FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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Telecommunication problems

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
G‑1 Network reliability: Maximum flow with unitary capacities *** maxflow_graph.mos, j1water.mos
encoding of arcs, range, exists, create, algorithm for printing paths, forall-do, while-do, round, list handling
G‑2 Dimensioning of a mobile phone network **
if-then, exit
G‑3 Routing telephone calls: Multi-commodity network flow problem *** multicomflow_graph.mos
encoding of paths, finalize, getsize
G‑4 Construction of a cabled network: Minimum weight spanning tree problem *** spanningtree_graph.mos
formulation of constraints to exclude subcycles
G‑5 Scheduling of telecommunications via satellite: Preemptive open shop scheduling ***** openshop_graph.mos
data preprocessing, algorithm for preemptive scheduling that involves looping over optimization, ``Gantt chart'' printing
G‑6 Location of GSM transmitters: Covering problem * covering_graph.mos, d5cutsh.mos, j2bigbro.mos
modeling an equivalence; sparse data format

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 12: Telecommunication problems[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file g1rely.mos
   Reliability of a telecommunications network

   A military telecommunications network has eleven sites
   connected by bidirectional lines for data transmission.
   Due to reliability reasons, node 10 and 11 must remain
   able to communicate even if any three other sites are
   destroyed. Is this possible given the current network

   This problem can be modeled as a maximum flow problem
   where the graph with N nodes is encoded as an adjacency
   matrix. To create a more compact model, the variables
   'flow' are only defined for existing arcs. Since there is
   a bidirectional connection between each node, only one
   direction is provided in the data and we define the
   opposite direction within the code. We use the function
   'round' to transform the result of 'getsol' from 'real'
   to 'integer'.

   (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002, rev. Mar. 2022

model "G-1 Network reliability"
 uses "mmxprs"

  NODES: range                        ! Set of nodes
  SOURCE = 10; SINK = 11              ! Source and sink nodes

  ARC: dynamic array(NODES,NODES) of integer ! 1 if arc defined, 0 otherwise
  flow: dynamic array(NODES,NODES) of mpvar  ! 1 if flow on arc, 0 otherwise

 initializations from 'g1rely.dat'

 forall(n,m in NODES | exists(ARC(n,m)) and n<m ) ARC(m,n):= ARC(n,m)
 forall(n,m in NODES | exists(ARC(n,m)) )  create(flow(n,m))

! Objective: number of disjunctive paths
 Paths:= sum(n in NODES) flow(SOURCE,n)

! Flow conservation and capacities
 forall(n in NODES | n<>SOURCE and n<>SINK) do
  sum(m in NODES) flow(m,n) = sum(m in NODES) flow(n,m)
  sum(m in NODES) flow(n,m) <= 1

! No return to SOURCE node
 sum(n in NODES) flow(n,SOURCE) = 0

 forall(n,m in NODES | exists(ARC(n,m)) )  flow(n,m) is_binary

! Solve the problem
! Solution printing
 writeln("Total number of paths: ", getobjval)

 forall(n in NODES | n<>SOURCE and n<>SINK and getsol(flow(SOURCE,n))>0) do
  write(SOURCE, " - ",n)
  while (nnext<>SINK) do
   nnext:=round(getsol(sum(m in NODES) m*flow(nnext,m)))
   write(" - ", nnext)

! Alternative solution display storing paths in a list structure
  SolPath: array(range) of list of integer
 forall(n in NODES | n<>SOURCE and n<>SINK and getsol(flow(SOURCE,n))>0, 
        i as counter) do
  SolPath(i):= [SOURCE, n]
  while (SolPath(i).last<>SINK)
   SolPath(i) += [round(getsol(sum(m in NODES) m*flow(SolPath(i).last,m)))]
 writeln("Paths: ", SolPath)


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