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Folio - Advanced modelling and solving tasks

Advanced modelling and solving tasks for a portfolio optimization problem:
  • Automated solver tuning (foliolptune.mos)
  • Defining an integer solution callback (foliocb.mos, callback specification by name: foliocbm.mos; using an 'mpsol' object: foliocb_sol.mos)
  • Using the solution enumerator for multiple MIP solutions (folioenumsol.mos)
  • Handling infeasibility
    • handling infeasibility through deviation variables (folioinfeas.mos)
    • retrieving infeasible row/column from presolve (folioinfcause.mos)
    • retrieving IIS - LP, MIP, NLP infeasible (folioiis.mos, foliomiis.mos, folionliis.mos)
    • using the built-in infeasibility repair functionality (foliorep.mos)
    • same as foliorep, using an 'mpsol' object (foliorep_sol.mos)
  • Data transfer in memory
    • running foliomemio.mos with data transfer in memory (runfolio.mos)
    • same running foliomemio2.mos, grouping tables with identical index sets in "initializations" blocks (runfolio2.mos)
    • main model running several model instances in parallel (runfoliopar.mos)
  • Remote models on a distributed architecture
    • running foliomemio.mos on a remote instance of Mosel (runfoliodistr.mos)
    • main model running several model instances in parallel, each on a different (remote) instance of Mosel (runfoliopardistr.mos)
  • Remote execution via XPRD
    • See examples in the Mosel Whitepapers directory moselpar/XPRD
  • XML and JSON data formats
    • reading data from an XML file, solution output in XML format on screen and to a new file (folioxml.mos, folioxmlqp.mos)
    • generate HTML output file as an XML document (runfolioxml.mos)
    • using JSON-format data files, reading data from a JSON file, solution output in JSON format on screen and to a new file (foliojson.mos)
  • HTTP
    • starting an HTTP server managing requests from HTTP clients (foliohttpsrv.mos)
    • HTTP client exchanging XML data files with an HTTP server (foliohttpclient.mos)

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file folionliis.mos
   Modeling a small QCQP or MIQCQP problem 
   to perform portfolio optimization.
   Same model as in folioqc.mos or foliomiqc.mos.
   -- Infeasible model parameter values --
   -- Retrieving IIS -- 

  (c) 2023 Fair Isaac Corporation
      author: S.Heipcke, June 2023

model "Portfolio optimization with QCQP"
 uses "mmxprs", "mmnl"

  MAXVAL = 0.3                      ! Max. investment per share
  MINAM = 0.5                       ! Min. investment into N.-American values
  MAXVAR = 0.5                      ! Max. allowed variance
  MINVAL = 0.2                      ! Min. investment per share
  MAXNUM = 5                        ! Max. number of different assets
  IFMIP=false                       ! Switch between continuous and discrete

  SHARES = 1..10                    ! Set of shares
  NA: set of integer                ! Set of shares issued in N.-America
  RET: array(SHARES) of real        ! Estimated return in investment
  VAR: array(SHARES,SHARES) of real ! Variance/covariance matrix of
                                    ! estimated returns

 initializations from "folioqp.dat"

 public declarations
  frac: array(SHARES) of mpvar      ! Fraction of capital used per share
  buy: array(SHARES) of mpvar       ! 1 if asset is in portfolio, 0 otherwise
  LimitMinAm: linctr                ! Min. amount for geograph. region
  TotalOne: linctr                  ! Spend all the capital
  LimitVar: nlctr                   ! Max. variance
  LimitNum: linctr                  ! Max. total number of assets
  LinkUB,LinkLB: array(SHARES) of linctr   ! Linking buy+frac variables

! Objective: total return
 Return:= sum(s in SHARES) RET(s)*frac(s) 

! Minimum amount of North-American values
 LimitMinAm:=  sum(s in NA) frac(s) >= MINAM

! Spend all the capital
 TotalOne:= sum(s in SHARES) frac(s) = 1
! Limit variance
 LimitVar:= sum(s,t in SHARES) VAR(s,t)*frac(s)*frac(t) <= MAXVAR

! Upper bounds on the investment per share
 forall(s in SHARES) frac(s) <= MAXVAL

 if IFMIP then
! Limit the total number of assets
  LimitNum:= sum(s in SHARES) buy(s) <= MAXNUM

  forall(s in SHARES) do
   buy(s) is_binary                  ! Turn variables into binaries
   LinkUB(s):= frac(s) <= MAXVAL*buy(s)     ! Linking the variables
   LinkLB(s):= frac(s) >= MINVAL*buy(s)     ! Linking the variables

! Display Optimizer log
 setparam("XPRS_verbose", true)
 setparam("XPRS_LOADNAMES", true)

! Solve the problem

  V: set of mpvar
  C: set of linctr
  NC: set of nlctr

 probstat:= getprobstat
 case probstat of
  XPRS_OPT: writeln("Problem solved")
  XPRS_INF: do
              setparam("XPRS_verbose", false)  ! Disable Optimizer output
	      writeln("Problem is infeasible")

              getiis({},{},{},{})              ! Generate all IIS
              numiis:= getparam("XPRS_NUMIIS") ! Retrieve number of IIS
              writeln("Total IIS:", numiis, " status:", 
 ! IIS status: 0: unstarted, 1: feasible (no IIS), 2: completed, 3: unfinished
              forall(i in 1..numiis) do
                getiis(i, V, C, NC, {})        ! Retrieve the i'th IIS
                writeln("IIS ", i, ":")
                writeln(" variables: ", getsize(V))
	        write("  "); forall(v in V) write(getname(v), " "); writeln
                writeln(" linear constraints: ", getsize(C))
	        write("  "); forall(c in C) write(getname(c), " "); writeln
                writeln(" nonlinear constraints: ", getsize(NC))
	        write("  "); forall(c in NC) write(getname(c), " "); writeln
  XPRS_OTH: writeln("Problem unbounded") 
  XPRS_UNF: writeln("Optimization unfinished")
  else writeln("Unknown problem status")


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