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Choice of locations for income tax offices

Choice of locations for income tax offices: linear, 'element', 'occurrence', 'equiv' constraints; search strategy for variables.

Further explanation of this example: 'Xpress Kalis Mosel User Guide', Section 3.9 equiv: Location of income tax offices

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   CP Example Problems

   file j5tax_ka.mos
   Choice of locations for income tax offices
   (See "Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP",
        Section 15.5 Location of income tax offices)
   The variables build(c) representing the decisions
   whether to build an office and the variables depend(c)
   indicating the office associated with a town are linked
   by `occurrence' and `equivalence' constraints:
     numdep(c) = |depend(d)=c|
     numdep(c) >= 1 <=> build(c) = 1 
   The distances in the objective function are represented
   through `element' constraints (auxiliary variables depdist(c)
   indicate the distance from town c to the closest office).
   *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence 
       for the provided data instance ***

   (c) 2008 Artelys S.A. and Fair Isaac Corporation
       Creation: 2005, rev. Mar. 2013, Apr. 2022       

model "J-5 Tax office location (CP)"
 uses "kalis"

 forward procedure calculate_dist

 setparam("KALIS_DEFAULT_LB", 0)

  NC = 12
  CITIES = 1..NC                        ! Set of cities

  DIST: array(CITIES,CITIES) of integer ! Distance matrix
  POP: array(CITIES) of integer         ! Population of cities
  LEN: dynamic array(CITIES,CITIES) of integer ! Road lengths
  NUMLOC: integer                       ! Desired number of tax offices
  D: array(CITIES) of integer           ! Auxiliary array used in constr. def.
  build: array(CITIES) of cpvar         ! 1 if office in city, 0 otherwise
  depend: array(CITIES) of cpvar        ! Office on which city depends
  depdist: array(CITIES) of cpvar       ! Distance to tax office
  numdep: array(CITIES) of cpvar        ! Number of depending cities per off.
  totDist: cpvar                        ! Objective function variable
  Strategy: array(1..2) of cpbranching  ! Branching strategy

 initializations from 'Data/j5tax.dat'

! Calculate the distance matrix

 forall(c in CITIES) do
  build(c) <= 1
  1 <= depend(c); depend(c) <= NC
  min(d in CITIES) DIST(c,d) <= depdist(c) 
  depdist(c) <= max(d in CITIES) DIST(c,d)
  numdep(c) <= NC

! Distance from cities to tax offices
 forall(c in CITIES) do
  forall(d in CITIES) D(d):=DIST(c,d)
  element(D, depend(c)) = depdist(c)

! Number of cities depending on every office
 forall(c in CITIES) occurrence(c, depend) = numdep(c) 

! Relations between dependencies and offices built
 forall(c in CITIES) equiv( build(c) = 1, numdep(c) >= 1 )
! Limit total number of offices
 sum(c in CITIES) build(c) <= NUMLOC
! Branching strategy
 Strategy(1):= assign_and_forbid(KALIS_MAX_DEGREE, KALIS_MAX_TO_MIN, build)
 Strategy(2):= split_domain(KALIS_SMALLEST_DOMAIN, KALIS_MIN_TO_MAX, 
                            depdist, true, 5)
! Objective: weighted total distance
! totDist = sum(c in CITIES) POP(c)*depdist(c)
! Equivalent formulation:
 totDist = dot(POP,depdist)
! Solve the problem
 if not cp_minimize(totDist) then
  writeln("Problem is infeasible")
! Solution printing
 writeln("Total weighted distance: ", getsol(totDist), 
        " (average per inhabitant: ", 
	   getsol(totDist)/sum(c in CITIES) POP(c), ")")
 forall(c in CITIES | getsol(build(c))>0) do
  write("Office in ", c, ": ")
  forall(d in CITIES | getsol(depend(d))=c) write(" ",d)


! Calculate the distance matrix using Floyd-Warshall algorithm
 procedure calculate_dist
 ! Initialize all distance labels with a sufficiently large value
  BIGM:=sum(c,d in CITIES | exists(LEN(c,d))) LEN(c,d)
  forall(c,d in CITIES) DIST(c,d):=BIGM

  forall(c in CITIES) DIST(c,c):=0    ! Set values on the diagonal to 0
! Length of existing road connections
  forall(c,d in CITIES | exists(LEN(c,d))) do
! Update shortest distance for every node triple
  forall(b,c,d in CITIES | c<d )
   if DIST(c,d) > DIST(c,b)+DIST(b,d) then
    DIST(c,d):= DIST(c,b)+DIST(b,d)
    DIST(d,c):= DIST(c,b)+DIST(b,d)

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