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Formulation of SQL (selection) statements Description If some advanced SQL functionality is required when accessing
a data source through an ODBC or OCI connection it will in general
be necessary to formulate the corresponding SQL statements
directly in the Mosel model instead of using the corresponding IO
driver in initializations blocks. We show here two examples:
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odbcinspectdb.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file odbcinspectdb.mos `````````````````````` Retrieving information about database table structure. (c) 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Feb. 2014, rev. Aug. 2023 *******************************************************!) model "Analyze DB structure" uses "mmodbc", "mmsystem" parameters DB="personnel.sqlite" ! DB="DSN=mysql;DB=test" end-parameters forward procedure create_db declarations tables: list of string pkeylist: list of string pkeyind: list of integer fnames: dynamic array(Fields: range) of string ftypes: dynamic array(Fields) of integer ftypenames: dynamic array(Fields) of string end-declarations setparam("SQLverbose",true) ! Uncomment the following line to generate the database create_db SQLconnect(DB) if not getparam("SQLsuccess"): setioerr("Database connection failed") ! Retrieve list of database tables SQLtables(tables) forall(t in tables) do ! Retrieve primary keys SQLprimarykeys(t, pkeylist) writeln(t, " primary key field names: ", pkeylist) SQLprimarykeys(t, pkeyind) writeln(t, " primary key field indices: ", pkeyind) ! Retrieve table structure writeln(t, " has ", SQLcolumns(t,fnames,ftypes), " fields") res:=SQLcolumns(t,fnames,ftypenames) forall(f in Fields | exists(fnames(f))) writeln(f, ": ", fnames(f), " ", ftypes(f), ": ", ftypenames(f)) ! Delete aux. arrays for next loop iteration delcell(fnames) delcell(ftypes) delcell(ftypenames) end-do SQLdisconnect !**** Database creation **** procedure create_db declarations tsucc: array ({false,true}) of string Tables: list of string end-declarations tsucc(false):="failed"; tsucc(true):="succeeded" SQLconnect(DB) if not getparam("SQLsuccess"): setioerr("Database connection failed") ! Delete the table if it exists already SQLtables(Tables) if findfirst(Tables, "PersList")>0 then SQLexecute("drop table PersList") end-if ! Create a new table SQLexecute("create table PersList (Surname varchar(50), FirstName varchar(50), Age integer, Address varchar(200), Country char(3), Status boolean, CreationDate date, CreationTime time, AValue double, primary key (FirstName, Surname))") writeln(" - Create PersList (",tsucc(getparam("SQLsuccess")),")") SQLdisconnect end-procedure end-model | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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