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Preprocessing Mosel code Description It is possible to use standard C preprocessors such as cpp or m4 with Mosel. Mosel treats the preprocessor symbol '#' at the beginning of lines like a comment sign, with the exception of line numbers/positioning markers that are handled to obtain the original line numbers (see the discussion in Section 2.5.3 Line control directives of the Mosel Language Reference Manual).
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template.mos (!******************************************************* Mosel Template Preprocessor =========================== file template.mos ----------------- This program can be used to automatically specialize Mosel code by duplicating code portions, such as generating multiple versions of subroutines for different types. -- Preprocessing of Mosel source code -- Can be run as standard Mosel model: mosel template.mos INPUT=inputfile [OUTPUT=outputfile] or: mosel template.mos -- inputfile [outputfile] or the tool can be deployed as executable: mosel comp template.mos -o deploy.exe:template usage: template inputfile [outputfile] If no output filename is specified (second argument for executable, or if run as Mosel program, second argument after '--' or value of the runtime parameter OUTPUT), then the contents of the input file gets replaced by the generated code. ************************************* Template markup in the source (input) file that is processed by the 'template' tool: 1. The area where to apply the replacement is surrounded by the markers 'template': !#templcat.template=true ...textblock where to apply the template replacement... !#templcat.template=false where 'templcat' stands for the category name configured via the TEMPLCAT runtime parameter of the template.mos program 2. The substitution to be performed is indicated via the marker 'substitute' that needs to follow after every template=true setting (any number of replacement texts can be specified, separated by commas and without any whitespace): !#templcat.substitute string_to_replace=newtext1,newtext2,newtext3 It is possible to specify multiple substitions for a template block, using a blank as the separation character: !#templcat.substitute repl1=newtext1,newtext2 repl2=newtext3,newtext4 ************************************* (c) Copyright 2015-2023 Fair Isaac Corporation. All rights reserved. Changelog --------- 0.0.1 Initial (2015) 0.1.0 Template category name as parameter (Mar 2018) 0.1.1 Mosel 5 compatibility (May 2018) 0.1.2 Employ Mosel 5 routines 'cutelt', 'splittext' (Sep 2020) 0.1.3 Handle missing input file name (Jan 2021) 0.1.4 Processing of multiple substitutions within a block (Jun 2021) 0.1.5 Update to using Mosel6.2 version of deploy (Oct 2022) 0.1.6 Minor updates (Aug 2023) 0.1.7 Generate output file without replacements if dst name is specified, added preprocessor directives for lines (Dec 2023) *******************************************************!) model template uses "mmsystem", "deploy" version 0.1.7 parameters !@doc.descr Input (template) file name INPUT="testtemplate_templ.mos" !@doc.descr Output (Mosel source) file name OUTPUT="testtemplate.mos" !@doc.descr Template category name TEMPLCAT="test" !@doc.descr Whether to enable debug mode DEBUG=false end-parameters (!@doc. @descr Preprocess Mosel code and duplicate code where the TEMPLCAT.template annotation is present. @param src Input file @param dst Output file (optional) @info If <tt>dst</tt> is an empty string then the resulting code is saved in <tt>src</tt>. !) public procedure templatemosel(src,dst: text) declarations intemplate: boolean rct,cct,nct,sct: integer fromL,mostype,tmptxt: text Subs,Combs: range TypeSubL,tmpLst: dynamic array(Combs) of list of integer SubsLst: dynamic array(Subs) of list of text fname: array(Combs) of string fid: array(Combs) of integer SrcType: set of string i,n: integer s: string a,atemp,btemp,s2,d: text l,tmp: list of text fmain: text fmainid: integer linecnt,startsubst,endsubst: integer end-declarations if src="" then writeln("No input file has been specified.") exit(1) else writeln("Processing '", src, "' ...") end-if fopen(src,F_INPUT) fmain:=if(DEBUG,"testmain","mem:main") fopen(fmain,F_OUTPUT) fmainid := getfid(F_OUTPUT) if dst.size>0 : writeln("#1 ",src) n:=0 intemplate:=false linecnt:=0 while(readtextline(a)>0) do linecnt+=1 ! Template start i := findtext(a,"#"+TEMPLCAT+".template=true",1) if i>0 then intemplate:=true startsubst:=linecnt+1 end-if ! Store substitutions i:= findtext(a,"#"+TEMPLCAT+".substitute ",1) if i>0 then a := copytext(a,i+16,a.size) trim(a) l := sum(t in splittext(a," ")) [text(t)] forall(s1 in l) do tmp := splittext(s1,"=") fromL:= cutelt(tmp) mostype := cutelt(tmp) SrcType+={string(fromL)} rct:=0; cct:=TypeSubL.size; delcell(tmpLst) forall(rct as counter, t in splittext(mostype,",")) do trim(t) nct:=TypeSubL.size sct:=SubsLst.size+1 SubsLst(sct):=[text(fromL),t] if cct=0 then TypeSubL(rct):=[sct] elif rct>1 then forall(k in 1..cct) TypeSubL(nct+k):=tmpLst(k)+[sct] nct+=cct else forall(k in 1..cct) tmpLst(k):= TypeSubL(k) forall(k in 1..cct) TypeSubL(k)+=[sct] end-if end-do end-do a := "" forall(k in 1..TypeSubL.size) do tmptxt:="" forall(j in TypeSubL(k)) tmptxt+=("_"+j) fname(k) := if(DEBUG,"file"+tmptxt,"mem:file_"+tmptxt) fopen(fname(k),F_OUTPUT) fid(k) := getfid(F_OUTPUT) write("!") forall(j in TypeSubL(k)) write(" ",SubsLst(j,1),"=",SubsLst(j,2)) writeln end-do if DEBUG then fwriteln(2,SubsLst); end-if end-if ! Substitution end i := findtext(a,"#"+TEMPLCAT+".template=false",1) if i>0 then intemplate:=false endsubst:=linecnt+1 ! Close all opened files and concatenate forall(k in 1..TypeSubL.size) do fselect(fid(k)) fclose(F_OUTPUT) fselect(fmainid) if DEBUG then fwriteln(2,k," ",fname(k)," ",fid(k)); end-if fopen(fname(k),F_INPUT) writeln("#",startsubst) while(readtextline(a)>0) do write(a) end-do fclose(F_INPUT) fdelete(fname(k)) end-do writeln("#",endsubst) delcell(SubsLst);delcell(TypeSubL);SrcType:={} a := "" end-if ! Substitute templates if i<=0 then if intemplate then ! Single replacement: simultaneously write all outputs if SrcType.size=1 then s:=getelt(SrcType) i := findtext(a,s,1) if i>0 then while(i>0) do forall(j in 1..TypeSubL.size) do d:=SubsLst(j,2) n += 1 fselect(fid(j)) write(copytext(a,1,i-1)) write(d) end-do a := copytext(a,i+s.size,a.size) i := findtext(a,s,1) end-do forall(j in 1..TypeSubL.size) do fselect(fid(j)) write(a) end-do fselect(fmainid) else forall(j in 1..TypeSubL.size) do fselect(fid(j)) write(a) end-do fselect(fmainid) end-if ! Multiple replacements: process one file at a time else forall(k in 1..TypeSubL.size) do n += 1 atemp:=copytext(a,1,a.size); btemp:="" forall(j in TypeSubL(k)) do s2:=SubsLst(j,1) d:=SubsLst(j,2) i := findtext(atemp,s2,1) if i>0 then while(i>0) do btemp+=copytext(atemp,1,i-1) btemp+=text(d) atemp:= copytext(atemp,i+s2.size,atemp.size) i:= findtext(atemp,s2,1) end-do btemp+=atemp atemp:=copytext(btemp,1,btemp.size); btemp:="" end-if end-do fselect(fid(k)) write(atemp) end-do fselect(fmainid) end-if else write(a) end-if end-if end-do fclose(F_INPUT) fclose(F_OUTPUT) if n>0 then writeln("Preprocessed templates from ", src, " to ", if(dst.size>0,dst,src)) if dst.size>0 then fcopy(fmain,F_BINARY,dst,F_BINARY) else fcopy(fmain,F_BINARY,src,F_BINARY) end-if else writeln("No preprocessing templates found.") if dst.size>0: fcopy(src,F_BINARY,dst,F_BINARY) end-if fdelete(fmain) end-procedure !***********************! !* Display Banner !***********************! !@doc.descr Get the basename (filename without path and extension) of a file function basename(f:text):text returned:=pathsplit(SYS_FNAME,f) asproc(pathsplit(SYS_EXTN,returned,returned)) end-function !@doc.descr Display a banner procedure banner writeln(basename(argv(1)), " v", getparam("model_version")) writeln("(c) Copyright Fair Isaac Corporation 2015-2022. All rights reserved") end-procedure !***********************! !* Display some help !***********************! !@doc.descr Display help text for use from command line procedure showhelp declarations fnm: text end-declarations writeln_("\nUsage (executable): ", argv(1), " infile [outfile]") asproc(pathsplit(SYS_EXTN,argv(1),fnm)) writeln_(" (Mosel file): mosel ", fnm, "[.mos|.bim] -- infile [outfile]") writeln_(" (Mosel file): mosel ", fnm, "[.mos|.bim] INPUT=infile [OUTPUT=outfile]") writeln_("Configured for preprocessing #",TEMPLCAT,".template and #",TEMPLCAT,".substitute markers.") writeln_("Arguments:") writeln_(" infile input file") writeln_(" outfile output file (if not specified the input file will be replaced)") end-procedure !************************ Main ************************ declarations li: integer input,output: text end-declarations if argc=1 and INPUT<>"" then ! Not an executable: use parameters if specified templatemosel(INPUT,OUTPUT) elif argc<2 then ! Error: no input file has been specified banner showhelp exit(1) else ! Use command line arguments li:=2 forall(i in li..argc) case i of 2: input:=argv(i) 3: output:=argv(i) end-case templatemosel(input,output) end-if end-model | |||||||||||||||
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