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Dynamic package loading

This example shows how to work with dynamic package loading in order to allow endusers to modify the definition of an optimization problem without disclosing the actual model source:
  1. Compile the package template in usrpkgtempl.mos into usrpkg.bim
  2. Compile the main model in foliomipusrpkg.mos
  3. Share the BIM files and the source of usrpkgtempl.mos with end users
  4. Compile the completed package in usrpkg.mos
  5. Run the compiled model (without recompilation) in foliomipusrpkg.bim with the new version of the package in usrpkg.bim

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Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file usrpkg.mos
   Entry point template populated with user constraint definitions,  
   including addition of new variables

   Compile to file 'usrpkg.bim'   
  (c) 2021 Fair Isaac Corporation
      author: S.Heipcke, Apr. 2021
package usrpkg
  uses "advmod"
    ! Any libraries loaded here also need to be loaded by the main model

 ! Entities from main model available to this package
 ! (this results in an implicit 'public' declaration of these entities)
    Return,LimRisk: linctr
    SHARES: set of string
    frac: array(SHARES) of mpvar 

    newv: array(set of string) of mpvar
    ! It is not possible to work in the declarations with a set name stated
    ! in the 'requirements', so here we simply keep the index set unnamed

  public procedure userctrdef
    ! Change a constraint definition
    settype(LimRisk, CT_GEQ)
    setcoeff(LimRisk, -0.1)

    ! Add a new set of variables and constraints
    forall(s in SHARES) create(newv(s))
    forall(s in SHARES) newv(s) is_binary
    forall(s in SHARES) indicator(1, newv(s), frac(s)>=0.1)
    sum(s in SHARES) newv(s)>=5

    ! Add new variables to the objective
    Return+=sum(s in SHARES) newv(s)

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