- Xpress BCL library examples
- Examples in C
- Chess - Composing constraints and solving
Simple LP problem, termwise constraint definition, LP solving - Workshop - Displaying solution information
Retrieving and displaying solution values and ranging information; real value printing format, number output format - Contract - Semi-continuous variables, predefined constraint functions, combine BCL with Xpress Optimizer
Defining semi-continuous variables, MIP solving - Chgprobs - Working with multiple problems
Handling multiple problems - Setops - Index sets
Using index sets, set operations - Burglar - Use of index sets, formulating logical constraints
Index an array of variables by an index set, defining indicator constraints - Coco - A full production planning example
Data input from text files - Delivery - Data input from file; infeasibility analysis
LP model, data input from file, retrieving IIS - Purchase - Definition of SOS-2
Data input from file, using SOS-2 - Portfolio - Quadratic Programming with discrete variables
Quadratic objective function - Catenary - Solving a QCQP
Stating quadratic constraints - Cutstk - Column generation for a cutting stock problem
Working with subproblems, modifying constraints - Els - An economic lot-sizing problem solved by cut-and-branch and branch-and-cut heuristics
Looping of optimization, using the cut manager - Fixbv - A binary fixing heuristic
Changing bounds, saving and loading bases, saving and loading start solutions - Recurse - A successive linear programming model
Iterative solving, modify constraint definitions - MT2 - Solving two problems in parallel in a thread-safe environment
Parallel computing - GoalObj - Archimedian and pre-emptive goal programming using objective functions
Multicriteria optimization, multi-objective decision making - Wagon - MIP start solution heuristic
Loading MIP start solution, 'solnotify' callback - UG - Examples from 'BCL Reference Manual'
MIP modeling, error handling, using Xpress Optimizer with BCL - Folio - Examples from 'Getting Started'
MIP modeling, quadratic constraints, infeasibility handling, solution enumeration
- Examples in C++
- Chess - Composing constraints and solving
Simple LP problem, termwise constraint definition, LP solving - Workshop - Displaying solution information
Retrieving and displaying solution values and ranging information; real value printing format, number output format - Contract - Semi-continuous variables, predefined constraint functions, combine BCL with Xpress Optimizer
Defining semi-continuous variables, MIP solving - Chgprobs - Working with multiple problems
Handling multiple problems - Setops - Index sets
Using index sets, set operations - Burglar - Use of index sets, formulating logical constraints
Index an array of variables by an index set, defining indicator constraints - Coco - A full production planning example
Data input from text files - Delivery - Data input from file; infeasibility analysis
LP model, data input from file, retrieving IIS - Purchase - Definition of SOS-2
Data input from file, using SOS-2 - Portfolio - Quadratic Programming with discrete variables
Quadratic objective function - Catenary - Solving a QCQP
Stating quadratic constraints - Cutstk - Column generation for a cutting stock problem
Working with subproblems, modifying constraints - Els - An economic lot-sizing problem solved by cut-and-branch and branch-and-cut heuristics
Looping of optimization, using the cut manager - Fixbv - A binary fixing heuristic
Changing bounds, saving and loading bases, saving and loading start solutions - Recurse - A successive linear programming model
Iterative solving, modify constraint definitions - GoalObj - Archimedian and pre-emptive goal programming using objective functions
Multicriteria optimization, multi-objective decision making - Wagon - MIP start solution heuristic
Loading MIP start solution, 'solnotify' callback - UG - Examples from 'BCL Reference Manual'
MIP modeling, error handling, using Xpress Optimizer with BCL - Folio - Examples from 'Getting Started'
MIP modeling, quadratic constraints, infeasibility handling, solution enumeration
- Examples in C#
- Chess - Composing constraints and solving
Simple LP problem, termwise constraint definition, LP solving - Workshop - Displaying solution information
Retrieving and displaying solution values and ranging information; real value printing format, number output format - Contract - Semi-continuous variables, predefined constraint functions, combine BCL with Xpress Optimizer
Defining semi-continuous variables, MIP solving - Chgprobs - Working with multiple problems
Handling multiple problems - Setops - Index sets
Using index sets, set operations - Burglar - Use of index sets, formulating logical constraints
Index an array of variables by an index set, defining indicator constraints - Coco - A full production planning example
Data input from text files - Delivery - Data input from file; infeasibility analysis
LP model, data input from file, retrieving IIS - Purchase - Definition of SOS-2
Data input from file, using SOS-2 - Portfolio - Quadratic Programming with discrete variables
Quadratic objective function - Catenary - Solving a QCQP
Stating quadratic constraints - Cutstk - Column generation for a cutting stock problem
Working with subproblems, modifying constraints - Els - An economic lot-sizing problem solved by cut-and-branch and branch-and-cut heuristics
Looping of optimization, using the cut manager - Fixbv - A binary fixing heuristic
Changing bounds, saving and loading bases, saving and loading start solutions - Recurse - A successive linear programming model
Iterative solving, modify constraint definitions - GoalObj - Archimedian and pre-emptive goal programming using objective functions
Multicriteria optimization, multi-objective decision making - Wagon - MIP start solution heuristic
Loading MIP start solution, 'solnotify' callback - UG - Examples from 'BCL Reference Manual'
MIP modeling, error handling, using Xpress Optimizer with BCL - Folio - Examples from 'Getting Started'
MIP modeling, quadratic constraints, infeasibility handling, solution enumeration
- Examples in Java
- Chess - Composing constraints and solving
Simple LP problem, termwise constraint definition, LP solving - Workshop - Displaying solution information
Retrieving and displaying solution values and ranging information; real value printing format, number output format - Contract - Semi-continuous variables, predefined constraint functions, combine BCL with Xpress Optimizer
Defining semi-continuous variables, MIP solving - Chgprobs - Working with multiple problems
Handling multiple problems - Setops - Index sets
Using index sets, set operations - Burglar - Use of index sets, formulating logical constraints
Index an array of variables by an index set, defining indicator constraints - Coco - A full production planning example
Data input from text files - Delivery - Data input from file; infeasibility analysis
LP model, data input from file, retrieving IIS - Purchase - Definition of SOS-2
Data input from file, using SOS-2 - Portfolio - Quadratic Programming with discrete variables
Quadratic objective function - Catenary - Solving a QCQP
Stating quadratic constraints - Cutstk - Column generation for a cutting stock problem
Working with subproblems, modifying constraints - Els - An economic lot-sizing problem solved by cut-and-branch and branch-and-cut heuristics
Looping of optimization, using the cut manager - Fixbv - A binary fixing heuristic
Changing bounds, saving and loading bases, saving and loading start solutions - Recurse - A successive linear programming model
Iterative solving, modify constraint definitions - GoalObj - Archimedian and pre-emptive goal programming using objective functions
Multicriteria optimization, multi-objective decision making - Wagon - MIP start solution heuristic
Loading MIP start solution, 'solnotify' callback - UG - Examples from 'BCL Reference Manual'
MIP modeling, error handling, using Xpress Optimizer with BCL - Folio - Examples from 'Getting Started'
MIP modeling, quadratic constraints, infeasibility handling, solution enumeration
- Xpress Mosel examples
- Models by problem type / modeling tasks
- Folio - Modelling examples from 'Getting started'
LP, MIP and QP models, data input/output, user graphs, heuristics - Folio - Advanced modelling and solving tasks
Multiple MIP solutions, infeasibility handling, data transfer in memory, remote execution, XML and JSON data formats, solver tuning - Linearizations and approximations via SOS and piecewise linear (pwlin) expressions
Piecewise linear, approximation, SOS, SOS1, SOS2, SOS-1, SOS-2, Special Ordered Set, pwlin, pws, step function, piecewise linear function - General constraints and Boolean variables
general constraints, boolvar, logctr, Boolean variables, logical expressions - Indicator and logic constraints
indicator constraints, logic constraints, logctr, advmod - Assignment
simple LP problem, graphical representation of results - Bin packing
simple MIP problem, random generation of data,
use of model parameters, setting Optimizer controls - Blending ores
simple LP problem, formulation of blending constraints - Capital budgeting
simple MIP problem - Contract allocation
simple MIP problem, semi-continuous variables,
graphical representation of results - Cutting stock
MIP problem solved by column generation,
working with multiple problems, using 'sethidden',
setting Optimizer and Mosel control parameters - Lot sizing
MIP problem, implementation of Branch-and-Cut and
Cut-and-Branch algorithms, definition of Optimizer callbacks,
Optimizer and Mosel parameter settings, 'case', 'procedure',
'function', time measurement - Facility location
MIP problem, graphical solution representation,
re-solving with modified bounds, data input from file,
dynamic arrays for data and decision variables, use of
'exists', model cuts - Knapsack
simple IP problem, formulation of knapsack constraints,
model parameters, function 'random' - Multi-period, multi-site production planning
LP or MIP problem, formulation of resource constraints and
material balance constraints, formatted solution printing, if-then-else, if-then-elif statements - Project planning with resource constraints
MIP problem, alternative formulation with SOS-1,
tricky formulation of resource use profiles and
calculation of benefits, graphical solution representation - Purchasing with price breaks
MIP problem, modeling a piecewise linear function with SOS-2,
graphical representation of data - Transport
simple LP problem, using dynamic arrays for data and
decision variables, formatted output printing, inline 'if',
format of data files - TSP
MIP problem, loop over problem solving, TSP subtour
elimination algorithm;
procedure for generating additional constraints, recursive
subroutine calls, working with sets, 'forall-do',
'repeat-until', 'getsize', 'not', graphical representation
of solutions - Set covering
MIP problem, modeling an equivalence; sparse data format,
graphical output representation, 'if-then-else' - Single period product mix
Simple LP problem, single period production planning - Personnel requirement planning
simple MIP problem, formulation of balance constraints
using inline 'if' - Matching flight crews
2 MIP problems with different objectives, data preprocessing,
incremental definition of data array, encoding of arcs,
logical 'or' (cumulative version) and 'and', 'procedure'
for printing solution, 'forall-do', 'max', 'finalize',
graphical representation of results, 'sin', 'cos' - Maximum flow in a telecom network
MIP problem, encoding of arcs, 'range', 'exists', 'create',
algorithm for printing paths, 'forall-do', 'while-do',
'round', graphical representation of results - Multi-commodity network flow
MIP problem, encoding of paths, 'finalize', 'getsize' - Vehicle routing
MIP problem, formulation of constraints to eliminate
inadmissible subtours, definition of model cuts,
selection with '|', algorithm for printing the tours,
graphical solution representation - Minimum cost flow
MIP problem, formulation with extra nodes for modes of
transport; encoding of arcs, 'finalize', union of sets,
nodes labeled with strings, graphical solution representation - Line balancing
MIP problem, encoding of arcs, 'range', formulation of
sequencing constraints - Minimum weight spanning tree
MIP problem, formulation of constraints to exclude subcycles,
graphical representation of results - Flow-shop scheduling
MIP problem, alternative formulation using SOS1,
graphical solution representation - Job shop scheduling
MIP problem, formulating disjunctions (BigM);
'dynamic array', 'range', 'exists', 'forall-do',
graphical solution representation - Transshipment formulation of multi-period production planning
MIP problem, representation of multi-period production
as flow; encoding of arcs, 'exists', 'create', 'isodd',
'getlast', inline 'if' - Set partitioning
MIP problem, algorithm for data preprocessing; file
inclusion, 3 nested/recursive procedures, working with
sets, 'if-then', 'forall-do', 'exists', 'finalize' - Open shop scheduling
MIP problem, data preprocessing, algorithm for preemptive
scheduling that involves looping over optimization,
''Gantt chart'' printing and drawing - Sequencing jobs on a single machine
MIP problem with 3 different objectives; 'procedure'
for solution printing, 'if-then' - Timetable for courses and teachers
MIP problem, many specific constraints, tricky (pseudo-)
objective function, 'finalize' - Basic LP tasks: problem statement and solving; solution analysis
LP solving, solution printout, array and set data structures - Basic MIP tasks: binary variables; logic constraints
MIP solving, binary variables, index set types, logic constraints - LCSP: Labour constrained scheduling problem
Dynamic creation of variables, formulation of resource constraints - Transportation problem with piecewise linear cost expressions
MIP problem - Approximating nonlinear univariate functions via piecewise linear constraints
MIP problem - MAXSAT solving via MIP
MAXSAT model - Conditional creation of decision variables
use of 'exists', finalization of index sets - Delivery: Infeasibility analysis with IIS
Retrieving and displaying IIS - Overview of Mosel examples for 'Business Optimization' book
LP, MIP, NLP problem formulations, solution reporting, graphical display, multiple problems, iterative solution algorithms
- Models by application area
- Introductory examples
- Mining and process industries
- Scheduling problems
- Planning problems
- Loading and cutting problems
- Ground transport
- Air transport
- Telecommunication problems
- Economics and finance
- Timetabling and personnel planning
- Local authorities and public services
- Programming with Mosel
- Dynamic package loading
dynamic package loading, model compilation, BIM file - Recursive remote files
Access to files on remote (parent or
child) nodes - Basic set operations
Initializing sets, set operations, set comparison - Using moseldoc
Generating online documentation for Mosel models and packages - Largest common divisor
Recursive function calls; using 'readln' - Smallest and largest value in a set
The 'if-then-elif-then' selection statement - Perfect numbers
Using the 'forall' loop - Prime numbers using the Sieve of Eratosthenes
Nested loops: repeat-until, while, while-do - Read two tables and a set from a text data file
File access, using 'readln', 'fskipline' - Parsing a CSV-format data file
Text parsing functionality - Sort an array of numbers using Shell's method
Nested loops: repeat-until, forall-do, while-do - Sort an array of numbers using Quicksort
Recursive subroutine calls, overloading of subroutines - Defining a package to handle binary trees
Definition of subroutines, data structures list and record, type definition - Encapsulate binary file into a BIM
Submodel included in model source, datablock, deployment as executable - Generate an executable from a Mosel source file
deployment as executable, deployment via scripts - Using the automatic translation system
Using xprnls, generating dictionary files - Debugging models via the Remote Invocation Protocol
Remote model execution in debugging mode, implementation of a debugger - Profiling and code coverage via the Remote Invocation Protocol
Remote model execution in profiling mode, decoding of profiling and coverage results - Creating and saving XML documents
Simple access routines - adding nodes, recursive display of subtrees - Using XML-format files as databases
Retrieving XML nodes using xpath search expressions; modifying and formatting XML files - Parsing XML and JSON documents
Parsing documents with unknown structure - Converting WCNF to Mosel format
Processing a text file into a different text format, generating Mosel code, deployment as executable - Defining a package to read JSON documents of unknown structure
Definition of subroutines, data structures of union types, type definition, JSON parsing - Error handling
handling I/O errors during data input - Using counters
Using and combining 'count' and 'as counter' - Using counters
Local declaration of entities, array aliasing - Working with arrays
array initialization, indexation, sparse array, array dimensions, array size - Working with lists
Lists: initialization, enumeration, operators, access functions - Eulerian circuit - working with lists
list operators, list handling routines - Working with records
Defining and initializing records - Definition of a network
Working with record data structures - User type definition
Defining a user type with a record - Working with unions
defining unions, type any, specifying union type, initialization of unions from/to text format files, reference to operator - Subroutines
Subroutine definition, overloading, recursive function calls, function return values, variable number of arguments, subroutine references, mmreflect - Output formatting
real number format, text formatting - Using the debugger and profiler
Debugging and profiling commands, parallel debugging - Checking memory usage
Using sparse arrays, dynamic array, ahsmap array - Writing packages: definition of constant symbols, subroutines, types, and parameters
Implementing subroutines, overloading, using packages - Namespace definition
Implementing packages, defining namespaces, namespace search, namespace groups - Package version management
Implementing packages, version management, deprecation, annotations - Text handling and regular expressions
Types 'text', 'textarea', 'parsectx'; text parsing - Defining and retrieving annotations
Accessing annotations from a model or host application - Using documentation annotations
Using documentation annotations, moseldoc tool - Using 'exists' for loops over sparse arrays
Enumeration of sparse data, exists - Parameters: tolerances
Comparison tolerance - Using the model return value for error handling
Model exit code - Preprocessing Mosel code
Preprocessing source code, preprocessor symbol, positioning markers
- Solving techniques
- Using the AEC2 package with mmjobs
Find or start AEC2 instance, start Mosel, model execution - Column generation for a cutting stock problem
Variable creation, using 'sethidden', working with multiple problems - Cut generation for an economic lot-sizing (ELS) problem
Adding constraints and cuts, using the cut manager, run-time parameters - Binary fixing heuristic for the Coco problem
Working with bases, saving and loading MIP solutions - Branch-and-Price for the Generalized Assignment Problem
Working with submodels, record data structures - Pre-emptive and Archimedian goal programming
Changing constraint type, redefining the objective - Using multi-objective solving
Multiple objectives, configuration of objectives - Successive linear programming (SLP) model for a financial planning problem
Redefinition of constraints - Output formatting for a transportation model
Dynamic arrays for data and decision variables, formatting output - Solving an optimization problem via nlsolv
Using module nlsolv - Cut-and-branch and branch-and-cut
Using the optnode callback or the cut manager callback, addcuts, storecuts and loadcuts, subroutine reference - Hybrid MIP-CP problem solving: sequential solving
Solving a sequence of CP subproblems, in-memory data exchange - Hybrid MIP-CP problem solving: concurrent solving
Parallel and sequential solving of subproblems - MIP start solutions and subtour elimination algorithm for the traveling salesman problem (TSP)
CP target values, MIP start solution, MIP callbacks, cutting plane algorithm - Working with multiple models: submodels, coordination, communication, and parallelization
Parallel computing, distributed computing, distributed architecture, in-memory data exchange, shmem, job queue, events, detach submodel, clone submodel - Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition: combining sequential and parallel solving
Concurrent subproblem solving, coordination via events, in-memory data exchange, mempipe, mempipe notifications, remote mempipe - Benders decomposition: sequential solving of several different submodels
Multiple concurrent submodels, events, in-memory data exchange - Jobshop scheduling - Generating start solutions via parallel computation
Sequential and parallel submodel execution, loading partial MIP start solutions, model cloning, shared data - Outer approximation for quadratic facility location: solving different problem types in sequence
Iterative sequential submodel solving, nonlinear subproblem, MIQP formulation - Solving the TSP problem by a series of optimization subproblems
Solution heuristic, parallel submodel execution - Looping over optimization runs (within a model, batch executions, and multiple models/submodel)
Multiple problem runs, submodel - Names handling for decision variables and constraints
Names generation, variable name, constraint name, location information, compilation options, loading names, public declaration - Using Optimizer Console for running matrices within Mosel
mmxprs command, Xpress Solver command line, running matrix file - Evolutionary algorithm for supply management
Evolutionary algorithm, iterative LP solving - Lagrangian Relaxation for a Generalized Assignment Problem
Working with subproblems, iterative LP solving - News Vendor Problem
2-stage stochastic program, scenario-based robust optimization - Multi-stage stochastic portfolio investment
Iterative submodel runs, in-memory data exchange - Sludge production planning solved by recursion
Iterative solving, recursion, SLP
- Nonlinear optimization with Mosel
- Locate airport while minimizing average distance
quadratic constraints and objective - Maximise discount at a bookstore
Discrete variables - Nonlinear objective with integer decision variables
Discrete variables - Determine chain shape
Quadratic constraints - Facility location
Nonlinear objective - Approximation of a function
Approximation of a function - Maximal inscribing square
Trigonometric functions - Static load balancing in a computer network
Nonlinear objective - Minimum surface between boundaries
Nonlinear constraints and objective - Moon landing
Nonlinear objective and constraints - Polygon construction under constraints
Trigonometric constraints and objective - Portfolio optimization
Quadratic constraints and quadratic objective - Locating electrons on a conducting sphere
Nonlinear constraint and objective, alternative objective functions - Find the shape of a chain of springs
Quadratic constraints - Steiner tree problem
Quadratic constraints - Trafic equilibrium
Nonlinear objective - Modeling hang glider trajectory
Nonlinear constraints, trapezoidal discretization - Force required to lift an object
SOCP formulation - Convex hull of two triangles
Trigonometric constraints, graphical representation - Optimal number and distribution of grid points for a nonlinear function
Discretization, GNUPlot graphic, subroutine references - Nonlinear trimloss problem
NLP, alternative solvers
- Robust optimization with Mosel
- Introductory examples
Defining robust constraints, uncertainty sets, nominal values - Robust formulations of the single knapsack problem
Types of uncertainty sets - Robust portfolio optimization
'ellipsoid' uncertainty set, retrieving the worst value of an uncertain - Security constrained robust unit commitment
'scenario' and 'cardinality' uncertainty sets - Production planning under demand uncertainty
'scenario' and polyhedral uncertainty sets - Production planning under energy supply uncertainty
polyhedral uncertainty set - Robust shortest path
'cardinality' uncertainty set - Robust network optimization for VPN design
polyhedral uncertainty set
- Data handling ( ODBC/SQL, sparse data, I/O drivers, Spreadsheets )
- Energyforecast - regression analysis with R
Regression analysis, data exchange with R, evaluating R functions from Mosel - Logistic regression on flight delay data using R
Logistic regression, data exchange with R, evaluating R functions from Mosel, graph drawing with R - Blend - data input from external sources
Accessing data sources (text, spreadsheets, databases) - Output of expressions
Using 'initializations to' with 'evaluation of' - Transport - data formats for online use
XML and JSON data formats, generation of HTML - Reading sparse data from text files, spreadsheets and databases, and from memory
Data input, initializations from, SQL, ODBC, spreadsheet, CSV - Data output to text files, spreadsheets and databases, and to memory
Data output, initializations to, SQL, ODBC, spreadsheets, CSV - Dataframe formats
dataframe, union types, CSV format - Dense vs. sparse data format
array types, noindex - Auto-indexation for single-dimensional arrays
auto-indexation - Writing out solution values to text files, spreadsheets or databases
solution data output, 'evaluation of' - Spreadsheets and databases: working with multiple data tables and arrays
data input/output, multiple tables, multiple data arrays - Formulation of SQL (selection) statements
Advanced SQL functionality, retrieve database and table structure - Reading and writing records and lists
record data structure, list data structure - Reading and writing union types
Types any, date, time; data input/output - Reading and writing dates and times
data types date, time, datetime - Reading 3-dimensional arrays
Multidimensional array input, option partndx - Burglar - Data source access from Mosel models
'mmodbc.odbc', 'mmsheet.excel', 'mmetc.diskdata' I/O drivers, SQL, XML, JSON - Burglar - In-memory data exchange between Mosel models
'bin', 'shmem', 'raw', 'text', 'tmp', 'rmt' I/O drivers
- Graphing examples
- Mandelbrot
Queued execution of remote models with result
graphic - Drawing results of multiple optimization runs
Iterating over MIP solves, graphical representation of solution values - Drawing line fractals
Lines with simple styling, recursive subroutine calls - Drawing line plots
Points and polylines with various styling options - Drawing a bar chart
Graphical objects rectangle and text, simple styling - Drawing a pie chart
Graphical objects pie and text, simple styling - Drawing a Gantt chart
Graphical objects rectangle and text, simple styling, reading free-format input text data file, animation - Iterative display of tours
Points and polylines, pausing display, intercepting window closing, animation, image inclusion - Display matrix scaling information
Retrieving matrix coefficient ranging information, getscale, SVG graph drawing
- Distributed calculation and remote invocation
- Using the AEC2 package with XPRD
Find or start AEC2 instance, start Mosel, model execution - Reading and writing data using the 'bin:' format
Binary data format - Implementing a file manager
Remote model execution, file manager, events - Approximating PI number
Remote execution of multiple Mosel models - Runprime - Remote model execution
Remote model execution, data exchange between remote nodes - Basic tasks: remote connection, coordination, communication, and parallelization
Distributed computing, concurrent submodel execution, job queue, events - ELS - Solving several model instances in parallel
Parallel execution of submodels, parallel execution of submodels, stopping submodels - Mandelbrot - Java GUI for distributed computation with Mosel
Parallel execution of submodels, Java solution graph - Folio - remote execution of optimization models
Submodel execution, events, bindrv binary format, in-memory data I/O
- C Library examples
- Folio - Embedding examples from 'Getting started'
Model compilation, parameterized model execution, matrix output, accessing results - Compiling a model file into a BIM file
Model compilation - Retrieving data from a Mosel model
Accessing sets, arrays, lists, records; retrieving solution information - Working with models and accessing dynamic libraries in Mosel
Display information and contents of models and libraries - Interrupting a running model using Ctrl-C
Stopping a model run - Data input/output via I/O drivers
Compilation to/from memory; data input/output in memory; redirect output using the 'cb' driver - Implementing a source coverage testing tool
Using the debugger interface - Basic embedding tasks
Compile/load/run models, retrieve information about model objects, redirect model output - In-memory data exchange
Data exchange during model execution - Switching to solving with Xpress Optimizer
Using the Xpress Optimizer library with Mosel - Compilation to/from memory
Using the 'mem' I/O driver - Burglar - Exchange of information with embedded models
'cb', 'bin', 'mem', 'raw', 'sysfd' I/O drivers
- Java Library examples
- Folio - Embedding examples from 'Getting started'
Model compilation, parameterized model execution, matrix output, accessing results - Retrieving data from a Mosel model
Accessing sets, arrays, lists, records; retrieving solution information - Working with models and accessing dynamic libraries in Mosel
Display information and contents of models and libraries - Data input/output via I/O drivers
Compilation to/from memory; data input/output in memory; redirect output using the 'java' driver - Implementing a source coverage testing tool
Using the debugger interface - Basic embedding tasks
Compile/load/run models, retrieve information about model objects, redirect model output - In-memory data exchange
Data exchange during model execution - Compilation to/from memory
Using the 'java' I/O driver
- VBA Library examples
- Folio - Embedding examples from 'Getting started'
Model compilation, parameterized model execution - Folio - Embedding examples from 'Getting started'
Parameterized model execution, data exchange in memory - Launching Mosel from Excel using VBA
LP solving, start Mosel from a VBA script in Excel, data input from Excel - Start/stopping Mosel from Excel and capturing output
MIP solving, start and interrupt Mosel from a VBA script in Excel, Mosel output to Excel - Basic embedding tasks
Compile/load/run models, redirect model output
- C#.NET Library examples
- Folio - Embedding examples from 'Getting started'
Model compilation, parameterized model execution, matrix output, accessing results - Retrieving data from a Mosel model
Accessing sets, arrays, lists, records; retrieving solution information - Working with models and accessing dynamic libraries in Mosel
Display information and contents of models and libraries - Data input/output via I/O drivers
Compilation to/from memory; data input/output in memory - Basic embedding tasks
Compile/load/run models, retrieve information about model objects, redirect model output - In-memory data exchange
Data exchange during model execution - Compilation to/from memory
Using C#
- VB.NET Library examples
- Working with models, data and dynamic libraries in Mosel
Accessing sets and arrays; retrieving solution information; displaying information and contents of models and libraries; Compilation to/from memory; data input/output in memory
- Writing Mosel modules
- Definition of constants of different types
Defining integer, real, string, boolean constants - Definition of a procedure for getting solution values into an array
Implementing a subroutine - Definition of complex numbers and operators to work with them
Defining an external type with operators - Definition of type 'task' and subroutines for accessing it
Defining an external type with operators and access routines; defining module parameters and services - Definition of type 'date' and subroutines for accessing it
Defining an external type with operators and access routines; defining module parameters and services - Definition of three new types and operators to work with them
Defining external types with operators - Basic LP/MIP solver interface for Xpress Optimizer
Using the NI matrix handling functionality, extending a type, defining parameters and subroutines, defining a callback function - Basic QCQP solver interface for Xpress Optimizer
Using the mmnl matrix handling functionality, extending a type, defining parameters and subroutines, defining a callback function - Declaring a static module
Module embedded in a C program - Using the 'zlib' library to provide IO driver 'compress' functionality
Defining I/O drivers - Module implementing driver 'toC' to save the compilation result to a C file
Defining an I/O driver - How best to debug a module
Creating a static module
- Calling static Java methods from Mosel
- Passing single values from a Mosel model to a Java method
- Passing an array from a Mosel model to a Java method
- Returning an object from a Java method
- Handling exceptions thrown by a Java method called from a Mosel model
- Calling Python 3 from Mosel
- Portfolio optimization using pandas to calculate covariance
- Invert a Mosel matrix with NumPy
- Python I/O driver example
- Puzzles and Recreational Mathematics
- Sudoku (CP and MIP models)
Using 'all_different', enumerating all feasible solutions, SVG graphs showing progress of solving - Futoshiki (CP and MIP models)
Using 'all_different', formatted solution printout - Fantasy OR: Sangraal (CP and MIP models)
Formulation of a scheduling problem with MIP and CP - Fiveleaper (MIP model and graphics)
Subtour elimination algorithm - Puzzles and pastimes from the book `Programmation Lineaire'
MIP and CP formulations for discrete feasibility problems
- Xpress Optimizer examples
- Calling the Optimizer library from C
- Folio - Introductory examples from 'Getting Started'
LP, MIP and QP models, explicit initialization, index sets, heuristic solution - The travelling salesman problem
Using Xpress callbacks - Branching rule branching on the most violated Integer/Binary
Using the change branch callbacks - Apply a binary fixing heuristic to an unpresolved MIP problem
Changing bounds, accessing solver controls - Perform objective function parametrics on a MIP problem
Saving/loading bases, changing objective coefficients - Perform RHS parametrics on a MIP problem
Changing RHS coefficients, working with bases - Apply a primal heuristic to a knapsack problem
Using the MIP log callback - Apply an integer fixing heuristic to a MIP problem
Changing bounds - Load an LP and modify it by adding an extra constraint
Load LP problem, adding a constraint - Save/access a postsolved solution in memory
Retrieving solution values and tree search information - Adding MIP solutions to the Optimizer
Using the optnode callback, saving/loading bases, changing bounds - Solve LP, displaying the initial and optimal tableau
Retrieve basic variables and their names, btran - Modify problem: add an extra variable within an additional constraint
Adding rows and columns, branching directives - 10 best solutions with the MIP solution enumerator
Using the solution enumerator and MIP solution pool - Collecting all solutions with the MIP solution pool
Using the solution enumerator and MIP solution pool - Repairing infeasibility
Using repairinfeas - Goal programming
Lexicographic goal programming using the Xpress multi-objective API
- Calling the Optimizer library from Java
- Folio - Advanced modeling and solving tasks from 'Getting Started'
Using the solution enumerator and solution pool - Burglar - Formulating logical constraints
MIP, indicator constraints - Constraint types - Logical, general, SOS, quadratic
Defining different types of constraints - Boxes - Nonlinear constraints
Nonlinear constraints - Capital budgeting - Using multi-objective optimization
Multi-objective solving - Catenary - Solving a QCQP
Stating quadratic constraints - Contract - Semi-continuous variables
Defining semi-continuous variables - Cutstk - Column generation for a cutting stock problem
Working with subproblems, modifying constraints - Els - An economic lot-sizing problem solved by cut-and-branch and branch-and-cut heuristics
Looping of optimization, using the cut manager - Facility location problem - Data as arrays or collections
Data structures arrays and collections - Folio - Examples from 'Getting Started'
MIP modeling, binary fixing heuristic, quadratic constraints, infeasibility handling - General constraints - Minimium value and absolute value
Minimum value constraints and absolute value constraints - Hang glider trajectory
Nonlinear constraints, trapezoidal discretization - Multi-knapsack - Constraint formulation alternatives
Constraint formulation options - Multi problems - Modifying constraint and variable definitions
Constraint redefinition, multiple problems - Polygon - Defining nonlinear constraints
Nonlinear constraints - Project planning - Defining SOS
Binary variables, SOS definition - Multi-period, multi-site production planning
Formulation of resource constraints and
material balance constraints - Purchase - Definition of SOS-2
Defining SOS-2, pwl, piecewise linear - Solving a non-linear problem by recursion
Iterative solving, modify constraint definitions - Sangraal - Scheduling problem with indicator constraints
Formulation of a scheduling problem with indicator constraints - Adding the message callback in Java
Using the message callback - Irreducible Infeasible Set Search
Using IIS - 10 best solutions with the MIP solution enumerator
Using the solution enumerator and MIP solution pool - Collecting all solutions with the MIP solution pool
Using the solution enumerator and MIP solution pool - Collecting all solutions with the MIP solution pool
Modify a problem by adding extra rows and columns - Goal programming
Lexicographic goal programming using the Xpress multi-objective API - The travelling salesman problem
Using Xpress callbacks - Apply a binary fixing heuristic to an unpresolved MIP problem
Changing bounds, accessing solver controls - Apply a primal heuristic to a knapsack problem
Using the MIP log callback - Load an LP and modify it by adding an extra constraint
Load LP problem, adding a constraint - Save/access a postsolved solution in memory
Retrieving solution values and tree search information - Adding MIP solutions to the Optimizer
Using the optnode callback, saving/loading bases, changing bounds - Solve LP, displaying the initial and optimal tableau
Retrieve basic variables and their names, btran - Branching rule branching on the most violated Integer/Binary
Using the change branch callbacks - Repairing infeasibility
Using repairinfeas - Apply an integer fixing heuristic to a MIP problem
Changing bounds - Perform objective function parametrics on a MIP problem
Saving/loading bases, changing the objective - Perform RHS parametrics on a MIP problem
Saving/loading bases, changing right-hand side values
- Calling the Optimizer library from C#.NET
- Burglar - Formulating logical constraints
MIP, indicator constraints - Constraint types - Logical, general, SOS, quadratic
Defining different types of constraints - Capital budgeting - Using multi-objective optimization
Multi-objective solving - Catenary - Solving a QCQP
Stating quadratic constraints - Contract - Semi-continuous variables
Defining semi-continuous variables - Cutstk - Column generation for a cutting stock problem
Working with subproblems, modifying constraints - Els - An economic lot-sizing problem solved by cut-and-branch and branch-and-cut heuristics
Looping of optimization, using the cut manager - Facility location problem - Data as collections
Collections data structure - Folio - Examples from 'Getting Started'
MIP modeling, binary fixing heuristic, quadratic constraints, infeasibility handling - Multi-knapsack - Constraint formulation alternatives
Constraint formulation options - Polygon - Defining nonlinear constraints
Nonlinear constraints - Project planning - Defining SOS
Binary variables, SOS definition - Multi-period, multi-site production planning
Formulation of resource constraints and
material balance constraints - Purchase - Definition of SOS-2
Defining SOS-2, pwl, piecewise linear constarints - Solving a non-linear problem by recursion
Iterative solving, modify constraint definitions - Wagon - MIP start solution heuristic
Loading a MIP start solution - The travelling salesman problem
Using Xpress callbacks - Apply a binary fixing heuristic to an unpresolved MIP problem
Changing bounds, accessing solver controls - Irreducible Infeasible Set Search
Using IIS - Apply a primal heuristic to a knapsack problem
Using the MIP log callback - Load an LP and modify it by adding an extra constraint
Load LP problem, adding a constraint - 10 best solutions with the MIP solution enumerator
Using the solution enumerator and MIP solution pool - Collecting all solutions with the MIP solution pool
Using the solution enumerator and MIP solution pool - Save/access a postsolved solution in memory
Retrieving solution values and tree search information - Goal programming
Lexicographic goal programming using the Xpress multi-objective API - Wagon - MIP start solution heuristic
Loading a MIP start solution
- Calling the Optimizer library from VB.NET
- Apply a binary fixing heuristic to an unpresolved MIP problem
Changing bounds, accessing solver controls - Irreducible Infeasible Set Search
Using IIS - Apply a primal heuristic to a knapsack problem
Using the MIP log callback - Load an LP and modify it by adding an extra constraint
Load LP problem, adding a constraint - 10 best solutions with the MIP solution enumerator
Using the solution enumerator and MIP solution pool - Collecting all solutions with the MIP solution pool
Using the solution enumerator and MIP solution pool - Save/access a postsolved solution in memory
Retrieving solution values and tree search information
- Xpress NonLinear examples
- Nonlinear C library examples
- Maximizing the area of a polygon using tokens based input
Using token lists to express nonlinear formulas - Maximizing the area of a polygon using string based input
Using string based formulas to express nonlinear formulas - Providing initial values
Providing initial values to nonlinear variables - Implementing user functions returning their own derivatives
Implementing complex user functions returning their own derivatives - Implementing the polygon examples as a black box function
Implementing user functions - Maximizing the area of a polygon using tokens based input - using a 'map' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'map' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using tokens based input - using a 'vecmap' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'vecmap' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using tokens based input - using a 'multimap' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'multimap' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using tokens based input - using a 'mapdelta' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'mapdelta' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using tokens based input - using a 'vecmapdelta' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'vecmapdelta' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using tokens based input - using a 'multimapdelta' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'multimapdelta' userfunction
- Calling the Nonlinear library from C#.NET
- Maximizing the area of a polygon
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'map' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'map' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'vecmap' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'vecmap' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'vecmapdelta' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'vecmapdelta' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'mapdelta' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'mapdelta' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'multimap' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'multimap' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'multimapdelta' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'multimapdelta' userfunction
- Calling the Nonlinear library from Java
- Maximizing the area of a polygon
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'map' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'map' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'vecmap' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'vecmap' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'vecmapdelta' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'vecmapdelta' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'mapdelta' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'mapdelta' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'multimap' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'multimap' userfunction - Maximizing the area of a polygon using a 'multimapdelta' userfunction
Using strings to express nonlinear formulas, including a 'multimapdelta' userfunction
- Mosel examples of the Xpress NonLinear manual
- Effects of convexity
Convexity - Partial derivatives
Numerical differentiaton - Local solutions
Local optimality - Dual multipliers
Dual multipliers - Non-connected feasible region
Non-connected feasible regions - Feasiblity breakers \ penalty error vectors
Feasiblity breakers - Error costs and penalty multipliers
Penalty multipliers - Solution support sets
Support sets - Step bounding
Step bounding - Zero placeholders
Zero placeholders
- Xpress Python examples
- Python examples solving problems using the Xpress Solver
- Using NumPy arrays to create variables
Using NumPy arrays - Visualize the BB tree
Using the newnode callback - Irreducible Infeasible Sets
Using Irreducible Infeasible Sets - Loading a problem
Loading a problem directly - Using Python model objects to build a problem
Modelling using Python objects - Using Python model objects to build a problem (all in one)
Modelling using Python objects - Changing the optimization problem
Changes to a problem - Extending a problem
Extending a problem - Using NumPy and Xpress
Using NumPy and Xpress - Finding an LP subsystem with as many constraints as possible
- Basis and Stability
Basis handling and sensitivity methods - Solving a quadratically constrained problem
Building quadratic expressions - Solving a nonconvex quadratic problem
Building quadratic expressions - Solving a quadratically problem
Building quadratic expressions - Repeatedly solving a problem
Solving a problem multiple times - Using indicators
Model with indicators - Using special ordered sets
Model with special ordered sets - The travelling salesman problem
Using Xpress callbacks - Solving a TSP using NumPy
Using Xpress callbacks - Writing and reading problem files
Writing and reading a problem to disk - The feasiblity pump
Writing and reading a problem to disk - Knapsack problem
MIP problem with binary variables - The n-queens problem
Puzzle modeling - Min-cost-flow problem
Modelling a graph problem - Solving Sudoku
Puzzle modeling - Comparing Matrices
Compare two optimization problems - Multicommodity flow problem
Solve a multicommodity flow minimum cost optimization problem on a randomly created graph - Find largest-area inscribed polygon
- Read problem data into matrix and vectors
- Solve a nonconvex MIQCQP problem
- Solve a simple MIP using Benders decomposition
- Create a problem with piecewise linear functions
- Use the API to create a model with piecewise linear functions
- Create a problem with general constraints that use operator abs
- Create a problem with general constraints with the operator abs by using the API
- Create a problem with general constraints that use operator max
- Create a problem with general constraints with operator max by using the API
- Create a problem with logical constraints
- Create a problem with general constraints with logic operators by using the API
- Create an iterative algorithm cutting stock problem
- Maximize the sum of logistic curves subject to linear and piecewise linear constraints
- Transportation problem with piecewise-linear costs
- Modeling Satisfiability (SAT) problems with MIP
- Modeling PseudoBoolean Optimization problems with MIP
- Re-solving problem using the Barrier method's warm start
- Using the tuner functions in the Python interface
- Multi-objective knapsack problem
Multi-objective MIP problem with binary variables - Goal programming
Lexicographic goal programming using the Xpress multi-objective API - Markowitz portfolio optimization
Multi-objective quadratic optimization - Basic LP tasks: problem statement and solving; solution analysis
LP solving, modeling variables and constraints, printing the solution - Network problem: transport from depots to customers
LP solving, modeling variables and constraints - Blend: A model for mineral blending
simple LP problem, formulation of blending constraints - Basic MIP tasks: binary variables; logic constraints
MIP solving, binary variables, index set types, logic constraints - Coco: The Coco productional planning problem
LP problem, formulation of resource constraints and
material balance constraints, formatted solution printing - Catenary: Determine chain shape
QCQP problem - Pplan: A project planning problem
Formulation of resource use profiles - Firestns: A set-covering model for emergency service provision
Solve a MIP problem - Solving a quadratically constrained problem
Solve a nonlinear problem - Solve a polynomial optimization problem
Modeling a polynomial optimization problem - Modeling with user functions
Modeling with user functions
- Xpress R Interface examples
- R examples solving problems using the Xpress Optimizer
- Load and solve a simple 2x2 linear program
xprs_loadproblemdata, displaying a solution as a data frame, a simple pipe workflow - Formulate and solve a Facility Location Problem
xprs_loadproblemdata, writeprob, setoutput, xprs_optimize, xprs_getsolution - Solve an LP and a MIP using Xpress-R
xprs_loadproblemdata, getintattrib, getdblattrib, readprob, getmipsol, xprs_getsolution - Read and write problems to and from standard formats MPS and LP
readprob, setintcontrol, writeprob - Set controls of Xpress
readprob, setintcontrol, setdefaultcontrol, getintattrib, getdblattrib, setdefaults, dumpcontrols - Query Attributes of Xpress
createprob, readprob, printing, getintattrib - Add indicator constraints
createprob, readprob, mipoptimize, xprs_getsolution, addrows, setindicator - Register an R function as callback into Xpress
readprob, getintattrib, addcboptnode, addcbintnode, getdblattrib - Formulate a quadratic optimization problem in Xpress
xprs_loadproblemdata, writeprob, xprs_optimize - Solving different types of Sudokus with the FICO Xpress Optimizer
xprs_loadproblemdata, addrows, getmipsol, mipoptimize - Modeling Sudokus creating columns and rows incrementally using xprs_newcol and xprs_addrow
createprob, setprobname, chgbounds, xprs_newcol, xprs_addrow, xprs_newrow, setoutput, getmipsol, mipoptimize - Solve Traveling Salesperson Problems using callbacks or delayed rows
xprs_loadproblemdata, addrows, addcuts, addcboptnode, addcbpreintsol, getlpsol, loaddelayedrows - Solve a maximum flow problem and visualize the result
createprob, chgobjsense, setprobname, xprs_newcol, chgobj, xprs_addrow, xprs_getsolution - Solve a modified bin packing problem with the addition of a simple greedy heuristic
addmipsol, createprob, xprs_newcol, xprs_newrow, xprs_getsolution - Solve a routing problem using an arc-paths formulation for a telecommunication network
createprob, chgobjsense, xprs_newcol, xprs_addrow, xprs_getsolution - Solve a production planning problem
createprob, chgbounds, xprs_newcol, xprs_newrow, xprs_getsolution - Model a piecewise linear function using binary variables
createprob, chgbounds, xprs_newcol, xprs_addrow, xprs_getsolution - Optimize a composition of investment portfolios using semi-continuous variables
createprob, chgcoltype, chgglblimit, chgrhs, chgobjsense, xprs_newcol, xprs_newrow, xprs_getsolution - Find an optimal schedule of jobs on different machines and visualize the result in ggplot2
createprob, setprobname, xprs_newcol, xprs_newrow, xprs_addrow, setoutput, getdblattrib, xprs_getsolution - Solve two related problems assigning pilots to crews under different constraints
createprob, chgobjsense, chgobj, setprobname, xprs_newcol, xprs_addrow, setoutput, xprs_getsolution - Solve a timetabling problem for college courses under various constraints
createprob, chgbounds, chgobj, setprobname, xprs_newcol, xprs_newrow, setoutput, xprs_getsolution - Solve a small production problem with 2 products and 2 resource constraints
createprob, chgobjsense, setprobname, xprs_newcol, xprs_addrow, setoutput, xprs_getsolution - Solve a minimum cost flow problem in a bipartite graph
createprob, setprobname, xprs_newcol, xprs_addrow, setoutput, xprs_getsolution - Modeling a piecewise linear objective function using SOS2 constraints
createprob, setprobname, addsets, getdblattrib, xprs_newcol, xprs_addrow, setoutput, xprs_getsolution - Infeasibility and IIS Detection
createprob, getiisdata, getintattrib, iisall, iisstatus, iisisolations, xprs_newcol, xprs_newrow, xprs_optimize - Basis and Stability
bndsa, createprob, getbasis, getnamelist, loadbasis, objsa, rhssa, writebasis, writeslxsol, xprs_getsolution, xprs_newcol, xprs_newrow, xprs_optimize - Using the Tuner
createprob, setoutput, readprob, setintcontrol, tune, tunerreadmethod, tunerwritemethod, xprs_optimize - Goal programming
createprob, setoutput, xprs_newcol, xprs_addrow, chgobj, chgobjn, setobjintcontrol, setobjdblcontrol, xprs_optimize, getintattrib, getmipsol
- Xpress Kalis examples
- Xpress Kalis Mosel features
- Generic binary and n-ary constraints
Mosel subroutine implementing a constraint relation - Table constraint: solving a binpacking problem
Constraint definition via value tuples, optimization - All-different constraint: solving an assignment problem
Constraint definition, check for feasible solution - 'abs' and 'distance' constraints
Constraint definition - 'distribute' and 'occurrence' constraints
Constraint definition, check for feasible solution, cardinality constraint - One- and two-dimensional 'element' constraints
Constraint definition - Implication and equivalence constraints
Constraint definition - Conjunctions and disjunctions (logical 'and' and 'or')
Constraint definition - 'cycle' constraint: formulating a TSP problem
Constraint definition, solution callback, branching strategy - 'cumulative' and 'disjunctive' constraints for scheduling and planning problems
Scheduling with resource constraints - 'producer_consumer' constraints: solving a resource-constrained project scheduling problem
Configuring resource and task objects, scheduling solver - Resource profiles
Alternative resources, non-constant resource usage profiles - Minimum and maximum constraints
Constraint definition, constraint posting, cpvarlist - Defining, posting and propagating linear constraints
Automated propagation, automated post, explicit post, scalar product, dot product - Non-linear constraints over real-valued decision variables
Branching strategy for cpfloatvar - Branching strategies
Branching schemes, enumeration for discrete or continuous variables, tasks, disjunctive constraints - Use of callbacks to output the search tree
Definition of branching callbacks - Working with 'reversible' objects
Setting and retrieving reversible values, behaviour on backtracking - Defining a linear relaxation
LP or MIP solving within a CP problem
- Xpress Kalis Mosel User Guide examples
- Introductory example: constraint handling
Automated and explicit constraint posting - Basic modeling tasks: data input, optimization, enumeration
Data input from file, solving, branching strategy - Production of cane sugar
Linear, 'ocurrence', and 'element' constraints - Sequencing jobs on a bottleneck machine
Linear, 'element', 'disjunctive' constraints - Planning of paint production
Linear, 'element', 'implies', and 'all-different', 'element' ,'cycle' constraints - Euler knight tour problem
'all-different', generic binary, 'cycle' constraints - Frequency assignment problem
'abs', 'distance', and 'all-different' constraints; branching strategy, solution callback - Choice of locations for income tax offices
Linear, 'element', 'occurrence', 'equiv' constraints; search strategy - Non-linear constraints
Default bounds, cpfloatvar - Personnel planning problem
'all_different', 'implies', 'occurrence', and 'distribute' constraints - Sudoku puzzle: retrieving status information through parameters
'all-different' constraints, propagation algorithm, infeasibility conflict analysis - Assigning workers to machines: heuristics and user-defined search
Linear, 'all-different', and 'element' constraints, solution heuristic - Working with reversible numbers
Branching strategy, reversible numbers, branching callbacks - Scenes allocation problem: symmetry breaking
'implies', 'distribute', 'maximum' constraints, symmetry breaking - Construction of a stadium: project planning
Scheduling with precedence constraints, task objects - Backing up files: scheduling with cumulative resource constraints
Cumulative scheduling, task and resource objects - Job-shop scheduling
Task and resource objects, user search strategy - Renewable and non-renewable resources
Provision/requirement of resource, production/consumption of resource - Resource usage profiles
Resource idle times, 'resusage', alternative resources - Linear relaxations
alldifferent' constraint reformulated by linear relaxations, user-defined linear relaxations
- Xpress Kalis Mosel application examples
- Project scheduling problem with disjunctive resource constraints
Scheduling objects, branching strategy - Solving the job-shop scheduling problem
Scheduling objects, solution callback - Frequency assignment with polarity
Submodel execution, solution heuristic - Resource-constrained project scheduling problem
Scheduling objects, resource consumption, task modes, RCPSP, MRCPSP, renewable resource, element constraint
- Xpress MATLAB interface examples
- Mosel MATLAB interface examples
- Running Mosel models from MATLAB
Calling Mosel from MATLAB, data exchange in memory - Folio - example from 'Getting started' executed in MATLAB
Exchange model parameters and solution between MATLAB and Mosel - Evaluating MATLAB functions from Mosel
Using MATLAB functions in Mosel - MATLAB using the Mosel Java interface
Compile/load/run models from MATLAB
- Xpress Cloud examples
- S3
- Uploading a file to an S3 bucket
- Downloading a file from an S3 bucket
- List objects available in an S3 bucket
- Setting tags on an object in an S3 bucket
- Querying tags on an object in an S3 bucket
- Xpress Executor
- Solving a Mosel model using a REST webservice, from Mosel
- Solving a Mosel model using a REST webservice, from NodeJS
- Solving an MPS problem using a REST webservice, from NodeJS
- Solving a non-fixed Mosel model using a REST webservice, from Mosel
- Solving a Mosel model using the 'executor' package, from Mosel
- Xpress Insight examples
- Mosel app examples
- Folio - Insight example from 'Getting started'
Mosel Insight app
- Python app examples
- Testing an Insight Python model
test mode, unit testing, pytest