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Retrieving data from a Mosel model

mmexset.c: Using sets in Mosel (requires burglari.bim)
  • retrieve a set by its model name
  • get the set size
  • get first and last set element
  • get the name or index of a set element
mmexarr.c: Using arrays in Mosel (requires trans.bim)
  • compare index tuples
  • retrieve an array by its model name
  • get array size and number of dimensions
  • get indices of first and last array entries
  • get (value of) array entries
  • check whether an index tuple lies in the range of an array
mmexas.c: Using arrays with index sets (requires trans.bim)
  • get indexing sets of an array
  • get array type
  • enumerate array entries in usual and transposed order
  • enumerate true array entries
mmexlst.c: Using lists in Mosel (requires euler.mos and euler.dat)
  • retrieve a list by its model name
  • get the list size
  • enumerate the list elements
  • get value of list element
mmexrec.c: Using records in Mosel (requires burglar_rec.mos and burglar_rec.dat)
  • retrieve an array of records (user type) by its model name
  • retrieve the record field information (field name, type, and number)
  • enumerate the array of records
  • for each array entry (record) get the value of all its fields
mmexprob.c: Accessing problems and solution information with Mosel (requires blend2.bim)
  • export problem to a file (MPS or LP format)
  • get problem status
  • get objective function value
  • get primal/dual solution values, and constraint activity
Note that these examples require the provided mos files to be pre-compiled.

Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Library Reference Manual', Section 1.2 Post processing interface

Source Files

Data Files


/*  Mosel Library Examples                              */
/*  ======================                              */
/*                                                      */
/*  file mmexset.c                                      */
/*  ``````````````                                      */
/*  Example for the use of the Mosel libraries          */
/*  (accessing sets in Mosel)                           */
/*                                                      */
/*  (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation                     */
/*      author: S. Heipcke, 2001                        */

#include <stdio.h>
#include "xprm_rt.h"

int main()
 XPRMmodel mod;
 XPRMalltypes rvalue;
 XPRMset set;
 int result,type,first,last,i,size;
 char *setname;
 XPRMalltypes itemname;

 if((i!=0)&&(i!=32))                      /* Initialize Mosel */
  return 1;

 if((mod=XPRMloadmod("Models/burglari.bim",NULL))==NULL)  /* Load a BIM file */
  return 2;
 if(XPRMrunmod(mod,&result,NULL))         /* Run the model */
  return 3;

 type = XPRMfindident(mod,setname,&rvalue);  /* Get the model object 'ITEMS' */
 if((XPRM_TYP(type)!=XPRM_TYP_STRING)||     /* Check the type: */
    (XPRM_STR(type)!=XPRM_STR_SET))         /* it must be a set of strings */
  return 4;

 set = rvalue.set;
 size = XPRMgetsetsize(set);             /* Get the size of the set */
  first = XPRMgetfirstsetndx(set);       /* Get the number of the first index */
  last = XPRMgetlastsetndx(set);         /* Get the number of the last index */
  printf("Elements of set %s:\n",setname);
  for(i=first;i<=last;i++)              /* Print names of all set elements */
   printf(" %s,",XPRMgetelsetval(set,i,&itemname)->string);

 itemname.string="CD player";
 if(XPRMgetelsetndx(mod, set, &itemname)<0)
  printf("'%s' is not contained in '%s'.\n", itemname.string, setname); 
 return 0;

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