FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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Compilation to/from memory

  • ugcompfrmem.mos, ugcompfrmemcs.cs: Compiling a model held in memory
  • ugcompmem.mos, ugcompmemcs.cs: Compiling a model to memory (requires burglar2.mos, burglar.dat)
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Section 17.1 Generalized file handling[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


! Data file for `burglar2.mos'

VALUE: [("camera") 15 ("necklace") 100 ("vase") 90 ("picture") 60
         ("tv") 40 ("video") 15 ("chest") 10 ("brick") 1]
WEIGHT:[("camera") 2 ("necklace") 20 ("vase") 20 ("picture") 30
         ("tv") 40 ("video") 30 ("chest") 60 ("brick") 10]

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