i], -UBnd[i]); } c = XPRBnewctr(bprob,"Card", XPRB_L); /* Limit on total number of values */ for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) XPRBaddterm(c, y[i], 1); XPRBaddterm(c, NULL, LIMIT); /****SOLVING + OUTPUT****/ /* XPRBprintprob(bprob); */ /* Print out the problem definition */ XPRBexportprob(bprob,XPRB_MPS,"Portf"); /* Output matrix in MPS format */ XPRBexportprob(bprob,XPRB_LP,"Portf"); /* Output matrix in LP format */ XPRBsetsense(bprob,XPRB_MINIM); /* Choose the sense of the optimization */ XPRSsetintcontrol(XPRBgetXPRSprob(bprob),XPRS_CUTSTRATEGY,0); XPRBlpoptimize(bprob,""); /* Solve the QP-problem, use 'mipoptimize' to solve MIQP */ printf("Problem %s:\n", XPRBgetprobname(bprob)); for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) printf("%s:%g (%g), ", XPRBgetvarname(x[i]), XPRBgetsol(x[i]), XPRBgetsol(y[i])); printf("\n"); return 0; } | |||||||||||
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