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Catenary - Solving a QCQP Description This model finds the shape of a hanging chain by
minimizing its potential energy.
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xbcatena.c /******************************************************** BCL Example Problems ==================== file xbcatena.c `````````````` QCQP problem (linear objective, convex quadratic constraints) Based on AMPL model catenary.mod (Source: http://www.orfe.princeton.edu/~rvdb/ampl/nlmodels/ ) This model finds the shape of a hanging chain by minimizing its potential energy. (c) 2008-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S.Heipcke, June 2008, rev. Mar. 2011 ********************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include "xprb.h" #include "xprs.h" #define N 100 /* Number of chainlinks */ #define L 1 /* Difference in x-coordinates of endlinks */ double H = 2.0*L/N; /* Length of each link */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; XPRBprob prob; XPRBvar x[N+1], y[N+1]; /* x-/y-coordinates of endpoints of chainlinks */ XPRBctr cobj, c; prob=XPRBnewprob("catenary"); /* Initialize a new problem in BCL */ /**** VARIABLES ****/ for(i=0;i<=N;i++) x[i] = XPRBnewvar(prob, XPRB_PL, XPRBnewname("x(%d)",i), -XPRB_INFINITY, XPRB_INFINITY); for(i=0;i<=N;i++) y[i] = XPRBnewvar(prob, XPRB_PL, XPRBnewname("y(%d)",i), -XPRB_INFINITY, XPRB_INFINITY); /* Bounds: positions of endpoints */ /* Left anchor */ XPRBfixvar(x[0],0); XPRBfixvar(y[0],0); /* Right anchor */ XPRBfixvar(x[N],L); XPRBfixvar(y[N],0); /****OBJECTIVE****/ /* Minimise the potential energy: sum(j in 1..N) (y(j-1)+y(j))/2 */ cobj = XPRBnewctr(prob, "Obj", XPRB_N); for(i=1;i<=N;i++) { XPRBaddterm(cobj, y[i-1], 0.5); XPRBaddterm(cobj, y[i], 0.5); } XPRBsetobj(prob, cobj); /* Set the objective function */ /**** CONSTRAINTS ****/ /* Positions of chainlinks: forall(j in 1..N) (x(j)-x(j-1))^2+(y(j)-y(j-1))^2 <= H^2 */ for(i=1;i<=N;i++) { c = XPRBnewctr(prob, XPRBnewname("Link_%d",i), XPRB_L); XPRBaddqterm(c, x[i], x[i], 1); XPRBaddqterm(c, x[i], x[i-1], -2); XPRBaddqterm(c, x[i-1], x[i-1], 1); XPRBaddqterm(c, y[i], y[i], 1); XPRBaddqterm(c, y[i], y[i-1], -2); XPRBaddqterm(c, y[i-1], y[i-1], 1); XPRBaddterm(c, NULL, H*H); } /****SOLVING + OUTPUT****/ XPRBsetsense(prob, XPRB_MINIM); /* Choose the sense of optimization */ /* Problem printing and matrix output: */ /* XPRBprintprob(prob); XPRBexportprob(prob, XPRB_MPS, "catenary"); XPRBexportprob(prob, XPRB_LP, "catenary"); */ /* Start values: for(i=0;i<=N;i++) XPRBsetinitval(x[j], j*L/N); for(i=0;i<=N;i++) XPRBsetinitval(y[j], 0); */ /* Disable convexity check */ XPRSsetintcontrol(XPRBgetXPRSprob(prob), XPRS_IFCHECKCONVEXITY, 0); XPRBlpoptimize(prob,""); /* Solve the problem */ printf("Solution: %g\n", XPRBgetobjval(prob)); for(i=0;i<=N;i++) printf(" %d: %g, %g\n", i, XPRBgetsol(x[i]), XPRBgetsol(y[i])); return 0; } | |||||||||||
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