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Burglar - Data source access from Mosel models

  • burglar.mos - data in the model, integer indices
  • burglari.mos - data in the model, string indices
  • burglar2.mos, burglar.dat - reading data from a text file
  • burglar2o.mos, burglar.mdb, burglar.sqlite - reading data with mmodbc.odbc
  • burglar2sql.mos, burglar.sqlite - reading data from SQLite, using SQL or ODBC
  • burglar2e.mos, burglar.xls - reading data with mmsheet.excel (Windows only)
  • burglar2dd.mos, burglardd.dat - reading data with mmetc.diskdata
  • burglar2ff.mos, burglarff.dat - reading data in free format
  • burglar2x.mos, burglar.xml - reading data in XML format
  • burglar2j.mos, burglar.json - reading data in JSON format
Further explanation of this example: Whitepaper 'Generalized file handling in Mosel', Sections 3 Example problem and 4 Data source access from Mosel models[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file burglar2j.mos
   Data read from JSON file.
   (c) 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Sep. 2014

model "Burglar2 JSON"
 uses "mmxprs", "mmxml"
  WTMAX = 102                    ! Maximum weight allowed
  ITEMS: set of string           ! Index set for items
  VALUE: array(ITEMS) of real    ! Value of items
  WEIGHT: array(ITEMS) of real   ! Weight of items
  BurgData, ResData: xmldoc      ! XML document
  Root, Node: integer            ! XML nodes
  NodeList: list of integer

! Reading data from a JSON file
 jsonload(BurgData, "burglar.json")

! Retrieve all 'Item' nodes
 getnodes(BurgData, "jsv/Item/jsv", NodeList) 
! Retrieve 'Value' and 'Weight' information
 forall(i in NodeList) do
   VALUE(getstrvalue(BurgData, getnode(BurgData,i,"Name"))):=
     getrealvalue(BurgData, getnode(BurgData, i, "Value") )
   WEIGHT(getstrvalue(BurgData, getnode(BurgData,i,"Name"))):=
     getrealvalue(BurgData, getnode(BurgData, i, "Weight") )
  take: array(ITEMS) of mpvar    ! 1 if we take item i; 0 otherwise

! Objective: maximize total value
 MaxVal:= sum(i in ITEMS) VALUE(i)*take(i) 

! Weight restriction
 sum(i in ITEMS) WEIGHT(i)*take(i) <= WTMAX

! All variables are 0/1
 forall(i in ITEMS) take(i) is_binary  

 maximize(MaxVal)                 ! Solve the MIP-problem

! Solution output
 forall(i in ITEMS) SOLTAKE(i):= getsol(take(i))

 writeln("Solution:\n Objective: ", getobjval)

! Create solution representation in JSON format
 Root:=addnode(ResData, 0, XML_ELT, "jsv")         ! Create root node "jsv"
 Node:=addnode(ResData, Root, "Objective", getobjval) ! Add a node to root
 Node:=addnode(ResData, Root, XML_ELT, "Items")    ! Add a node to root
 forall(i in ITEMS)
   n:=addnode(ResData, Node, i, SOLTAKE(i))        ! Add a node to "Items"

 setindentmode(ResData, XML_NONE)      ! Output file without whitespace
 jsonsave(ResData, "burglarout.json")  ! Save solution to JSON format file
 setindentmode(ResData, XML_AUTO)      ! Use automatic indentation
 save(ResData, Root, "")               ! Display XML format solution on screen
 jsonsave(ResData, Root, "")           ! Display JSON format solution on screen

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