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Optimal number and distribution of grid points for a nonlinear function

This model computes the optimal number and distribution of grid points for a nonlinear function in one variable (optgrid.mos: sine function over one period, optgrid2.mos: choice among several functions).

Optionally, the result is displayed via GNUplot.

Further explanation of this example: This model is discussed in Section 14.2.3 of the book 'J. Kallrath: Business Optimization Using Mathematical Programming - An Introduction with Case Studies and Solutions in Various Algebraic Modeling Languages' (2nd edition, Springer, Cham, 2021, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-73237-0).

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   Mosel Example Problems

   file optgrid.mos
   Computes the optimal number and distribution of grid points 
   for a nonlinear function (sine)

     Example discussed in section 14.2.3 of
     J. Kallrath: Business Optimization Using Mathematical Programming -
     An Introduction with Case Studies and Solutions in Various Algebraic 
     Modeling Languages. 2nd edition, Springer Nature, Cham, 2021 

   Mosel version of optGrid.gms (J. Kallrath, 2011)

   -- The program computes the optimal number and distribution
      of grid points for nonlinear functions. It allows to consider
      shift variables at the breakpoints.
      The implementation discretizes the continuum constraints by 
      gridpoints for which we know that they are between certain breakpoints.
   -- Optional graphical output via Gnuplot

   author: S. Heipcke, June 2020, rev. Nov. 2021

   (c) Copyright 2020 Fair Isaac Corporation
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at
    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


model "optgrid"
 uses "math", "mmxnlp" 
   ALG="AP"        ! AP - approximation, UE - uderestimator, OE - overestimator
   DISPLAY="TERM"  ! TERM - terminal, PDF - generate PDF, PNG - generate PNG
   NB=4            ! Number of breakpoints (not counting b0)

! Declaration of bounds (adapted to the function to be approximated)
   LB, UB: real        ! Lower and upper border of interval for x

 LB:=0; UB:=M_PI


 ! **** Breakpoint system
   NP = 200
   BPLOT = 0..NP       ! Set of break points for graph drawing
   BSTATIC = 0..NB     ! Set of break points
   BARG: array(BSTATIC) of real   ! X-value at breakpoint
   BFUN: array(BSTATIC) of real   ! Y-value at breakpoint

  ! **** Constants
   NCeps = 0.00125     ! Numerical constant avoiding division by zero
   NCdelta = 0.05      ! Approximation bound
   MaxDev: real        ! Maximal deviation obtained

! **** Direct computation of breakpoints (discretized version) ****

   GCMAX=20         ! Number of discretization points in a break point interval
   IMAX=GCMAX*NB    ! Total number of discretization points
   BPTS=1..IMAX     ! Set of discretization breakpoints
   GC=1..GCMAX      ! Grid point counter in breakpoint interval

   s: array(BSTATIC) of mpvar       ! Shift value at breakpoint
   sSol: array(BSTATIC) of real     ! Solution values
   xBD: array(BPTS) of mpvar        ! Argument at grid discretization point
   xB: array(BSTATIC) of mpvar      ! Argument of breakpoint
   xBsol: array(BSTATIC) of real    ! Solution values
   y: mpvar                         ! Objective func. variable (maximal deviation)
   sL: array(BSTATIC) of mpvar      ! Slope at interval b
   lD: array(BSTATIC,BPTS) of mpvar ! Approximator value for x(i) if it were in interval b
   lA: array(BPTS) of mpvar         ! Linear approximation value for x(i)

   Delta: array(BSTATIC,BPTS) of integer  ! Known relationship between breakpoints and grid

  forall(i in BSTATIC,i2 in BPTS,i3 in GC | i>BSTATIC.first)
    if i2 = i3 + GCsz*(i-1) then
      Delta(i,i2):= 1 
 ! writeln(Delta)

 ! Constraints
   Dev: array(BPTS) of nlctr             ! Compute deviation at grid point b
   DevBP1: array(BSTATIC) of linctr      ! Compute deviation at the break points
   DevBP2: array(BSTATIC) of linctr      ! Compute deviation at the break points
   CxBD: array(BPTS) of linctr           ! Compute value of the grid point variable
   SepBP: array(BSTATIC) of linctr       ! Keep breakpoints apart (to avoid division by zero)
   Cslope: array(BSTATIC) of nlctr       ! Compute the approximator slope for interval b
   Capprox: array(BSTATIC,BPTS) of nlctr ! Compute approximator value at discretization points
   Select: array(BPTS) of linctr         ! Select one breakpoint interval
   LinApprox: array(BPTS) of linctr      ! Select the linear approximation value

! Deviation (normalized to NCdelta for better scaling) at the discretization points
 forall(i in BPTS) Dev(i):= abs( lA(i) - sin(xBD(i)) ) <= y 

! Deviations in the breakpoints if shift variables are allowed
 forall(i in BSTATIC) do
   DevBP1(i):=  s(i) <= y 
   DevBP2(i):= -s(i) <= y 

! Relate x(i) to a breakpoint interval
 forall(i in BPTS) CxBD(i):= 
   xBD(i) = sum(i2 in BSTATIC,i3 in GC | Delta(i2,i)=1 and i2>=1 and i = i3 +GCsz*(i2-1)) (xB(i2-1) + ( xB(i2) - xB(i2-1) ) / (GCsz+1) * i3)

! Keep breakpoints apart (to avoid division by zero)
 forall(i in BSTATIC | i>BSTATIC.first) SepBP(i):= xB(i) >= xB(i-1) + NCeps

! Compute the slope for interval b
 forall(i in BSTATIC | i>BSTATIC.first)  
   Cslope(i):= ( xB(i) - xB(i-1) ) * sL(i) =
       ( sin(xB(i)) + s(i) ) - ( sin(xB(i-1)) + s(i-1) ) 

! Compute approximator value at discretization points
 forall(i in BSTATIC,i2 in BPTS | Delta(i,i2)=1) 
   Capprox(i,i2):= lD(i,i2) = ( sin(xB(i-1)) + s(i-1) ) +
                                  sL(i) * ( xBD(i2) - xB(i-1) ) 

! Select one breakpoint interval for discretization point i - not needed
!  forall(i in BPTS)
!    Select(i):= sum(i2 in BSTATIC|i2>BSTATIC.first) Delta(i2,i) = 1

! Select the linear approximation value
 forall(i in BPTS) LinApprox(i):=
   lA(i) = sum(i2 in BSTATIC | Delta(i2,i)=1) lD(i2,i)*Delta(i2,i)

! Bounds on shift values
 forall(i in BSTATIC) do
   s(i) >= - NCdelta ; s(i) <= + NCdelta 

! Bounds on the breakpoints
 forall(i in BSTATIC | i>BSTATIC.first) do
   xB(i) >= LB + NCeps ; xB(i) <= UB

! Initialize the breakpoints to avoid division by zero
 xB(0) = LB 
 forall(ct as counter, i in BSTATIC | i>BSTATIC.first)
   xB(i) >= LB + (UB-LB)/NB * ct
 xB(BSTATIC.last) = UB 

 forall(i in BPTS) xBD(i) >= LB + NCeps 
 forall(i in BPTS) xBD(i) <= UB 

! Unbounded variables
 forall(i in BSTATIC) sL(i) is_free
 forall(i in BSTATIC,i2 in BPTS) lD(i,i2) is_free
 forall(i in BPTS) lA(i) is_free

! Solve the NLP problem
 setparam("XNLP_verbose", true)

! Get the maximal deviation (scale back)
 MaxDev := y.sol 
 forall(i in BSTATIC) xBsol(i):=xB(i).sol
 forall(i in BSTATIC) sSol(i):=s(i).sol

! **** Derive upper bound (lower bound is MaxDev) ****
! **** Nonlinear optimization problem ****

   X0: real       ! Left point
   X1: real       ! Right point
   F0: real       ! Function value at X0
   F1: real       ! Function value at X1
   S0: real       ! Shift at X0
   S1: real       ! Shift at X1
   SLOPE: real    ! Slope of the secant
   UBD: real      ! Upper bound on deviation delta

   yC: mpvar      ! Global problem objective function variable
   x: mpvar       ! Variable
   OptGrid: mpproblem

 with OptGrid do

  ! Set bound
   UBD:= -1 ;

  ! Check each interval [xi, xi+1]
   forall(i in BSTATIC | i>BSTATIC.first) do
    ! Store bounds
     X0:= xBsol(i-1); X1:= xBsol(i) 

    ! Assign shift variables
     S0:= s(i-1).sol; S1:= s(i).sol

    ! Evaluate function
     F0:= sin(X0); F1:= sin(X1)

    ! Calculate the slope
     SLOPE:= ( (F1+S1) - (F0+S0) ) / (X1 - X0)

    ! Reset bounds
     XLbd:= x >= X0
     XUbd:= x <= X1 

     case ALG of
      ! Objective function: deviation between approximator and function
       "AP":   DefObjA:= yC = abs(sin(x) - ( (F0+S0) + SLOPE * (x - X0) )) 
      ! Objective function difference for underestimator
       "UE":   DiffU:=   yC = sin(x) - (( (F0+S0) + SLOPE * (x - X0) )) 
      ! Objective function difference for overestimator
       "OE":   DiffO:=   yC = ( (F0+S0) + SLOPE * (x - X0) ) - sin(x)

     if ALG="AP" then
      ! Compute the maximal deviation for fixed S0 and S1
      ! Check if bound needs to be updated
       if yC.sol > UBD then
         UBD := yC.sol
      ! First check feasibility of under- or overestimator
       if UB<>INFINITY then
         if yC.sol < -NCeps then
           UBD := INFINITY   ! under- or overestimator is NOT feasible
          ! Compute the maximal deviation for fixed S0 and S1
          ! Check if bound needs to be updated
           if yC.sol > UBD then
             UBD := yC.sol


!**** Adjust values for under- and overestimators
 case ALG of
  "AP": forall(i in BSTATIC) BFUN(i) := sin(xB(i).sol)+s(i).sol 
  "UE": do
          forall(i in BSTATIC) BFUN(i) := sin(xB(i).sol)+s(i).sol-MaxDev
          UBD:= 2*UBD
  "OE": do
          forall(i in BSTATIC) BFUN(i) := sin(xB(i).sol)+s(i).sol+MaxDev
          UBD:= 2*UBD
 writeln("Solution: ", MaxDev, "  ", UBD)

 forall(i in BSTATIC) writeln(i, " s:", s(i).sol, " x:", xB(i).sol)

!******** Output as Gnuplot graphic ********
! Generate temporary output data files
 fopen(pp, F_OUTPUT)
 forall(i in BPLOT) writeln(LB+(UB-LB)*i/NP, " ", sin(LB+(UB-LB)*i/NP))
 fopen(pp2, F_OUTPUT)
 forall(i in BSTATIC) writeln(xB(i).sol, " ", sin(xB(i).sol)+s(i).sol)

! Create Gnuplot graphic
 setparam("ioctrl", true)
 fopen("mmsystem.pipe:gnuplot -p",F_OUTPUT+F_LINBUF)
 if getparam("iostatus")<>0 then
   writeln("'gnuplot' command not found")
 case DISPLAY of
 "TERM": if getsysinfo(SYS_NAME)="Windows" then
           writeln("set terminal wxt")
           writeln("set terminal x11")
 "PNG": do
          writeln("set terminal png truecolor transparent size 800,600")
          writeln("set output 'optgrid.png'")
 "PDF": do 
          writeln("set terminal pdf color size 8,6")    
          writeln("set output 'optgrid.pdf'")
 writeln('set grid')
 writeln("plot '"+pp+"' title 'sin' with lines lc rgb '#FF0000'," +
         "'"+pp2+"' title 'Approximation' with lines lc rgb '#0000BB'")
 if DISPLAY="TERM" then writeln("pause mouse keypress,close"); end-if 

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