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Using moseldoc

  • defining and using annotations
  • text handling
  • generating XML and HTML files with Mosel
  • subroutines
  • use of 'datablock' functionality
The moseldoc program can be used from Mosel:
mosel moseldoc -- mddoc.bim
where the BIM file to which it is applied (here: mddoc.bim) must have been compiled specifying the option '-D'. Note that if no filename is specified moseldoc will display a help text and terminate with an error. It is possible to use wildcards such as '*.bim' meaning all bim files in current directory.

Alternatively, the program can be turned into an executable using 'deploy' with the command (requires a C compiler):
mosel comp -s moseldoc.mos -o deploy.exe:moseldoc
The resulting program expects as its parameters a list of files:
moseldoc mddoc.bim
When compiling moseldoc, the 'datablock' functionality is used to include some styles file for the webpage layout. The provided set of files also contains the dictionary template (.pot) generated with the xprnls tool and sets of translations for German and French.

The file 'mddoc.mos' contains examples of using the 'doc' annotations markup and a detailed description of the functionality available through moseldoc. Processing this file with one of the commands shown above will generate the documentation for moseldoc.

Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Language Reference', Section 2.19 Documenting models using annotations and 'Mosel User Guide', Section 18.2 moseldoc: Generating model documentation.

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