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Eulerian circuit - working with lists

A Eulerian circuit is a closed circuit that uses every given arc exactly once. The algorithm is implemented using the data structure 'list', making use of list operators and list handling routines (splitting off list head or tail, first occurrence of an element).

Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Section 8.5 Working with lists

Source Files
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Data Files


! Data file for 'euler.mos'

UNUSED: [(1) [2 5] (2) [3 5 6] (3) [2 4 4] (4) [3 8 8] 
         (5) [1 1 6 6] (6) [2 5 7 9 9 10] (7) [3 6 8 11] 
	 (8) [4 11 12] (9) [5 10] (10) [6 6 7] 
	 (11) [7 7 10] (12) [11]]

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