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Portfolio optimization using pandas to calculate covariance

Modeling a small QP problem to perform portfolio optimization using pandas Python library to calculate covariance matrix.

Further explanation of this example: see Chapter 'Python' in the 'Mosel Language Reference Manual'[download all files]

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Data Files


! Data file for `folioqp.mos'

        ! trs haw thr tel brw hgw car bnk sof elc
RET: [(1)   5  17  26  12   8   9   7   6  31  21]

           ! trs  haw  thr  tel  brw  hgw  car  bnk  sof  elc
VAR: [ (1 1) 0.1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 ! treasury
       (2 1)   0   19   -2    4    1    1    1  0.5   10    5 ! hardware
       (3 1)   0   -2   28    1    2    1    1    0   -2   -1 ! theater
       (4 1)   0    4    1   22    0    1    2    0    3    4 ! telecom
       (5 1)   0    1    2    0    4 -1.5   -2   -1    1    1 ! brewery
       (6 1)   0    1    1    1 -1.5  3.5    2  0.5    1  1.5 ! highways
       (7 1)   0    1    1    2   -2    2    5  0.5    1  2.5 ! cars
       (8 1)   0  0.5    0    0   -1  0.5  0.5    1  0.5  0.5 ! bank
       (9 1)   0   10   -2    3    1    1    1  0.5   25    8 ! software
      (10 1)   0    5   -1    4    1  1.5  2.5  0.5    8   16 ! electronics

RISK: [2 3 4 9 10]

NA: [1 2 3 4]

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