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Runprime - Remote model execution

  • runprimedistr.c,, runprimedistr.mos: Running a model on a remote Mosel instance (requires prime.mos)
  • runprimeiodistr.c, Running a model on a remote Mosel instance and retrieving output data: data saved to file or in memory on the remote machine (requires primeio.mos)
  • runprimeiodistr2.c, Running a model on a remote Mosel instance and retrieving output data: data saved in memory on the local machine. Implementation of a file manager for data exchange in memory (requires primeio.mos)
  • runprimeiodistr3.c, Running a model on a remote Mosel instance and retrieving output data: data saved to a file on the local machine (requires primeio.mos)
  • runprimeiodistr.mos: mmjobs implementation. Running a model on a remote Mosel instance and retrieving output data (requires primeio.mos)
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Chapters XPRD C and XPRD Java

Source Files


   Mosel User Guide Example Problems

   file runprimedistr.mos 
   Distributed computing: 
   Running a model on a remote Mosel instance.

   (c) 2010 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, July 2010

model "Run model prime remotely"
 uses "mmjobs"

  moselInst: Mosel
  modPrime: Model
  event: Event
                               ! Compile 'prime.mos' locally
 if compile("prime.mos")<>0 then exit(1); end-if

                               ! Start a remote Mosel instance:
                               ! "" means the node running this model
 if connect(moselInst, "")<>0 then exit(2); end-if

                               ! Load bim file into remote instance
 load(moselInst, modPrime, "rmt:prime.bim")

 run(modPrime, "LIMIT=50000")  ! Start execution and
 wait(2)                       ! wait 2 seconds for an event

 if isqueueempty then          ! No event has been sent...
  writeln("Model too slow: stopping it!")
  stop(modPrime)               ! ... stop the model, then wait
                               ! An event is available: model finished
 writeln("Exit status: ", getvalue(event))
 writeln("Exit code  : ", getexitcode(modPrime))

 unload(modPrime)              ! Unload the submodel

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