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Els - An economic lot-sizing problem solved by cut-and-branch and branch-and-cut heuristics

The version 'xbels' of this example shows how to implement cut-and-branch (= cut generation at the root node of the MIP search) and 'xbelsc' implements a branch-and-cut (= cut generation at the MIP search tree nodes) algorithm using the cut manager.

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  Xpress-BCL Java Example Problems

  Economic lot sizing, ELS, problem, solved by adding
  (l,S)-inequalities) in a branch-and-cut heuristic
  (using the cut manager).

  ELS considers production planning over a horizon
  of T periods. In period t, t=1,...,T, there is a
  given demand DEMAND[t] that must be satisfied by
  production prod[t] in period t and by inventory
  carried over from previous periods. There is a
  set-up up cost SETUPCOST[t] associated with
  production in period t. The unit production cost
  in period t is PRODCOST[t]. There is no inventory
  or stock-holding cost.

  *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence ***

  (c) 2008-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation
      author: S.Heipcke, 2005, rev. Mar. 2011

import java.util.*;
import com.dashoptimization.*;

public class xbelsc {
    static final double EPS = 1e-6;
    static final int T = 6;                 /* Number of time periods */

    static final int[] DEMAND    = { 1, 3, 5, 3, 4, 2};  /* Demand per period */
    static final int[] SETUPCOST = {17,16,11, 6, 9, 6};  /* Setup cost / period */
    static final int[] PRODCOST  = { 5, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1};  /* Prod. cost / period */
    static int[][] D;                       /* Total demand in periods t1 - t2 */

    static XPRBvar[] prod;                  /* Production in period t */
    static XPRBvar[] setup;                 /* Setup in period t */

    static class myobj {
        XPRBprob prob;
        double tol;

    /*  Cut generation algorithm:                                             */
    /*    get the solution values                                             */
    /*    identify and set up violated constraints                            */
    /*    add cuts to the problem                                             */
    static class CutMgrCallback implements XPRScutMgrListener {
        public int XPRScutMgrEvent(XPRSprob oprob, Object data) {
            int t,l;
            boolean res;
            int ncut;                    /* Counter for cuts */
            double[] solprod, solsetup;  /* Solution values for var.s prod & setup */
            double ds;
            XPRBexpr le;
            ArrayList<XPRBcut> cutlist;
            XPRBcut[] cuts;
            myobj mo;

            mo = (myobj)data;

            ncut = 0;
            cutlist = new ArrayList<XPRBcut>();
            try {
                /* Get the solution values */

                solprod = new double[T];
                solsetup = new double[T];
                for(t=0;t<T;t++) {
                    solprod[t]= prod[t].getSol();
                    solsetup[t]= setup[t].getSol();

                /* Search for violated constraints: */
                for(l=0;l<T;l++) {
                    for(ds=0.0, t=0; t<=l; t++) {
                        if(solprod[t] < D[t][l]*solsetup[t] + mo.tol)  ds += solprod[t];
                        else  ds += D[t][l]*solsetup[t];

                    /* Add the violated inequality: the minimum of the actual production
                       prod[t] and the maximum potential production D[t][l]*setup[t]
                       in periods 0 to l must at least equal the total demand in periods
                       0 to l.
                       sum(t=1:l) min(prod[t], D[t][l]*setup[t]) >= D[0][l]
                    if(ds < D[0][l] - mo.tol) {
                        le = new XPRBexpr();
                        for(t=0;t<=l;t++) {
                            if (solprod[t] < D[t][l]*solsetup[t] + mo.tol)
                                le .add(prod[t]);
                                le .add(setup[t].mul(D[t][l]));
                        cutlist.add( mo.prob.newCut(le.gEql(D[0][l])) );

                /* Add cuts to the problem */
                if(ncut>0) {
                    cuts = new XPRBcut[ncut];
                    for(t=0;t<ncut;t++) cuts[t] = (XPRBcut)cutlist.get(t);
                    System.out.println("Cuts added: " + ncut +
                                       " (depth " + oprob.getIntAttrib(XPRS.NODEDEPTH) +
                                       ", node "+ oprob.getIntAttrib(XPRS.NODES) +
                                       "), obj. " + oprob.getDblAttrib(XPRS.LPOBJVAL));
            catch(XPRSprobException e) {
                System.out.println("Error  " + e.getCode() + ": " + e.getMessage());
            return 0;


    static void modEls(XPRBprob p) throws XPRSexception {
        int s,t,k;
        XPRBexpr cobj,le;

        D = new int[T][T];
                    D[s][t] += DEMAND[k];

        prod = new XPRBvar[T];
        setup = new XPRBvar[T];
        for(t=0;t<T;t++) {
            prod[t]=p.newVar("prod" + (t+1));
            setup[t]=p.newVar("setup" +(t+1), XPRB.BV);

        cobj = new XPRBexpr();
        for(t=0;t<T;t++)                      /* Minimize total cost */
            cobj .add(setup[t].mul(SETUPCOST[t]) .add(prod[t].mul(PRODCOST[t])) );

        /* Production in period t must not exceed the total demand for the
           remaining periods; if there is production during t then there
           is a setup in t */
            p.newCtr("Production", prod[t] .lEql(setup[t].mul(D[t][T-1])) );

        /* Production in periods 0 to t must satisfy the total demand
           during this period of time */
        for(t=0;t<T;t++) {
            le = new XPRBexpr();
            for(s=0;s<=t;s++) le .add(prod[s]);
            p.newCtr("Demand", le.gEql(D[0][t]) );

    static void treeCutGen(XPRBprob p) throws XPRSexception {
        XPRSprob oprob;
        myobj mo;
        CutMgrCallback cb;
        double feastol;
        int starttime,t;


        oprob = p.getXPRSprob();                    /* Get Optimizer problem */

        oprob.setIntControl(XPRS.LPLOG, 0);
        oprob.setIntControl(XPRS.MIPLOG, 3);

        oprob.setIntControl(XPRS.CUTSTRATEGY, 0);   /* Disable automatic cuts */
        oprob.setIntControl(XPRS.PRESOLVE, 0);      /* Switch presolve off */
        oprob.setIntControl(XPRS.EXTRAROWS, 5000);  /* Reserve extra rows */

        feastol=oprob.getDblControl(XPRS.FEASTOL);  /* Get zero tolerance */
        feastol*= 10;

        mo = new myobj();
        cb = new CutMgrCallback();
        oprob.addCutMgrListener(cb, mo);

        p.mipOptimize("");                          /* Solve the MIP */
        System.out.println("(" + (XPRB.getTime()-starttime)/1000.0 +
                           " sec) MIP status " + p.getMIPStat() + ", best solution: " +

        /* Print out the solution: */
            System.out.println("Period " + (t+1) + ": prod " + prod[t].getSol()
                               + " (demand: " + DEMAND[t] + ", cost: " + PRODCOST[t] + "), setup "
                               + setup[t].getSol() + " (cost: " + SETUPCOST[t] + ")");


    public static void main(String[] args) throws XPRSprobException, XPRSexception {
        try (XPRBprob p = new XPRBprob("Els"); /* Initialize BCL and create a new problem */
             XPRS xprs = new XPRS()) {         /* Initialize Xpress-Optimizer */

            modEls(p);                         /* Model the problem */
            treeCutGen(p);                     /* Solve the problem */

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