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Frequency assignment problem Description Frequency assignment problem: 'abs', 'distance', and 'all-different' constraints; branching strategy for variables; solution callback; interrupting and restarting the search. Further explanation of this example: 'Xpress Kalis Mosel User Guide', Section 3.4 abs and distance: Frequency assignment
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freqasgn_graph.mos (!**************************************************************** CP example problems =================== file freqas_graph.mos ````````````````````` Frequency assignment problem from telecommunications. - Solution graph drawing- We are given a network of cells (nodes) with requirements of discrete frequency bands. Each cell has a demand of a number of frequencies (bands). The objective is to minimize the number of frequencies used in the network so that (1) Neighboring nodes all use different frequencies (interference). (2) If a cell uses several frequencies they must all be different by at least 2. *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence for the provided data instance *** (c) 2008 Artelys S.A. and Fair Isaac Corporation Creation: 2005, rev. Apr. 2022 *****************************************************************!) model "Frequency assignment" uses "kalis", "mmsvg" forward procedure print_solution forward procedure draw_solution declarations NODES = 1..10 ! Range of nodes LINKS = 1..18 ! Range of links between nodes DEM: array(NODES) of integer ! Demand of nodes LINK: array(LINKS,1..2) of integer ! Neighboring nodes INDEX: array(NODES) of integer ! Start index in 'use' NUMDEM: integer ! Upper bound on no. of freq. end-declarations DEM :: (1..10)[4, 5, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2] LINK:: (1..18,1..2)[1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 3, 4, 3, 6, 3, 8, 3, 9, 4, 7, 4, 9, 4,10, 5, 7, 5, 8, 5, 9, 6, 9, 7, 8, 8,10] NUMDEM:= sum(n in NODES) DEM(n) ! Correspondence of nodes and demand indices: ! use(d) d = 1, ..., DEM(1) correspond to the demands of node 1 ! d = DEM(1)+1, ..., DEM(1)+DEM(2)) - " - node 2 etc. INDEX(1):= 1 forall(n in NODES | n > 1) INDEX(n) := INDEX(n-1) + DEM(n-1) declarations DEMANDS = 1..NUMDEM ! Range of frequency demands use: array(DEMANDS) of cpvar ! Frequency used for a demand numfreq: cpvar ! Number of frequencies used Strategy: array(range) of cpbranching end-declarations ! Setting the domain of the decision variables forall(d in DEMANDS) setdomain(use(d), 1, NUMDEM) ! All frequencies attached to a node must be different by at least 2 forall(n in NODES, c,d in INDEX(n)..INDEX(n)+DEM(n)-1 | c<d) distance(use(c), use(d)) >= 2 ! abs(use(c) - use(d)) >= 2 ! Neighboring nodes take all-different frequencies forall(l in LINKS) all_different( union(d in INDEX(LINK(l,1))..INDEX(LINK(l,1))+DEM(LINK(l,1))-1) {use(d)} + union(d in INDEX(LINK(l,2))..INDEX(LINK(l,2))+DEM(LINK(l,2))-1) {use(d)}, KALIS_GEN_ARC_CONSISTENCY) ! Objective function: minimize the number of frequencies used, that is, ! minimize the largest value assigned to 'use' setname(numfreq, "NumFreq") numfreq = maximum(use) ! Search strategy Strategy(1):=assign_var(KALIS_SMALLEST_DOMAIN, KALIS_MIN_TO_MAX, use) Strategy(2):=assign_var(KALIS_MAX_DEGREE, KALIS_MIN_TO_MAX, use) cp_set_branching(Strategy(1)) setparam("KALIS_MAX_COMPUTATION_TIME", 1) cp_set_solution_callback(->print_solution) ! Try to find solution(s) with strategy 1 if cp_minimize(numfreq) then draw_solution cp_show_stats sol:=getsol(numfreq) end-if ! Restart search with strategy 2 cp_reset_search if sol>0 then ! If a solution was found: numfreq <= sol-1 ! Add upper bound on objective end-if cp_set_branching(Strategy(2)) setparam("KALIS_MAX_COMPUTATION_TIME", 1000) if cp_minimize(numfreq) then draw_solution cp_show_stats elif sol>0 then writeln("Optimality proven") else writeln("Problem has no solution") end-if svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.", 1) !******************************************************************** ! **** Solution printout **** procedure print_solution writeln("Number of frequencies: ", getsol(numfreq)) writeln("Frequency assignment: ") forall(n in NODES) do write("Node ", n, ": ") forall(d in INDEX(n)..INDEX(n)+DEM(n)-1) write(getsol(use(d)), " ") writeln end-do end-procedure ! **** Solution drawing **** procedure draw_solution declarations X,Y: array(NODES) of real ! Coordinates of nodes end-declarations N:= getsize(NODES) forall(n in NODES) do X(n):= N/2*(cos(M_PI/3+1.2*n*M_PI/N)) Y(n):= (getsol(numfreq)+1)/2*(1+sin(M_PI/3+1.2*n*M_PI/N)) end-do ! Draw different color graph per frequency forall (f in 1..getsol(numfreq)) do svgaddgroup("G"+f, "Frequency "+f) svgaddtext(3, f, "Freq "+f) end-do forall(n in NODES, d in INDEX(n)..INDEX(n)+DEM(n)-1) svgaddline("G"+getsol(use(d)), X(n), Y(n), 3, getsol(use(d))) ! Graph representing nodes and links between nodes svgaddgroup("N", "Network", SVG_BLACK) svgsetstyle("text-anchor", "end") forall(l in LINKS) svgaddline(X(LINK(l,1)), Y(LINK(l,1)), X(LINK(l,2)), Y(LINK(l,2))) forall(n in NODES) svgaddtext(X(n),Y(n), "Node "+n) svgsetgraphviewbox(-N/2-2,-1,N+5,N+5) svgsetgraphscale(25) svgrefresh end-procedure end-model | |||||||||||||
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