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Cutstk - Column generation for a cutting stock problem

This example features iteratively adding new variables, basis in/output and working with subproblems. The column generation algorithm is implemented as a loop over the root node of the MIP problem.

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  BCL Example Problems

  file xbcutstk.c
  Cutting stock problem, solved by column (= cutting
  pattern) generation heuristic looping over the root

  (c) 2008-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation
      author: S.Heipcke, 2001, rev. Mar. 2014

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "xprb.h"
#include "xprs.h"

#define NWIDTHS 5
#define MAXWIDTH 94

#define EPS 1e-6
#define MAXCOL 10

double WIDTH[] = {17, 21, 22.5,  24, 29.5};  /* Possible widths */
int DEMAND[] =  {150, 96,   48, 108,  227};  /* Demand per width */
int PATTERNS[NWIDTHS][NWIDTHS];              /* (Basic) cutting patterns */

XPRBvar use[NWIDTHS+MAXCOL];               /* Rolls per pattern */
XPRBctr dem[NWIDTHS];                      /* Demand constraints */
XPRBctr cobj;                              /* Objective function */

double knapsack(int N, double *c, double *a, double R, int *d, int *xbest);


void modcutstock(XPRBprob prob)
 int i,j;

 for(j=0;j<NWIDTHS;j++) PATTERNS[j][j]=(int)floor(MAXWIDTH/WIDTH[j]);

  use[j]=XPRBnewvar(prob,XPRB_UI, XPRBnewname("pat_%d",j+1),0,

 cobj = XPRBnewctr(prob,"OBJ",XPRB_N);     /* Minimize total number of rolls */
  XPRBaddterm(cobj, use[j], 1);

  dem[i] = XPRBnewctr(prob,"Demand",XPRB_G); /* Satisfy the demand per width */
   XPRBaddterm(dem[i], use[j], PATTERNS[i][j]);
  XPRBaddterm(dem[i], NULL, DEMAND[i]);

/*  Column generation loop at the top node:                               */
/*    solve the LP and save the basis                                     */
/*    get the solution values                                             */
/*    generate new column(s) (=cutting pattern)                           */
/*    load the modified problem and load the saved basis                  */
void solvecutstock(XPRBprob prob)
 double objval;                  /* Objective value */
 int i,j;
 int starttime;
 int npatt, npass;               /* Counters for columns and passes */
 double soluse[NWIDTHS+MAXCOL];  /* Solution values for variables pat */
 double dualdem[NWIDTHS];        /* Dual values of demand constraints */
 XPRBbasis basis;
 double dw,z;
 int x[NWIDTHS];

 npatt = NWIDTHS;

  XPRBlpoptimize(prob,"");     /* Solve the LP */
  basis=XPRBsavebasis(prob);     /* Save the current basis */
  objval = XPRBgetobjval(prob);  /* Get the objective value */

      /* Get the solution values: */
  for(j=0;j<npatt;j++)  soluse[j]=XPRBgetsol(use[j]);
  for(i=0;i<NWIDTHS;i++)  dualdem[i]=XPRBgetdual(dem[i]);

  for(j=0;j<npatt;j++) printf("%g, ",soluse[j]); printf("\n");

      /* Solve integer knapsack problem  z = min{cx : ax<=r, x in Z^n}
         with r=MAXWIDTH, n=NWIDTHS */
  z = knapsack(NWIDTHS, dualdem, WIDTH, (double)MAXWIDTH, DEMAND, x);
  printf("(%g sec) Pass %d: ",(XPRBgettime()-starttime)/1000.0, npass+1);

  if(z < 1+EPS)
   printf("no profitable column found.\n\n");
   XPRBdelbasis(basis);              /* No need to keep the basis any longer */
      /* Print the new pattern: */
   printf("new pattern found with marginal cost %g\n   ", z-1);
   printf("Widths distribution: ");
    printf ("%g:%d  ", WIDTH[i], x[i]);
    dw += WIDTH[i]*x[i];
   printf("Total width: %g\n", dw);

      /* Create a new variable for this pattern: */

   XPRBaddterm(cobj, use[npatt], 1); /* Add new var. to the objective */
   for(i=0; i<NWIDTHS; i++)          /* Add new var. to demand constraints*/
    if(x[i] > EPS)
     XPRBaddterm(dem[i], use[npatt], x[i]);
     if((int)ceil((double)DEMAND[i]/x[i]) > dw)
      dw = (int)ceil((double)DEMAND[i]/x[i]);
   XPRBsetub(use[npatt],dw);         /* Change the upper bound on the new var.*/


   XPRBloadmat(prob);                /* Reload the problem */
   XPRBloadbasis(basis);             /* Load the saved basis */
   XPRBdelbasis(basis);              /* No need to keep the basis any longer */

 XPRBmipoptimize(prob,"c");          /* Solve the MIP */

 printf("(%g sec) Optimal solution: %g rolls, %d patterns\n   ",
   (XPRBgettime()-starttime)/1000.0, XPRBgetobjval(prob), npatt);
 printf("Rolls per pattern: ");
 for(i=0;i<npatt;i++) printf("%g, ", XPRBgetsol(use[i]));

/* Integer Knapsack Algorithm for solving the integer knapsack problem    */
/*    z = max{cx : ax <= R, x <= d, x in Z^N}                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* Input data:                                                            */
/*   N:        Number of item types                                       */
/*   c[i]:     Unit profit of item type i, i=1..n                         */
/*   a[i]:     Unit resource use of item type i, i=1..n                   */
/*   R:        Total resource available                                   */
/*   d[i]:     Demand for item type i, i=1..n                             */
/* Return values:                                                         */
/*   xbest[i]: Number of items of type i used in optimal solution         */
/*   zbest:    Value of optimal solution                                  */
double knapsack(int N, double *c, double *a, double R, int *d, int *xbest)
 int j;
 double zbest = 0.0;
 XPRBarrvar x;
 XPRBctr cobj;
 XPRBprob kprob;
 printf ("Solving z = max{cx : ax <= b; x in Z^n}\n   c   =");
 for (j = 0; j < N; j++) printf (" %g,", c[j]);
 printf("\n   a   =");
 for (j = 0; j < N; j++) printf (" %g,", a[j]);
 printf("\n   c/a =");
 for (j = 0; j < N; j++) printf (" %g,", c[j]/a[j]);
 printf("\n   b   = %f\n", R);

 x=XPRBnewarrvar(kprob,N, XPRB_UI, "x", 0, XPRB_INFINITY);
 for(j=0;j<N;j++) XPRBsetub(x[j], d[j]);

 cobj = XPRBnewarrsum(kprob,"OBJ", x, c, XPRB_N, 0);
 XPRBnewarrsum(kprob,"KnapCtr", x, a, XPRB_L, R);

 zbest = XPRBgetobjval(kprob);
 for(j=0;j<N;j++) xbest[j]=(int)floor(XPRBgetsol(x[j])+0.5);
 printf ("   z = %f\n   x =", zbest);
 for(j=0; j<N; j++) printf (" %d,", xbest[j]);


 return (zbest);


int main(int argc, char **argv)
 XPRBprob prob;

 prob=XPRBnewprob("CutStock");         /* Initialize a new problem in BCL */
 modcutstock(prob);                    /* Model the problem */
 solvecutstock(prob);                  /* Solve the problem */

 XPRBdelprob(prob);                    /* Delete the main problem */
 XPRBfree();                           /* Terminate BCL */

 return 0;

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