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Writing packages: definition of constant symbols, subroutines, types, and parameters

Packages are libraries written in the Mosel language that extend the language with
  • constant symbols (myconstants.mos)
  • subroutines (definition of several overloaded versions of a procedure in solarraypkg.mos, generic implementation using union types and iterator in solarrayanypkg.mos)
  • types (definition of a structure 'arc' to represent arcs in a network with a function to access information: arcpkg.mos)
  • parameters (definition of real/integer/string/boolean valued package parameters: parpkg.mos)
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Chapter 16 Packages

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel User Guide Example Problems

   file arcpkg.mos
   Definition of the type 'arc'.
   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Jan. 2007, rev. June 2018

package arcpkg

 public declarations
  arc = public record                   ! Arcs:
   Source,Sink: string                  !   Source and sink of arc
   Cost: real                           !   Cost coefficient

(! Alternatively:
  public arc = record                   ! Arcs:
   public Source,Sink: string           !   Source and sink of arc
   public Cost: real                    !   Cost coefficient

 public function is_neighbor(n1,n2: string, A: array(Arcs:set of integer) of arc): boolean
  returned:=or(a in Arcs ) ((A(a).Source=n1 and A(a).Sink=n2) or
                            (A(a).Source=n2 and A(a).Sink=n1))
  returned:= or(a in Arcs, source=A(a).Source, sink=A(a).Sink) 
                ((source=n1 and sink=n2) or (source=n2 and sink=n1))


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