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Jobshop scheduling - Generating start solutions via parallel computation

The job shop problem is solved by sequentially sequencing tasks on a single machine and then loading this initial schedule as an initial integer solution (jobshopas.mos). A parallel version of the algorithm is also presented. In the parallel version, the single machine sequencing models are solved concurrently, exchanging data in memory with the parent model.
  1. Implementation as a single model (jobshopasc.mos) that clones itself to generate the submodels in order to work with shared data structures between the parent and its submodels.
  2. Implementation as a main model (jobshopasp.mos) starting several submodels (jobseq.mos) in parallel. Data exchange via shmem (shared memory blocks from/to which parent model and submodels copy their data).

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   Mosel Example Problems

   file jobseq.mos
   Job shop production planning.
   Single machine sequencing subproblem for jobshopasd.mos

   *** Not intended to be run standalone - run from jobshopasp.mos ***
   (c) 2013 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Jan. 2013

model "Sequencing"
 uses "mmxprs", "mmjobs"

  MACH = 1                     ! Subproblem identifier
  NBJOBS = 10                  ! Number of jobs
  NBRES = 10                   ! Number of resources
  DATAFILE = "mt10.dat" 
  MAXTHRD = 2                  ! Max number of parallel threads for one inst.

  JOBS = 1..NBJOBS                           ! Set of jobs
  TASKS = 1..NBRES                           ! Set of tasks (one per machine)
  RESOURCES = 0..NBRES-1                     ! Set of resources
  DUR: array(JOBS,TASKS) of integer          ! Durations of tasks
  RESIND: array(RESOURCES,JOBS) of integer   ! Task index per resource
  MAXDUR: array(RESOURCES) of integer

 initializations from DATAFILE

  makespan: mpvar                            ! Schedule completion time
  rank: array(JOBS,JOBS) of mpvar            ! =1 if job j at position k
  jcomp,tstart: array(JOBS) of mpvar         ! Start time of job at position k
  NOSOL=2                                    ! "No sol found" event
  NEWSOL=3                                   ! "Solution found" event

  ! One job per position
  forall(k in JOBS) sum(j in JOBS) rank(j,k) = 1

  ! One position per job
  forall(j in JOBS) sum(k in JOBS) rank(j,k) = 1

  ! Sequence of jobs
  forall(k in 1..NBJOBS-1)
     tstart(k+1) >= 
       tstart(k) + sum(j in JOBS) DUR(j,RESIND(MACH,j))*rank(j,k)

  ! Start times (release date = min total duration for preceding tasks)
  forall(j in JOBS) REL(j):= sum(t in 1..RESIND(MACH,j)-1) DUR(j,t)
  forall(j in JOBS) DURSUCC(j):= sum(t in RESIND(MACH,j)+1..NBRES) DUR(j,t)

  forall(k in JOBS) tstart(k) >= sum(j in JOBS) REL(j)*rank(j,k)

  ! Completion times
  forall(k in JOBS) jcomp(k) = 
     tstart(k) + sum(j in JOBS) (DUR(j,RESIND(MACH,j))+DURSUCC(j))*rank(j,k)

  forall(j,k in JOBS) rank(j,k) is_binary 
  ! Objective function: minimize latest completion time
  forall(k in JOBS) makespan >= jcomp(k)

  ! Solving
  setparam("XPRS_THREADS", MAXTHRD)     ! Limit the number of threads
  minimize(makespan)                    ! Solve the problem

  ! Solution reporting
  if getprobstat=XPRS_OPT then
   ! writeln_("*** Machine ", MACH, ": ", getobjval)
    forall(j in JOBS) pos(j):= round(sum(k in JOBS) k*rank(j,k).sol)

    initializations to "bin:shmem:sol"+MACH
     evaluation of getobjval as "Makespan"
    ! Send "solution found" signal
    send(NEWSOL, getobjval) 
    send(NOSOL, 0)


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