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Coco - A full production planning example

The Coco productional planning problem: multi-item, multi-period, multi-site production planning. A sequence of model versions show how the model was developed, to (a) use more sophisticated modeling features and (b) to extend the model, taking it from a simple linear model to one with fixed prices and logical decisions.
  1. xbcoco1: initial formulation, data, variables and constraints fixed
  2. xbcoco2: use parameters, data tables and subscripted variables.

    read data tables in from text data files (short-term planning).
  3. xbcoco3: like xbcoco2.c, but several time periods (mid-term planning).
  4. xbcoco : complete problem, data defined in the model definition (long-term planning).

Source Files

Data Files


  Xpress-BCL C# Example Problems

  file xbcoco2.cs
  Coco Problem Phase 2.
  Use parameters, data tables and subscripted variables
  to separate the model structure from the data.
  Read data tables in from text data files.

  (c) 2008-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation
      authors: S.Heipcke, D.Brett.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using BCL;

namespace Examples
    public class TestCoco1
        const int NP = 2;            /* Number of products (p) */
        const int NF = 2;            /*           factories (f) */
        const int NR = 2;            /*           raw materials (r) */

        //Define XPRBDATAPATH to wherever you have placed the data folder; here we expect it to be same directory as compiled example.
        static string XPRBDATAPATH = Directory.GetParent(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FullName + "/Data";
        static string REVFILE    = XPRBDATAPATH + "/coco/rev.dat";
        static string CMAKEFILE  = XPRBDATAPATH + "/coco/cmake.dat";
        static string CBUYFILE   = XPRBDATAPATH + "/coco/cbuy.dat";
        static string REQFILE    = XPRBDATAPATH + "/coco/req.dat";
        static string MXSELLFILE = XPRBDATAPATH + "/coco/maxsell.dat";
        static string MXMAKEFILE = XPRBDATAPATH + "/coco/mxmake.dat";

        double[] REV = new double[NP];         /* Unit selling price of product p */
        double[,] CMAK = new double[NP,NF];    /* Unit cost to make product p at factory f */
        double[] CBUY = new double[NR];        /* Unit cost to buy raw material r */
        double[,] REQ = new double[NP,NR];     /* Requirement by unit of prod. p for raw material r */
        double[] MXSELL = new double[NP];      /* Max. amount of p that can be sold */
        double[] MXMAKE = new double[NF];      /* Max. amount factory f can make over all products */
        double[,] PROFIT = new double[NP,NF];  /* Profit contribution of product p at factory f */

        XPRBprob pb = new XPRBprob("Coco2");   /* Initialize a new problem in BCL */


        void modCoco2()
            XPRBvar[,] make = new XPRBvar[NP,NF];
            XPRBexpr lobj, lc;
            int p,f;

            for(p=0;p<NP;p++)         /* Amount of prod. p to make at factory f */
                    make[p,f] = pb.newVar("make_p" + (p+1) + "f" + (f+1));

            lobj = new XPRBexpr();
            for(p=0;p<NP;p++)         /* Objective: maximize total profit */
                for(f=0;f<NF;f++)  lobj += PROFIT[p,f]* make[p,f];


            for(p=0;p<NP;p++)         /* Limit on the amount of product p to be sold */
                lc = new XPRBexpr(0);
                for(f=0;f<NF;f++)  lc += make[p,f];
                pb.newCtr("MxSell", lc <= MXSELL[p]);

            for(f=0;f<NF;f++)         /* Capacity limit at factory f */
                lc = new XPRBexpr(0);
                for(p=0;p<NP;p++) lc += make[p,f];
                pb.newCtr("MxMake", lc <= MXMAKE[f]);

            /****SOLVING + OUTPUT****/
            pb.setSense(BCLconstant.XPRB_MAXIM);  /* Choose the sense of the optimization */
            pb.lpOptimize();             /* Solve the LP-problem */
            System.Console.WriteLine("Objective: " + pb.getObjVal());  /* Get objective value */

            for(p=0;p<NP;p++)         /* Print the solution values */
                    System.Console.Write(make[p,f].getName() + ":" + make[p,f].getSol() + " ");


        /**** Read data from files ****/
        void readData()
            FileStream file;
            StreamReader fileStreamIn;
            int p,f,r;

            /* Read the revenue data file */
            /* Read the demand data file */
            file = new FileStream(REVFILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            fileStreamIn = new StreamReader(file);
            pb.XPRBreadarrline(fileStreamIn, 200, "{g} , ", out REV, NP);

            /* Read the production cost data file */
            file = new FileStream(CMAKEFILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            fileStreamIn = new StreamReader(file);
            for (p = 0; p < NP; p++)
                double[] temp = new double[NF];
                pb.XPRBreadarrline(fileStreamIn, 200, "{g} , ", out temp, NF);
                for(int q=0; q<NF; q++)
                    CMAK[p,q] = temp[q];


            /* Read the raw material cost data file */
            file = new FileStream(CBUYFILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            fileStreamIn = new StreamReader(file);
            pb.XPRBreadarrline(fileStreamIn, 200, "{g} , ", out CBUY, NR);

            /* Read the resource requirement data file */
            file = new FileStream(REQFILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            fileStreamIn = new StreamReader(file);
            for (p = 0; p < NP; p++)
                double[] temp = new double[NF];
                pb.XPRBreadarrline(fileStreamIn, 200, "{g} , ", out temp, NF);
                for (int q = 0; q < NF; q++)
                    REQ[p, q] = temp[q];


            /* Read the max. sales quantities data file */
            file = new FileStream(MXSELLFILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            fileStreamIn = new StreamReader(file);
            pb.XPRBreadarrline(fileStreamIn, 200, "{g} , ", out MXSELL, NP);

            /* Read the production capacities data file */
            file = new FileStream(MXMAKEFILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            fileStreamIn = new StreamReader(file);
            pb.XPRBreadarrline(fileStreamIn, 200, "{g} , ", out MXMAKE, NF);

            /* Calculate the table PROFIT */
                    PROFIT[p,f] = REV[p] - CMAK[p,f];
                    for(r=0;r<NR;r++) PROFIT[p,f] -= (REQ[p,r]*CBUY[r]);


        public static void Main()
            TestCoco1 TestInstance = new TestCoco1();
            TestInstance.readData();            /* Data input from file */
            TestInstance.modCoco2();            /* Model and solve the problem */



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