FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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A company produces the same product at different plants. Every plant has a different production cost per unit and a limited total capacity. The customers (grouped into customer regions) may receive the product from different production locations. The transport cost is proportional to the distance between plants and customers, and the capacity on every delivery route is limited. The objective is to minimize the total cost, whilst satisfying the demands of all customers.

Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Section 3.1 'A transport example', Section 10.1 'Producing formatted output'. Similar problem: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 10.1 'Car rental' (e1carrent.mos)[download all files]

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Data Files


! Data file for 'transport.mos'
DEMAND: [ (Scotland) 2840 (North) 2800 (SWest) 2600 (SEast) 2820 
          (Midlands) 2750 ]

                     ! [CAP  COST] 
PLANTDATA: [ (Corby)   [3000 1700]
             (Deeside) [2700 1600]
             (Glasgow) [4500 2000]
             (Oxford)  [4000 2100] ]

                           ! [DIST CAP] 
ROUTES: [ (Corby   North)    [400 1000]
          (Corby   SWest)    [400 1000]
          (Corby   SEast)    [300 1000]
          (Corby   Midlands) [100 2000]
          (Deeside Scotland) [500 1000]
          (Deeside North)    [200 2000]
          (Deeside SWest)    [200 1000]
          (Deeside SEast)    [200 1000]
          (Deeside Midlands) [400  300]
          (Glasgow Scotland) [200 3000]
          (Glasgow North)    [400 2000]
          (Glasgow SWest)    [500 1000]
          (Glasgow SEast)    [900  200]
          (Oxford  Scotland) [800    *]
          (Oxford  North)    [600 2000]
          (Oxford  SWest)    [300 2000]
          (Oxford  SEast)    [200 2000]
          (Oxford  Midlands) [400  500] ]


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