FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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Telecommunication problems

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
G‑1 Network reliability: Maximum flow with unitary capacities *** maxflow_graph.mos, j1water.mos
encoding of arcs, range, exists, create, algorithm for printing paths, forall-do, while-do, round, list handling
G‑2 Dimensioning of a mobile phone network **
if-then, exit
G‑3 Routing telephone calls: Multi-commodity network flow problem *** multicomflow_graph.mos
encoding of paths, finalize, getsize
G‑4 Construction of a cabled network: Minimum weight spanning tree problem *** spanningtree_graph.mos
formulation of constraints to exclude subcycles
G‑5 Scheduling of telecommunications via satellite: Preemptive open shop scheduling ***** openshop_graph.mos
data preprocessing, algorithm for preemptive scheduling that involves looping over optimization, ``Gantt chart'' printing
G‑6 Location of GSM transmitters: Covering problem * covering_graph.mos, d5cutsh.mos, j2bigbro.mos
modeling an equivalence; sparse data format

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 12: Telecommunication problems[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file g6transmit.mos
   Placing mobile phone transmitters

   A mobile phone operator plans to equip a currently uncovered
   region. There are 7 possible locations for the transmitters.
   Each site has a defined number of communities it can serve.
   Given the construction cost and reach of each site, where
   should the transmitters be built so that the largest
   population is covered with the given budget restrictions?

   The formulation as a covering problem is straightforward. 
   We store data for 'COVER' in sparse format, that is, only 
   the entries with value 1 are given. Since this array is 
   declared as a dense array, all other entries are 
   automatically populated with value 0.

   (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Apr. 2002, rev. Mar. 2022

model "G-6 Transmitter placement"
 uses "mmxprs"

  COMMS = 1..15                         ! Set of communities
  PLACES = 1..7                         ! Set of possible transm. locations

  COST: array(PLACES) of real           ! Cost of constructing transmitters
  COVER: array(PLACES,COMMS) of integer ! Coverage by transmitter locations
  POP: array(COMMS) of integer          ! Number of inhabitants (in 1000)
  BUDGET: integer                       ! Budget limit
  build: array(PLACES) of mpvar         ! 1 if transmitter built, 0 otherwise
  covered: array(COMMS) of mpvar        ! 1 if community covered, 0 otherwise

 initializations from 'g6transmit.dat'

! Objective: total population covered
 Coverage:= sum(c in COMMS) POP(c)*covered(c)

! Towns covered
 forall(c in COMMS) sum(p in PLACES) COVER(p,c)*build(p) >= covered(c) 

! Budget limit
 sum(p in PLACES) COST(p)*build(p) <= BUDGET

 forall(p in PLACES) build(p) is_binary
 forall(c in COMMS) covered(c) is_binary

! Solve the problem
! Solution printing
 writeln("Total coverage: ", getobjval, " (of ", sum(c in COMMS) POP(c), 
   ") total cost: ", getsol(sum(p in PLACES) COST(p)*build(p)))
 write("Build transmitters:")
 forall(p in PLACES | getsol(build(p))>0) write(" ", p)
 write("\nCommunities covered:")
 forall(c in COMMS | getsol(covered(c))>0) write(" ", c)


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