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Working with multiple models: submodels, coordination, communication, and parallelization

The Mosel module mmjobs enables the user to work with several models concurrently. We show here a series of examples of basic tasks that typically need to be performed when working with several models in Mosel:

Parallel computing:
  • Running a submodel from another Mosel model: runtestsub.mos (main model executing testsub.mos)
  • Retrieving termination status from submodels (means of coordination of different models): runsubevnt.mos (main model executing testsub.mos)
  • Retrieving user event sent by the submodel: runsubevnt2.mos (main model executing testsubev.mos)
  • Stopping a submodel: runsubwait.mos (main model executing testsub.mos)
  • Compiling to memory: runsubmem.mos (main model executing testsub.mos)
  • Setting runtime parameters: runrtparam.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Sequential execution of submodels: runrtparseq.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Parallel execution of submodels: runrtparprl.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Parallel execution with cloning of submodels: runrtparclone.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Job queue for parallel execution of submodels: runrtparqueue.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Using the shmem (shared memory) I/O driver for data exchange (bin format): runsubshm.mos (main model executing testsubshm.mos)
  • Using the shmem (shared memory) I/O driver for data exchange (raw format): runsubshmr.mos (main model executing testsubshmr.mos)
  • Using the mempipe (memory pipe) I/O driver for data exchange: runsubpip.mos (main model executing testsubpip.mos)
  • Sharing data between cloned models: runsubclone.mos (main model executing a copy of itself)
Distributed computing:
  • Check for available remote Mosel servers: findservers.mos
  • Run a single model on a remote machine: runrtdistr.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Run a single model on a remote machine with configuration options: runrtdistrconf.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Running parallel submodels in a distributed architecture: runrtpardistr.mos (main model executing rtparams3.mos)
  • Queuing submodels for parallel execution in a distributed architecture with one or several models per node: runrtparqueued.mos (main model executing rtparams3.mos)
  • 3-level tree of (parallel) submodels: runrtpartree.mos (main model executing rtparams2.mos)
  • Running a submodel that detaches itself from its parent: runrtdetach.mos (main model executing rtparams4.mos)
  • Using the shmem (shared memory) I/O driver for data exchange (bin format): runsubshmdistr.mos (main model executing testsubshm.mos)
Further explanation of this example: Xpress Whitepaper 'Multiple models and parallel solving with Mosel', Section 'Basic tasks'.

Source Files


   Mosel Example Problems 

   file findservers.mos
   Find Mosel servers that are able to accept remote model runs

   This file only produces output on the local node, 
   it does not start any remote runs.
   (c) 2013 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Jan. 2013

model "Find Mosel servers"
 uses "mmjobs"

   M = 20                  ! Max. number of servers to be sought

   Hosts: set of string
   NODELIST: list of string
   mosInst: Mosel

 findxsrvs(1, M, Hosts)
 writeln(Hosts.size, " servers found: ", Hosts)

 forall(i in Hosts)        ! Establish remote connection and print system info
   if connect(mosInst, i)=0 then
     writeln("Server ", i, ": ", getsysinfo(mosInst))
     writeln("Connection to ", i, " failed ")

 NODELIST:=[""]            ! Construct a list starting with the current node
 forall(i in Hosts) NODELIST += [i] 


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