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Working with multiple models: submodels, coordination, communication, and parallelization

The Mosel module mmjobs enables the user to work with several models concurrently. We show here a series of examples of basic tasks that typically need to be performed when working with several models in Mosel:

Parallel computing:
  • Running a submodel from another Mosel model: runtestsub.mos (main model executing testsub.mos)
  • Retrieving termination status from submodels (means of coordination of different models): runsubevnt.mos (main model executing testsub.mos)
  • Retrieving user event sent by the submodel: runsubevnt2.mos (main model executing testsubev.mos)
  • Stopping a submodel: runsubwait.mos (main model executing testsub.mos)
  • Compiling to memory: runsubmem.mos (main model executing testsub.mos)
  • Setting runtime parameters: runrtparam.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Sequential execution of submodels: runrtparseq.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Parallel execution of submodels: runrtparprl.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Parallel execution with cloning of submodels: runrtparclone.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Job queue for parallel execution of submodels: runrtparqueue.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Using the shmem (shared memory) I/O driver for data exchange (bin format): runsubshm.mos (main model executing testsubshm.mos)
  • Using the shmem (shared memory) I/O driver for data exchange (raw format): runsubshmr.mos (main model executing testsubshmr.mos)
  • Using the mempipe (memory pipe) I/O driver for data exchange: runsubpip.mos (main model executing testsubpip.mos)
  • Sharing data between cloned models: runsubclone.mos (main model executing a copy of itself)
Distributed computing:
  • Check for available remote Mosel servers: findservers.mos
  • Run a single model on a remote machine: runrtdistr.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Run a single model on a remote machine with configuration options: runrtdistrconf.mos (main model executing rtparams.mos)
  • Running parallel submodels in a distributed architecture: runrtpardistr.mos (main model executing rtparams3.mos)
  • Queuing submodels for parallel execution in a distributed architecture with one or several models per node: runrtparqueued.mos (main model executing rtparams3.mos)
  • 3-level tree of (parallel) submodels: runrtpartree.mos (main model executing rtparams2.mos)
  • Running a submodel that detaches itself from its parent: runrtdetach.mos (main model executing rtparams4.mos)
  • Using the shmem (shared memory) I/O driver for data exchange (bin format): runsubshmdistr.mos (main model executing testsubshm.mos)
Further explanation of this example: Xpress Whitepaper 'Multiple models and parallel solving with Mosel', Section 'Basic tasks'.

Source Files


   Mosel Example Problems 

   file runrtparqueue.mos
   Running several instances of a model from another
   Mosel model.
   - Queuing submodels for parallel execution 
     in a limited number of processes -

   (c) 2010 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Apr. 2010, rev. Jun. 2015

model "Run model rtparams with job queue"
 uses "mmjobs"

   J=10                             ! Number of jobs to run
   NUMPAR=2                         ! Number of parallel model executions
 end-parameters                     ! (preferrably <= no. of processors)
 forward procedure start_next_job(submod: Model)
   RM = 1..NUMPAR                   ! Model indices
   JOBS = 1..J                      ! Job (instance) indices
   modPar: array(RM) of Model       ! Models
   jobid: array(set of integer) of integer  ! Job index for model UIDs
   JobList: list of integer         ! List of jobs
   JobsRun: set of integer          ! Set of finished jobs
   JobSize: integer                 ! Number of jobs to be executed
   Msg: Event                       ! Messages sent by models
                                    ! Compile the model file
 if compile("rtparams.mos")<>0 then exit(1); end-if

 forall(m in RM) do
   load(modPar(m), "rtparams.bim")  ! Load the bim file
   modPar(m).uid:= m                ! Store the model ID

 JobList:= sum(i in JOBS) [i]       ! Define the list of jobs (instances)
 JobSize:=JobList.size              ! Store the number of jobs
 JobsRun:={}                        ! Set of terminated jobs is empty

!**** Start initial lot of model runs ****
 forall(m in RM) 
   if JobList<>[] then

!**** Run all remaining jobs ****
 while (JobsRun.size<JobSize) do
   wait                               ! Wait for model termination
 ! Start next job
   Msg:= getnextevent
   if Msg.class=EVENT_END then        ! We are only interested in "end" events
     m:= Msg.fromuid                  ! Retrieve the model ID
     JobsRun+={jobid(m)}              ! Keep track of job termination
     writeln("End of job ", jobid(m), " (model ", m, ")")
     if JobList<>[] then              ! Start a new run if queue not empty

 procedure start_next_job(submod: Model)
   i:=getfirst(JobList)               ! Retrieve first job in the list
   cuthead(JobList,1)                 ! Remove first entry from job list
   jobid(submod.uid):= i              ! Save job index for this model
   writeln("Start job ", i, " (model ", submod.uid, ")")
   run(submod, "PARAM1=" + i + ",PARAM2=" + 0.1*i +
               ",PARAM3='string " + i + "'" + ",PARAM4=" + isodd(i))


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